sharon carter and black widow can help
or just wait for loki's speed costume
Marvel Future Fight General /mffg/ - HyPAYrion Prime Edition
It's a 30% HP recovery when he reaches 30% of his HP, with a mere seven second cooldown. All he needs is a good recovery rate obelisk and that's almost a full heal every 7 fucking seconds.
If you want a demonstration of how broken he is, watch this episode of "Moon Knight Standing Still" where he just sits there doing nothing while Corvus and Silk gang up on him for 5 damn minutes and he doesn't die.
Could Proxima or Thanos have the DPS to kill him? Probably, if he stands still and doesn't do anything. If he actually plays at all and uses any of his iframe moves to stall for time? Probably not. He's effectively immortal and completely broken.
>No one wants to play as a kind dedicated father
That's what's wrong with this world
What do you guys do while waiting for hot time?
Hyperion vs Proxima Midnight
He dies when she's at 60k HP due to Proxima's good old buggy commands skill, but she's still fairly easy if you can dodge her attacks.
T/L, Dailies, BW, WB, VS, and AB.
And if I'm getting close to max energy then I'll run some story missions.
>when you're waiting for hot time and someone opens a loki rift
What teams do I make for WB?
he is pretty good
why not using a energy increse leadership?
>fighint her with corvus
>get caught in the perma stun/flinch
>fuck her butthole like no tomorrow afterwards
sometimes I forgot about how op corvus is
good ones