Does pic related actually have a future? Lets be real here, I mean its purchasing power has been GREATLY diminished, its no longer backed by precious metals or foreign currency, they create more and more of it every day, and people like the Rothschilds have abandoned it completely:
It's backed by oil and whenever someone attempts to break away from the petrodollar they end up with a nasty internal coup or wholesale Freedom delivery.
The greenback isn't going anywhere.
Isaac Moore
>USD is a memay!!!
>Youtube link >It is no shit another mike baloney video
Jose Ross
How is it backed by oil? I understand the world trades oil with it (for now), but its not actually tied to oil like it was once tied to gold, and several other countries are trying to switch to trading oil in other means. Countries that we couldnt curbstomp like the Iraqi sandniggers.
then go watch one of the other documentaries on the subject, theres dozens of good ones. Or this:
Jason Wood
>How is it backed by oil? I understand the world trades oil with it (for now) Answered your own question.
>and several other countries are trying to switch to trading oil in other means Literally who? Apart from China & Russia there's no one else who could effectively do it, and we've been hearing Russia is going to break away from the petrodollar for years now.
Charles Jenkins
Stop buying into those retarded documentaries about gold and bitcoin. Gold is not king. If it was it would still be the primary form of trade. Bitcoin is a hack. It will never amount to any real power. Fiat currency while virtually worthless is worth more than anything else by the sheer fact that it's backed by power. By an actual nation existing. The United States is, and will remain (Barring a global catastrophe) the most powerful nation on earth. Making the U.S. dollar, the most powerful currency.
Nicholas Gutierrez
So, no, the USD does not have a future because this country isnt sustainable in its current form and will one day be surpassed by any number of up and coming nations, if not collapse completely? Is that what I should take away from this?
Oliver Martinez
If you are a total dunce who doesn't understand basic geo politics, and basic economics, sure. Point me in the direction of these so called, up and comers.
Jose Ramirez
ummmm what about India bro, superpooer by 2020
Austin Taylor
Oh yeah totally man, I forgot all about them. And Huehue land as well. Those guys will be huge. Don't forget about Afrika!!!! Dey on the rise. Rubles and Yuan man, America is going down!!!!