>Fates FAQ (please read before asking dumb questions)
>/feg/ Castle Addresses
>Fates FAQ (please read before asking dumb questions)
>/feg/ Castle Addresses
Other urls found in this thread:
Morgan a best
^ got destroyed by based VENOM ROY
Azura is shit
Who should I make Ike? Revelations by the way
Kagerou is cute
Cutest family
>"Father's Day" thread
>all of the fathers present in Fates are automatically shit due to either Deeprealms or consequences of the plot
Nice holiday nerds.
I guess Fuga wasn't that bad considering he took Hayato in.
>Mamuifags have no choice but to settle for Little Miss "Puh-Paw" who is inferior to Morgan in every way and/or the son they constantly talk shit about
Happy Father's Day everybody.
wow two in a row and only 2 seconds apart
>when u try 2 meme on a tripfag but u meme 2 hard and post ur shit on the wrong board
lmao how will this forced tryhard even recover?
read it as cutest faggot
both are right I think
Why is kana so shit
I miss Morgan and my wife Maribelle and my cuck son Brady
Nobody cares spic. You can stop trying to self force memes for relevancy.
Reminder to read this and post those NA castles.
I need BP, VP, and accessories that aren't Bath Towels. Don't forget to leave feedback. Come buy a skill or something. Maybe you'll get a nice Bond Unit.
She's better than little miss dadcon
Kana is just as much of a "dad-con" as Morgan is really.
why are you replying to blatant bait?
That probably turns you on you sick fuck.
I like Hana
t. Tharja "I want to fuck my daughter more than my wife" Fag
>fathers day
>mamuifags take it as opportunity to make all about themselves and shifty daughters
I did predict this would happen after mother's day which they ruined as well.
Kana is just much of a "dad-con" as Morgan is really. Which is to say, not at all. There's a reason I used quotation marks you fucking imbecile.
Hey those results were all tied you prick, it just sorted them alphabetically or something.
I would rather fuck Noire than Morgan desu
So her skill slots should have
Elbow Room
Armoured Blow
Thinking of replacing Elbow Room with Galeforce to utilize her personal to its fullest but I don't know how she'll do as Dark Flier temporarily.
Hana's banana
Hi /feg/, I got bored again.
>Haha... I want to laugh as I die... So why can't I stop crying
of course you would she's way sexier
trip on
W o a h, deepest lore! #canonical #itreallyhappened #readtheFEhistoria
Peri's crying face gives me a huge boner honestly
Morgan's father's day gift for you this year is herself.
You'll wouldn't refuse to accept her gift, would you?
I love Pieri and so do you! Happy Father's day!
That art is just ridiculous.
The only people who think this are sick fucks who get off to the idea of fucking their own daughter as their self-insert. We all know the only incest actually allowed to happen anymore is low-key cousin-fucking, and lots of it.
Azura a shit
See? Waifufags making Father's Day all about themselves and their shitty daughter.
Just as expected.
Is Galeforce in Fates only worth it on Azura since it cannot be activated if the owner is in GS and even AS?
Remember to wish the best dad a happy father's day!
>sick fucks who get off to the idea of fucking their own daughter as their self-insert.
I like Morgan as a waifu more than a daughteru
was actually going to post that one but changed my mind
Post actual fathers of FE, not self inserts.
>waifufags are the bad guys everyone!
Are people honestly falling for this shoddy forced propaganda? I hope not.
I'd rather fuck her mother and her at the same time desu
Peri is literal shit. Worst girl
Xander pls
You're better off just putting Warp on Azura and having her Dance.
Galeforce is still useful for hit-and-runs by single units with Brave Weapons, especially in combination with Life-And-Death and Aggressor
user please go
Well you made the wrong decision
The self insert is a father though
I love Pieri and our little daughteru!
I want to kiss Peri on the lips
At least 50% of the people in here are waifufags of some sort, so I'm going to say no
Do you actually mean this or is it just something you post? Like is that your "thing", your "gimmick" as a poster? You don't have the grapes to contribute to the community as a trip or a namefag or OC provider of any kind so you have to do.. whatever this is every thread?
Happy birthday to Fire Emblem's best dad, Forseti!
>looks like you've got a little blood on your lips there, let me get that
>being unironically surprised that Waifufags is making fathers day about themselves and "muh daughterus"
Waifufags are pretentious autists, what did you expect?
You literally never see anything like this from husbandofags
For all the shit Tharja gets here she is a pretty ridiculous semen demon.
Is it true that Elise is the only girl in Fates that won't cuck you with someone else?
all i do is win win win no matter what
>waifucucks trying to hijack this holiday and spamming their shit family pics we've all seen a hundred times (because they only have like 1 (lol)
Can you fuck off already? Peri is shit
>Loves Xander more than you
>Asks Uglythur to feel her chest up
what holiday?
waifus literally have zero (0) to do with father's day
read my lips
there is no correlation
zero correlation whatsoever
Camilla is a bad influence on Elise, it'll surely cause her to become just as much of a slut
Is Peri the shittiest girl? I honestly can't think of a worse girl. Even Tharja and Azura look good in comparison.
>It's another "Tharjafag turns his trip on and off to create a massive shitshow" episode
Shame on you people for taking the bait, I want no part of this.
>not posting Tharja with her youngest daughter
Felicia is the cutest! She means everything to me! She makes my life worth living! I couldn't go on without her! I want to hold her in my arms and never let go! My feelings for her will never fade! My love for her is eternal! I love Felicia!
He's shit fuck off
If all of the fates waifus were real, who would you waifu/who would you bully into your cum dumpster?
t. Azura"friend"
Felicia isn't a father. Sorry, but we can't celebrate her today.
Reminder that Chrom's dad tried to do the right thing.
Imagine how amazing it would be if the next FE goes otome and there is no female characters but the self insert.
What shitshow is even being created?
but her older daughter is much more attractive
>Go on /feg/
>Waifufags being autistic
>Go on /v/
>Kagacuck spamming their shitpost Lp
What do I do?
why do u waifufags ask retarded hypothetical questions like this
just use your own imagination to satisfy your sexual urges
Can you please stop
Will we ever be free of waifufags? Will /feg/ ever be great again?
Happy father's day!
Pieri for wife, Hana for cumdump
Become a waifufag. Embrace it
What if I want to be the bullied one?
They're both adorable
>being a cuck
I don't want to fuck Morgan though. It's not even a muh daughteru thing, it's just that I don't find her attractive.
Ah yes, the one day of the year when mamuipals pretend to actually like Shigure after shitposting at him and Azurafags all year long. Shigure, your only son.
Fuck off. Nobody likes him.