whats ya net worth?
Whats ya net worth?
$1.5 million.
Inheritance fag though.
About tree fiddy
>his money is dependent on someone dying and him inheriting it
>counts it as his net worth
doctor said im a healthy kid i smoke broccoli
How is inheritance not an asset that is part of your networth?
You sound extremely insecure
probably because you dont actually have it?? lol
what if mommy and daddy decide to give the house to the church enstead of you
Not him obviously but when he said "I'm an inheritance fag" it probably implies that he has already received the money. Most likely nobody would include money not yet inherited in their networth, unless it was being actively disputed and they had a good chance of getting it or something
$20k banked.. lots of money in various shit i never use and need to sell probably like $5k
age 20 btw
I also work, so no, i'm not dependent on people dying. I didn't ask people in my family to die and leave me money bur thats life.
And yes its in my name so it is my networth now. Problem?
This is correct, I have received assets that fill most of that number.
About same as me, same age too
I own about $90k equity in my house, and my business has about $250k in assignable contracts.
everything else I own is either intangible, mortgaged or relatively worthless.
I could probably sell my business for a million or so, but I don't count that as an asset because the value is hard to pin down and I have no intention of ever selling or borrowing against it.
Is there a thing as negative net worth?
Damn, I really should looking for jobs instead of dreaming here about starting some business.
your net worth aint determined by your net worth
over 500k
What kind of business?
Yes. Most people I know.
>Is there a thing as negative net worth?
>Damn, I really should looking for jobs instead of dreaming here about starting some business.
Sounds like you got nothing to lose, nowhere to go but up
Environmental contractor for mining.
>a small loan of a million dollar
about 500.000usd, all self made
You're retarded.
5k cash and around about another 5 or so in less liquid assets.
15k student loans so far though, 21y/o
Tell me more. I'm fascinated by mining. Seems like a declining industry however
Exactly Zerooooooo!
Since one month im broke as fuck ..
R8 my personal finance M8
im worth around 8 million in DOGE
As for me
my net worth is somewhere between $60-65k depending on what the market is doing.
Part of me wants to look into home ownership part of me thinks the market is really inflated due to Chinese investing. I think the market is already started to cool off and in a couple years everything will be down at least 10%
~185000 euros last time i checked. When i'm done with uni then i will be able to save more
$22k and dead inside
$24,000 in student loan debt
Around $2,000 in my bank account
No other assets
So, about negative 22k USD? Doin pretty good for myself
$300 million as of end of tax year 15-16, but Veeky Forums won't believe. will prob earn around $22 million this year from doing nothing.
i am as empty as you lot.
How did you get the initial cash? Inherit, earn, or a mix?
About $30,000 at 27, spent 16-22 working but it didn't pay for school, spent 23-25 working to pay off the extra 30k in student loans, then spent 26 working to buy a used car and 10% condo down payment.
~$120,000, debt-free, but I'm old as fuck now (34) and getting a bit bitter after 5 1/2 years in my current job. Thinking of going to "free english speaking college" in Germany for something I actually enjoy so I don't burn out.
11k usd liquid, 5k assets 18 yo
R8 me?
7/10 would not bang
>have a decent paying job
>bought a house at a good time
>save aggressively
>invest fairly conservatively
Maybe you should get a hobby.
Work with blind kids or lepers, or something.
>19 university student
$6-7k plus I could probably get $4k for my car. I haven't worked since April though. Long term vacation ayeeeee
Around a 1000 euros lmao.
I'm 18 and still in high school though.
Oh, forgot to add I just turned 24. Living in NJ, USA
1k, 21
Mining is growing steadily, but it's getting more efficient and more mechanized so it's not as easy to notice. A lot of it has moved overseas though.
I just clean up hazardous waste left over from mining. Mostly lead but also soil contaminated with pyrite which oxidizes into sulfuric acid and poisons the water around it.
My company is a glorified earth moving biz. We move contaminated soil to landfills or cover it with clean soil in place. Sometimes we dig ditches to channel surface water around contaminated sites.
around 8k, English graduate, no debt though
saved working fast food for a year
What kind of contamination. And what location?
I'm a blue collar septic tank worker in the northwest. Business is a "digging" business but we just do septic tanks.
>people won't believe my extraordinary claim without proof
gr8 b8 m8 you got me to to reply
+/- 9.5 k
>What kind of contamination.
Lead and/or sulphuric acid.
>And what location?
An EPA Superfund site in Colorado.
there's good money in digging.
Can I be your butler or sexslave or something? I need money quite badly.
$35k in the bank, and an extra $2k hidden away somewhere...
trying to figure out what to do with it all, that's why I've started browsing Veeky Forums
Aged 19 and incredibly lucky.
Let's see.
21 y/o. Will be graduating with 30K in college debt. I have an 8.5K portfolio and 1K on my savings account for general expenses.
Also, will be living with my parents after I graduate, so I should have no expenses except maybe clothes, metro ticket to work, gym pass, and minimal student debt payment.
I expect to save 40K+ /year as a I have an offer sitting for 65K coming out of school right now for a wealth management firm.
So -20K right now, but a really good set up to accumulate wealth.
approx 183k
19 yr old
shorting cryptocurrency
age 21
thisno coiners always win ;)
i sold my company to a large software company several years ago.
i have hobbies. i donate money to things i feel are worthwhile, but i know people who work in international development and i don't like how that is run. it's middle-class & upper-middle-class people making six figures while only making a small difference locally and no difference in the wider scale. recently i just make anonymous donations answering calls for donations in my state and also third world microfinance where they want to borrow money for seeds and pigs and shit.
what proof could i give? a picture of my house or car? a screenshot of financial statements? a large pile of blow? i'm not scrooge mcduck with a pool of gold coins.
i was raised properly and i can clean up after myself.
it sounds stupid, but if you want to be wealthy you need to get rid of debt.
last week i spent $186 in total.
Why don't you build an apartment building and start letting people live there? Your income would almost always be secured, and you could teach your kids about the business once they're old enough, and eventually let them take over it!
That's what I would do.
Want to invest in a Hydroponic Deep Water Culture farm? :-)
>i have hobbies
Maybe you should watch more films.
Then you'd know that wasn't serious, just a line from a film.
20 yo. Started with 7k
Oops, should have waited for all accounts to update.
>Enterprise Engineer
2 and a half pennies.
20 year old
About $84,000 -+ on bank
$25,000 -+ in cash
Am I doing good or?
Pretty similar to me, assets/business. 30 years old and feeling like I should have more. Business should make up for that soon here though.
$26k cash, $4k retirement, 27 years old
Could be worse, I could be one of the many people in my company who are still in debt at this age.
That makes me richer than most of my peers as I have over $500 after all debts are settled. According to the news most can't say that, which would explain how they have all those expensive things I want but never buy.
Got to love it when I could liquidate it all and pay off my student debt instantly, but more realistically I still have ~6 months left as like buying food on a daily and covering other basic living costs with an emergency fund.
21, like 2000 euros probably
i will inherit a forest though sooner or later
Around 2.5 million
I've been working overseas in Afghanistan and Iraq for the past 12 years.
Inheritance and investor fag
1,2$ million
20 years old, 100k
in the same boat, only have around 9k but im so incredibly far ahead anyone i know its crazy, cause i still feel like its low
19, 39 smelly dollars
>I've been working overseas in Afghanistan and Iraq for the past 12 years.
Oil or tech? Contracts for military?
Military contracts. IT.
Word I've been scoping out the same plan after I finish up my info sec degree and stick with my helpdesk job a little longer. How would you describe it? How hard is it to land a position with low-intermediate experience (helpdesk 2 years)
Expanding on my recent post, I've heard from others' experience doing similar work the pay is hugely inflated when you work overseas in 'dangerous' areas and that is why pursuing those contracts can be lucrative. Have you felt endangered in the areas you work in? My colleague's experience involved living in a dorm-like setting on a base. He said you give up a lot of comforts and normalcy for the bumped up pay.
>Not -+$109,000 invested
Kill yourself
I'm like the opposite skew.
$8k cash. $23k retirement. 25 years old.
why so much cash m8?
Why are you so unhappy? Surely with that much many (really, anything over a few million) would allow you to remove any problems. Money doesn't buy happiness, sure, but money can remove stresses from your life; bad neighbors (move), mortgage payment (pay it off), health issues (get the best care available).
How old are you? I'm guessing 30s or 40s by how you type. Still young enough to get yourself in shape and whatnot.
Who the hell am I kidding, I don't believe you. Post a bank statement or something, block out all personal info.
Because I'm paranoid of ever needing anyone again.
About $50k. Trying to think of something to do with it.
Something productive, I mean.
Jealous, still counts
$44k, 20 yrs old. Not lying.
$10,000 but i'm saving up so I'm not mad about it.
why would someone lie on the internet?!?
around $200k liquid
not my net worth, but liquid assets:
>$20k in stocks
>$8k cash on hand
>~$30k in forex account
>~$20k gold bullion
>110 bitcoin (~$60k)
>$16k cash in bank accounts
so about $150k liquid
also have around $16k left in remaining student debt
No need to lie, it's not that amazing.
not bad, how old are you?
bitcoin (~$60k)
I finally broke a million.
I had been wondering if I would feel any different, but not really. The emptiness is still there.
I bought myself a nice dinner, and then went back to work on making more money.
What do you do?