Convince me that morality exists

Convince me that morality exists.

You are objectively bad person and therefore wrong if you believe that it doesn't exist.

Daily reminder that navel piercing is the new tramp stamp.

It's simple, it exists.
The actual intelligent way to state your question is:
>"does morality exist outside of sentient minds"
Which the answer is no.

Why aren't you having sex with your 12-year-old sister right now?

Because people would shun me if I did

Morality must exist because you had to ask what it was.

Yeah, because the tooth fairy exists aswell by that logic

The Tooth Fairy exists as an element of folklore, the same way that morality exists as an artifact of anthropology.

Alright let me make up a word: 'Spookydookydoodle'. 'Spookydookydoodle' exists, because I say so.


You like it?

How do you suppose words come into existence?

Yes. It now exists as a testament to your stupidity.

Just because the word exists, doesn't mean that the thing the word is describing exists, for example the tooth fairy

The tooth fairy really exist, its a folklore character.

Specify exist and morality and I will show you that: Either your question is nonsensical or your thinking is inconsistent.

So non-existence isn't real based on the fact that the word 'non-existence' doesn't describe any one thing in our world?

If you can define what a word means then obviously it is real, since you can conceive of it and communication the idea to others.

If Non-existance wasn't real, then how could we even talk about it?

A folklore character which doesn't physically exist
In common speak, 'exist' means 'physically exists'

And now define morality.

And if you can answer some questions:
Do scientic theories exist?
Do minds (not brains) exist?
Do laws exist?

Ah then in that case morality doesn't physically exist. How could it? There are no morality particles or morality waves which change your behavior.

Are deceived people not real anymore?

Some philosophers would indeed argue that we can not talk about it.


All these things you mentioned are spooks, they do not physically exist, but they exist because we as humans decided they exist

Yes, they do not physically exist, but they exist. Exactly.

Another point and extreme physicalist might be inclined to make is that we, by thinking about concepts, immaterial things, we give them a material reality within the physicality of our brains, which is the physical analogue of our thoughts.

Yes, but coming back to the tooth fairy, when I said the tooth fairy doesn't exist I never implied it didn't exist as a concept, I implied it didn't physically exist

The tooth fairy exists physically as a configuration of neurons in your brain.

That's why it was a poor analogy.

Do words exist?
And meaning?
What about life?

Then that configuration exists physically, but the tooth fairy itself does not

See, your question is starting to become a lot more specific and clear.

Now you really only have to define morality and you most likely end up having a question that is easily answered.

Also ask yourself this: Are only physically existant things relevant to humans?

I am not OP btw

>In common speak, 'exist' means 'physically exists'
That is the stupidest post I've read all day. Congratulations.

Why would that make a difference to what he is saying?

Cool, now build a mythology and somehow propagate it throughout our culute

>In common speak, 'exist' means 'physically exists'

Because I know that morality exists (as a concept), so I don't need that to be answered

Don't be mean. He is trying to understand some rather complex issues here.

Morality is a concept though. We aren't talking about a Wildebeest or a Squirrel or a rock.

Yeah that's literally what I said, morality exists as a concept


Then the thread is solved. Morality exists.


OP, delete this thread for we have found the answer

>OP, delete this thread for we have found the answer
If only everything in life was so simple

Convince to me that anything exists.

There's a difference between existance and essence.

Morality exists as a social construct.

If you kill someone, it really doesn't matter if you believe yourself that it wasn't wrong, because society is going to put you in a cell anyway.

>getting caught


thats a man btw

As an immutable, absolute code of what is right and wrong in any given situation? No.

But are there objectively better ways to live that embody aspects of what we might conventionally refer to as "good", and conversely, "immoral"? Yeah. You'd have to be autistic to deny this

Society exists and societies use morals.


Every time I see those piercings, I just think of someone ripping them out and then feel a phantom sensation that makes me squirm in discomfort.

What if no one would ever know and she were unconscious and would be guaranteed to forget about it?

Describe the emotion of joy without saying "it feels good". If joy is intrinsically good, then there exists a system of morality that preserves and maximizes joy.

It exists, but it's a construct of high-functioning animals, like primates. It's an abstraction based on what is good for the survival of the species.

>It's an abstraction based on what is good for the survival of the species.
No it isn't. I think morality has a good chance to be our biggest existential risk. Morality encourages children.

Is "essence" one of those new-age bullshit words?

i like this answer

>Because people would shun me if I did
That is the only reason?
Not "I'm not attracted to my 12 year old sister"
Fucking pedophiles

>convince me that an abstract and often heuristically determined rubric for the evaluation of a special class of actions exists



Do it.

>Because people would shun me if I did

Why do you care if they did? Why do you care about your life?

>Why do you care about your life?
Survival instinct

>Survival instinct

Sounds like the basis for morality to me.