League of Legends General - /lolg/

esports are on

Other urls found in this thread:


>want to have fun in all for one
>pick bard
>enemy team has 4 zzrot portals and 3 banners by minute 18

these poo boy gettin raped oh lawdy jesus calld a po-lease

SO many busted mages in one game

I'd have done the same. Building and using banner is fun

Reminder that supports have the most important job of any role

>tfw Sivir hugs Azir and says "Happy fathers day"

Gonna continue from last thread

Who's That Pokémon?

Grabbing idiots by the throats and dragging them to victory?



>A+ 15-2-5

xth for triggering people by mentioning anything involving smoke

God forbid people have hobbies

this is literally my mordekaiser build just with different boots

Why is EU so dead compared to NA?


Throats are involved, but no.


You are a smart man.

But you are wrong.


xth for emptiness after closing the client


wtf i made one already

Post thighs

Best girl.
Best thighs.
Best wife.

Anyone feel bad for nrg? Their adc is so shitty yet he refuses to play safer shit

But is she real?

that pic wasnt funny when it was made, why do you keep posting it? oh, sorry, i forgot where i am

Twitch is fun to watch, much better than boring garbage like sivir/cait/lucian every game

>implying it's not this qt

I'm on duty!
Post hero concepts!

What should I do?

Quas with the outplay

is the fetus a incubus?

This is /lolg/

The only memes that are good are Warwick, Giraffes sucking cock, New era of mechanics, and TSM is good




Breast waifu

when the long game ends and the blame game begins


Interesting build from quas. Warmogs is good against double ap but wonder if he should have gotten more ap first

xth for unfaithful foxes

But he has AP.

4% of all that health


>Western LoL "pros"


>someone actually paid to get kiwikid in their team

If Alistar W through a Thresh ult, what happens?

wtf i made one alreadyi know but i already made a lolg though


>tfw stashu actually fulfilled my request to make tank vlad viable


where is the executioners

its literally 800 gold for making soraka and vlad significantly more useless

i dont get it

Haven't been here in a long time, does Overwatchfags shill in here aswell?


And Doublelift STILL does not have an executioners calling

i know you're completely deluded and think everything in this world revolves around you but do you honestly think because you posted once in the boards "hey make tank vlad viable" stashu went and changed his entire design just to cater to your whims

like dude
get real

taking inhib in that situation is objectively wrong

samefaggin to remind people of the final form

cheers luv

It's a dash so he still gets damaged


Walk away when he gets his red passive up. Walk away when he charges his aoe.

Kill him for free.

Weak champ.

I thought she dropped the fetus years ago.

I don't know how he gets away with it.

so how long until sky kills himself?

Do you think Syndra would hold your hand if no one was looking?

>This is 50% of the reason people play Overwatch and used to play league
You might think so, but no, that is not the case. You have a very skewed perception of reality. Tracer is the best girl anyway.

>Shitlord Vladimir


Which champ /lolg/?
Hint: I was laning against a Maokai who died exactly twice the entire game.


I want to go swimming in Lulu.

sustain mage meta is by far the WORST meta since S2 press R to win

please gut all these sacks of shit riot

not really
it was more like
stashu made a dev blog thread before rework
I posted in it
he said "can you please elaborate"
i elaborated
he said "okay I'll think about it"


Welcome to diamond 4 tilter.



>no swain ban
>no ryze ban


what the hell did these "pros" ban instead of those don't tell me they banned zed or some shit

and it just so happened the rework already happened to include that

i mean
when morde got reworked heaps of people talked against some of the design points and they didn't change

this has happened with a ton of characters

and you unironically believed a designer at riot, a company that VERY rarely listens to their players and its usually only when it's a major uproar, suddenly happened to change his entire design and work just because you asked him to
like jesus fucking christ this is too much delusion even for you

you are just one random vlad player, not everything that happens to the champion in this game is because you caused it to happen

this image is me in a nutshell
I'm always going off early and getting good scores
then I die 5 times and lose

>i dont know what executioners calling is

>just dont fight him xd

>Not even supreme mega AIDS comps can stop TSM right now

Holy fuck

don't bother reasoning with the redditor

No we finally have a meta where more than one pick is happening since 5.13

Fuck off.

almost fooled me

where's the wall of text?

>Pick Mord in All For One
>Think it's gonna be a fun time, don't know what to expect
>Thought all the forms of cancer were banned
>Champs load in
>They picked Zed



Riot actually listens if you're civil and make good boards posts.

but those are koreans

Yeah senpai let me walk away from the Ghosted vlad+MS bonus from his passive. God forbid there's a Sivir/Karma on his team too.

we have exchanged ekko every game for swain every game

wow so much better, at least Ekko is a bit more interesting to watch than le press R and walk forward statcheck bird man

swain is a fuckup of a design

>5 win streak
>feel nothing
>forced 50/50 kicks in
>5 loss streak
>too tilted to play
>5 win streak
>feel nothing
what's the point of playing this shit game anymore

he actually IS better to look at and watch over time nigger

te emo

shh, the vladfags are going to come out and write wall of texts about how hes TOTALLY balanced and just annoying because he is strong in lane

>Zed ults you
>you pop zhonya or stormraider and run
>they all utl you into 5 mordes
>heal off all their damage
Idk man you must not be good at morde then.

here is a condensed version
>kz oneshotting everybody including me before he even built any items at all
>leblanc getting shat on although she has ignite vs tp and obviously lissandra (who has tp) made the game by roaming everywhere while leblanc was last hitting
>botlane getting shat on although I killed the enemy botlane (both of them) at lvl 3
>I killed/assisted against zyra three times up to lvl 6 but she ended up dealing the most damage anyway

you asked it you got it

Doesn't Mordekaiser shit on Zed?

You blind fagit?

>Lol "Pros"

i actually think the current patch is really good, executioners calling works great for countering that shit.

I like being able to do something to shut someone down if they get fed early, unlike a tank or an assassin.

Do you think KZ is a bit OP senator?

He feels really strong to me, I always see him rekking in streams as well.

Cucking zed with bard in OFA has to be the most fun matchup

Damn I should try Titty hydra on the Kaiser, normally avoid AD like the plague but the AA cancel could be fucking amazing.

Posted in the wrong thread because I'm a faggot

>Be Silver I know I'm a shit
>Play Volibear against Yasuo
>Destroy that Yasuo
>Be fed with 15/4/10
>Meanwhile Yasuo 4/9/3
>Enemy team surrenders 5-0
>Postgame lobby
>Yasuo: You know there is a reason why you're all Silver and I'm Plat xD

Nothing new

>just get exec calling
>if an AD carry dares to get close to Swain he gets rylai slowed and dies instantly

what a great solution

holy shit this general is beyond dead

did OW really kill your game that bad?