/w*g/ Wildstar General - Ded thread Edition

>What is WildStar?
A Free-to-Play space-fantasy MMO with a focus on combat with aiming and dodging, an extensive player housing system, 20-man raids, platforming, warplots(>.>;) and more.

>Iso's in-depth Wildstar Review/Guide

>Official Links

>What server should I play on?
There are only two mega-servers depending on region. Entity for NA and Jabbit for EU.

>Server Status

>/w*g/ Steam Group

>Discord Server - Veeky Forums

>Discord servers (non-Veeky Forums affiliated)
General Server - discordapp.com/invite/0TrMr9NtcKuxgDn3
EU Server - discordapp.com/invite/0XxxgVSJaRtLDKkc

>News, Announcements, and Updates
Starfall event is currently active through June.
Space Chase event is running from June 10th-20th.

>Useful links
Trailers & WS Flicks: youtube.com/playlist?list=PL4Yt7jkWoyvkoaU6imUUolBSP5ftqUA4E
Gameplay footage & DevSpeaks: youtube.com/playlist?list=PL4Yt7jkWoyvmmnQIbaIEOR_AY-smwRt1l
WS Livestreams: youtube.com/playlist?list=PL4Yt7jkWoyvlIWUCT2QRhyu76qOvf_R-C
Extended OST: youtube.com/playlist?list=PLYI9EPUJIJn-hHtogLyY4ecvW80Xx-_7M (Vol. 1 now on sale)
Class builds : ws-base.com/ , forums.enigma-wildstar.com/viewforum.php?f=4

>Active /w*g/ Circles
Ask for invites in thread or in steam chat
Entity -
Dominion : DROPKIX (Whisper Ijio Nano, Kezan Nano)
Exiles : Space Dandys (whisper Bird Eye, Sly One, Rock Bro)


pastebin.com/5BcsgXtz (embed) (embed)

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Where dem bp bois @

Just a couple of big hipped ladies, out for some pvp

t h i q u e


>remaking a thread that page 10'd at 300 posts just so you can avatarfag some more

Just let it fucking die, there's STILL nothing new to discuss.

How many boxes have peope gotten from Expeditions since Space Chase started? I've gotten none.

you say that like there aren't other generals with nothing to discuss

Yes, we should ALL aspire to be like KSG, the thread so retarded that it required an entire containment board to be created.

Are you retarded, user?

>Is user retarded

you know the answer

I got two. They were both music tracks.

They do happen, but it's really damn low.

I was too busy having a blast in Kel Voreth to bump the thread, please forgive me

all of my instance experiences have been great so far

>leave my pvp flag on since I started playing because of bonuses
>just died once in like 60 hours of playing
>by a lvl 50 faggot

kek has there even been decent open pvp in a MMO?

this entire board is dedicated to retarded threads like ksg

>he doesn't know that is what all of Veeky Forums is

>last thread ended on the fact of "if chua have butts, they can be fucked"

Somehow, I expected that to be the last post. I shouldn't be surprised.


well, maybe one of the old timey ones

/ksg/ is cancer but the real reason this hellhole was created was for gook click shit jesus that was cancer


I love how everything in this game talks to you

I forgot bounty boards and OH YEAH CUPCAKE LEVEL UP

holocrypt guy is seriously the best

>read the lore to see what other races think of Aurin
>at most, they TOLERATE them
>muh trees

truly they are space hippies

nobody but aurins like aurins

They go well in cages
for science

>that totally not conspicuous giant death lever

Had to use it once. Test subject became, unruly.

Best Path
Fuck Raid Utility

I have to agree, my tiny rat friend

They're good pets

Is the open pvp between factions or is it between all players? I was in the capital city and some guy was so hungry for a lowbie gank he tried to pvp me and got fucked by an illium guard. It was a funny but he had a friend and they ganged up on me and one of them got fucked by the guard again.

I thought I would be safe in the capital city but its funny to see some interesting stuff happen with this painfully boring leveling experience.

this nigga gets it

this nigga also gets it


>How many boxes have peope gotten from Expeditions since Space Chase started?

12 expeditions, 0 boxes.

But I expect you have to run like 30-40 before you see a box. And all I wanted was the music tracks, which I already bought for like 11p anyway.

>holocrypt guy is seriously the best

And they wanted to fucking remove him, too.

>And they wanted to fucking remove him, too.
>You're playing a game with overly sensitive faggots that bitched enough to get the holocrypt keeper almost-removed RIGHT NOW

I demand a source for this

nobody can be that much of a pussy

They'd just wait a month and put it back. Like Kit Brinny's massive tits


>tfw you force yourself to pvp because you're too autistic to leave one part of the starfall event quest go unfinished
At least the next part is dungeons.

Literally everyone who still plays Wildstar actively is damaged, why do you sound surprised?

No one complained about kit though.

I definitely remember people getting mad about Realistic Body Images and demanded she get a reduction. Carbine made her smaller and reverted it later, funny stuff

>shit that never happened
Some blog made a clickbait article about wildstar having sexist character designs. A few days later carbine shrunk the tits on female humans and aurin causing people to get mad. Kit Brinny was never even mentioned during the whole thing.

It's ok if you forgot

What game has the best housing and why is it Wildstar's?

How long until we get on expansion with all the cut zones?

That's actually pretty cool.

They did change her model once, but it was just to make her look more like the cutscenes. This is what she looked like last year vs. trailer

A CRB said an expansion was "not in the works" literally two days ago in EntityLFM, so not anytime soon I think. We can still hope they'll just get patched in.

I kind of like the left one better

Oops wrong pic, right is her current model

So the change did give her a boob job, but only because they gave her an actual custom model and not generic_exile_humanfemale2?

yes. the titty mystery is solved

I want to fuck Kal Scattershot

>only because they gave her an actual custom model and not generic_exile_humanfemale2?

No. It was part of the game-wide breast reduction they undertook after two women saying all the tits in the game were too big snowballed into the "gaming" press spending months going after the devs for being sexist pigs.

I'm sorry.

"gaming" """press"""

Star Wars Galaxies

Where's the best place to get Super Multi Kills for the contract?

fragment zero. just right click your portrait and leave when you're done.

...that should have been obvious, thanks. SO MANY FUCKING SKEECH

You can actually get way more than just super kills. You can go so high as to get godly kills and then LOOP AROUND back to double kills. It's dumb, but fun.

I want this meme to die

It's not a meme, user.

And then afterwards, big tits happened as a bodytype as they added... well, bodytypes. They're close, but not close enough to what they originally were.

However, there are still remnants of the "original" big tits on a certain Dominion arkship shirt. So if you want that, get that shirt.

>And then afterwards, big tits happened

And asses as well. But the point is they capitulated to extremists. They apologized for making people feel "icky" because of the way they decided characters would appear in their art. Then they changed it. But that change came with it's own blowback from people like myself who stopped following the game's development after they did.

And the best part? The SJW's didn't let up. They saw that they had power over this company and started to further complain about shit like sexist character animations and that female chua were underrepresented (fucking morons).

my dick loves aurin

>people like myself who stopped following the game's development after they did.
So...why are you here?

>those fan sites
Sure. buddy. That gaming press sure went after wildstar.

please stop making these threads. just give up.

He's a sad, sad soul who has nothing better to do but whine that DEM SJW ruined Wildstar when the game has BIG ASS TITTAYS

>So...why are you here?

Because they did fix it, eventually.

But I stopped playing in the beta and killed my Google News tab for the game. I stopped paying attention and almost missed the launch of the game as a result.

>He's a sad, sad soul who has nothing better to do but whine that DEM SJW ruined Wildstar when the game has BIG ASS TITTAYS

For awhile it didn't. Pretending that they didn't remove the tits won't mean it didn't happen.

Where in illium can you obtain those 1 time purchase gear? They are blue and not bad I found them once and I can't find it anymore. To further describe there would be different races selling diffrent types of gear like lopps,protostar star reps and a robot and they sell by the the type,for example one vendor would sell strictly light gear.

it's called parade row or something, north east of the spaceport, look in the houses

Just stumbled across this game, is it worth playing?

can I build anything?

Is there anything you can do that is unique or does everyone run through the same shitty items as they level up making the game boring since everyone has or had the same weapons at some point?

Heal me through dungeons next week. :3c

>Can I build anything?

Bitch, you can build whatever you want. At all. You have NO limitations, except for a maximum 2500 prop limit when you buy all the prop upgrades with omnibits

>is it worth playing?


>can I build anything?

pretty much anything in housing

>is there anything unique

eh, it's a themepark MMO so gear wise no you're pretty much going to be using the same equip as anyone else, though the costume system is good enough to keep you looking unique if you want to

if building stuff is appealing to you, the housing system is second to none. it's incredibly good. the rest of the game is dog ass

dang that sounds nice. but does this mean its spammed with mini houses and unfinished things or is it your own instance?

hmm going to install now.

will it be improving?

no, it won't be improving. they're running on a skeleton crew. they sometimes manage to put out new content, but the game is going to stay basically the same indefinitely.

>does this mean its spammed with mini houses and unfinished things or is it your own instance?

Anything you build is within your own housing instance. However, if a friend lets you be a roommate, you can pull from their storage of decor and build stuff on their plots.

Does anyone here actually have roommates? I can't imagine trusting anyone that much...

everyone with an alt has roommates :^)

it's honestly fucked up that you don't have friends you can innately trust. it says a lot about you

hey, welcome to Veeky Forums!

not sure what you're trying to say here. i've been on Veeky Forums for like 8 years and i have at least a few friends i would trust unconditionally

yes, I made a friend during my first expedition (neither of us knew it was a solo thing) and we hit it off really well

You could put premade stuff in (fabkits) or build it all from scratch.

Post houses, guys.

My boyfriend.

I just logged off for a break but I'll post later, it's coming along nicely

>being a flyover faggot

Will never not post this.

>bird eye

Why did you do it? What a stupid fucking name.

Because I got tired of being called Crow in raid and being asked 'Who's Bird?' in RP

I might go back. Maybe.

>we're doing a loot or runes run
what did he mean by this?

Why can I not use my path abilities
why is this UI so bad

We also had a forum thread where cayd said they aren't planning anything with murk/dread in the near future

Halon Ring is supposed to go hand in hand with rmt though

I think you need to right click your path ability? I don't use vanilla LAS anymore.

We comfy cozy