/wfg/ - Warframe General

Thread is fuckn dead, time for frame guide


Changes since last time:
>Atlas raised from F to D
A lot of people have said he's too low. I still think he's shit, but probably not as shit as Oberon

Reminder to refrain from shitposting. If you have a suggestion, give your reasons.

your progress wont be reset, that was made very clear.

>ember prime


let me love you baka I want to kiss your tummy

she's shit for endgame dude


I suggest you kill yourself and record it.

reasons: you'd probably get into the OP for doing it

ember fares better than most in T4 survivals

there's no reason for the c- rating

i bet you're just mad you can't afford ember prime

>you'll never cum inside becca
feels bad man

That list