/bdog/ Black Desert Online General

>What is BDO?
Black Desert Online is an MMORPG by Pearl Abyss that was recently released for western audiences, with additional changes. It's a sandbox MMORPG that features action-oriented combat, open world PVP territory control, trading, player housing, and more.
Info from the site: i.imgur.com/r7VvB6h.png

discord.gg/0vYcIJNhxt5cd4pK (join at your own risk)

>/bdog/ guilds


>Maps and nodes

>Useful Links
Wiki: blackdeserttome.com/wiki/BDO_Tome
Database: bddatabase.net/us/
Skill Calculator: blackdeserttome.com/calculator
Class Armor Sets: wodox.imgur.com/
Else: Google it before posting

>BDO KR/JP info + differences between NA/EU

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Anyone got a key? been looking for a new mmo and this seems promising

You should play on the private warhammer online server.

sardine or something whatever



rip comfy fishing

Is it worth it????

I work full time (50+) hours at a bank

it really depends on what you are looking for

Just something I can play on my days off mainly pvp

yee Node Wars was worth the wait.

i mean you could play fairly high-ish lvl pvp with your schedule, but you will never reach the no-lifers on pvp. Its going to be a grind to be honest, but, the combat is so fun you don't really notice it and recent patch makes it real easy to lvl.

that's my opinion as someone who has played since the closed betas in KR on my days off and have yet to feel bored

holy shit the spot for farming witches earrings has to be the worst in the game
mobs are so spread out and the drop rate on anything is garbo

are you kidding? i get like 2 every time i actually go with the intention of getting earrings

Well can you give me any advice? I can't find any grouped up mobs and the aggro in this game seems to be wonky, half the time the mobs don't follow me even if I hit them 3 times
Just started playing a week ago and I've got a good necklace/rings, medicore belt but regular bares earrings
Like is there a certain spot or route you always take?

how much time you spend on average?

I am not trying to be EPIC PVPER RANK 1

Just trying to have pvp fun on my off days, anything to take my mind off work

as long as you log in every day to pick up daily scrolls you'll be fine

post qts

thanks for the info

Do you have a referral code or something so you can get credit??

there's an in game thing but I don't really want it
have fun

You losers are still playing this game? Lmao why don't you play a good game like destiny or ESO

I want to play a good game, but there aren't any, especially not the ones you mentioned.

lolol xddd

don't grind in the actual cemetery move closer to Witch's Chapel node, like directly in between Hexe Sanctuary node and Witch's Chapel node, close a normal forest, there is a pretty nice bunch of groups of mobs that have chance of dropping it. do some laps around that area, kill a group move to the next then the next, etc.

do the daily giving by that one witch at the entrance, calculate how much it took you to do the daily and like "do" the quest 1 or 2 times again keeping track in your mind or set up a goal for the day, don't go too crazy you'll just get frustrated

i usually go for like 2 and a half hrs with some chill music and alt-tabbing doing other things just relaxing and not letting it get to me, goes for every item i grind like ogre rings or marks, you'll get it eventually so why bother getting angry

well I mean when you grind for an hour with 5 luck and don't even get so much as a black stone

its just rng brah, also get that knowledge to S

Is S a significant increase over A/A+?

S is the better drops rank

yeah but its still just rng i got my first witch's without any knowledge or node lvl

only in my dreams
it takes me forever to get knowledge and even then it wont be higher than B

well with that attitude it certainly wont be

so how do these daily scroll things work?
why does everyone do them only if they have 5? Feels kind of dumb to have daily scrolls but only do them once a week

>tfw you love this game for a multitude of reasons
>tfw you still have to quit it because of the multitude of problems
Cant have nice things ;_;

You get one a day, which makes them daily. People save them up so they can clean them all out in one session and because they expire after 7 days.

but I want to start getting my blackstones now
plus i got one from a random drop so now that'll be useless for another week till i get 4 more

>be ranger grinding away
>melee players keep asking me to group or team up
What and why are they doing this?

Any decent tamer awakening gameplay? All I see are shit arena pvp vids or steparu.

For pvp i honestly enjoy eso

There's nothing stopping you from soloing them. You'll just miss out on the extra loot from other people's scrolls.

Yeah I know
just kind of bummed that I finally hit 50 and start getting these scrolls then told I have to wait another week before I can actually do them.
I've got two altar imp, one goblin chief and one moghulis. Got a ancient guardian seal drop and my belt is just a bares so I think I'll save up 5 moghulis or something.

What is the best place to grind at lvl 51? Helms?

or elric.
I find helms easier, my friend have less problem with elric

Thanks user

Yeah but don't go in the mines alone
if you do go in the mines make sure to avoid devourers and golems
I prefer elric as that gives you more money but some people have trouble dealing with the mages. Could also go grind for specific accessories. Manes isn't bad if you need a belt since they give decent cash.

Ya'll down to grind?

not right now as I'm trying to farm some witches solo but if you're on NA drop your name and I'll add you for grinding later

Don't forget about the other black spirit dailies that reward hunter seals. They add up and should keep you busy for a while anyway.

I'm on Edan

yeah I've been doing them, though only two days so far as I just recently hit 50
I got a lucky ancient guardian seal drop earlier but all my armor is still at like +7 while my wep is +13 so my ap/dp is still under 200 total unfortunately


Name is Zeit


Kys my man


Is IC still alive? Don't see them with a node.

>man hands
Just stop already.

>? All I see are shit arena pvp
What exactly is decent PVP if not 1v1s?


i saw them do gvg everyday last week

It's so hard to get (You)s here



So your telling me they are so Cucked they didn't dare do node wars day 1? Kek, pretty sad desu. Even ITC attempted.

You need to have 10 online members to participate in node war.

holy fuck, so IC really is dead? Was their discord deleted too? doesn't seem to be working.

No reason to waste millions trying to get a node you don't want, just to participate first day.

Still works fine for me

Unless IC is going for 2 crafting nodes no reason not to get a node day 1.


Open world, group, etc. 1v1's are easy as fuck on Tamer. Why would I want to watch that? If I have to watch 1v1 it might as well be out in the field somewhere.

1v1s are interesting because they are usually against equally strong/geared opponents. You might be able to learn something. Watching biggers fights is kinda pointless because it usually boils down to you destroying fodder. Which is fun at times, but sure as hell not interesting to watch.

Group combat heavily depends on your composition. Your job at node wars usually is to scout. There arent a lot of Tamer videos because no one in KR plays Tamer. Classes design is horrible and especially with the awakening has next to no link to being a Tamer anymore. Might as well just call that class Monk, no one would argue that it isnt.

This makes me feel bad for playing ranger.

There isn't any class I "like" more than any other so I might as well play the best one.

You shouldn't feel bad for playing the sexiest class.

There are a lot of people who feel that way. Even though all the classes being somewhat different, they are still somewhat similar. With awakenings that becomes even more obvious.

The game lacks special roles at this point, things that make a class unique. Where is the proper summoner? Where is the DoT class? For some weird reason none of the classes actually feel too different, even though all of them kinda being different. Its really hard to explain to be honest but I got my main to 58 and 5 other classes to 55-56 and it all seems the same to me. Burst, nuke, kill, split up groups, pick off key targets, kite until they make mistakes, rinse and repeat.

They were removed from pastebin :^)

Yeah, the only real difference it feels like is melee tanky melee damage ranged damage

How does one acquire a waifu?


Wizard/Witch is above and beyond the best class in every situation of the game

Literally no reason to not play one especially after the newest patch, Ranger is just a shittier wizard in terms of PvP impact

Imagine how good this game would have been if not for Carebear kike Korean cock suckling cunts

>Where is the DoT class?
>Dealing damage over time is now a class archetype
>Thanks Blizzard

Worst part is that Wizard was already the most broken shit BEFORE the patch.

It feels like wizard is a lot more vulnerable to someone just running at me and raping me if I can't CC them.

FFXI had it, GW1 had it, sure WoW had it, Rift had it and many, many games before. Blizzard didnt invent DoT classes you mongoloid.

I quit today because of how PKing, GWing and interacting in Sieges works. You cant even forge alliances or simply fuck with guilds during Siege time. Which means that all I will ever be able to do in this game is play in a big guild and get Calpheon. Fighting clusterfuck after clusterfuck instead of running around with a small party fucking with the big guilds. This game makes this playstyle fucking impossible and I dont get why. Why the fuck would anyone ever consider this a wise choice...

They need to adopt a Runescape type of pvp where you drop some of your gear or all of it if negative karma

>or all of it if negative karma
You realize that there is literally no point in going red right now, right? Why would you add more shit that keeps people from going red when they already lack incentive to do so? What?

The incentive to go red would be other people's gear

So what you meant is that a red player has a chance for his VICTIMS to drop gear? Based on the way you phrased that sentence I thought you meant that being red should make it possible for the RED PLAYER to lose gear on top of all the other shit.

Sorry I was basing this off of you knowing how Pking works in runescape.

So basically in pvp if you die you lose all but 3 of your most expensive or rare items. If you are skulled (red) from killing other players and you die you lose everything

What next ey, the "Crit damage" class? The "Bloke who can throw an axe" class? The "build combo points of some description" class?

Lets make an archetype for every little thing in an MMO that some guy thought was cool once.

What is even the point?

Why do we grind so much?

Why do we even try at all only to get fucked by RNG?

Why do we continue to struggle against Daum?

To have "fun"

In the original game you could lose equiped item when you get killed with negative karma but this was removed for NA/EU.
It got removed in Valencia 2 I think in KR But I don't know if it's only in the desert or everywhere.

The "Black Desert is Fun" meme was the worst meme I ever fell for in 2016.

A highly regrettable experience.

Most fun I ever had was making people spend money on tears and even that hath been taken.

I give up, dead shit game.

The classes are plenty unique. The reason you think everything feels the same is because PvE is so trivially easy that every class can just grab everything they can see and AoE it down in 5 seconds, and that's what they all do because that's the most efficient way to progress. The unique strengths of each class don't come into play in PvE because PvE in this game is a joke.

If you add a DoT class what do you think they would do in this kind of PvE? Group everything up and AoE it down in 5 seconds. Who is going to wait for damage over time to kill Sausans? The class would either be broken unusable in PvE and nobody would play it, or it would be given some form of efficient AoE and that's all anybody would use.

The class differences come into play in PvP because that's the only time they're actually challenged to use their unique class mechanics.

But like dude what's the point of pvp in this game?


its like your new to MMOs

he probably wants a moba but play mmo instead.

Good riddance, but hope you have fun in whatever next game you play. I hope it's also a single-player game.

i like that everything you said can be applied to life

>What is even the point?
>Why do we work so much?
>Why do we even try at all if we only get fucked by life.
>Why do we continue to struggle against life?

because we can