/dfog/ - Dungeon Fighter Online General [Happy Mother Fuckers Day/Assorted (Elven) Lewdness Edition]

KDnF Updates:

FSlayer 2nds live

Season 2 is live, patch notes here:

Anton + 86 Cap live, patch notes here:


>Liberation weapon FAQ:
pastebin.com/7vRmMbnD (embed)

Fatigue Points(FP) resets at 9AM UTC

>Official Links
facebook com/dfoglobal

>PVP playlist channels

ask in the thread


>Avatar Simulator(Set to KOR)

>Skill Planner (Entirely unnecessary)

>Pixiv Tags
アラド戦記 – Arad Senki
던파 – Deonpa

>JP Priest voice

>DnF Original Soundtrack Symphony World
pastebin.com/LfzTQcDh (embed)
>Touhou Music Pack
pastebin.com/yRLzz58L (embed)

>Mods Installation Guide

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I hope this game dies again

Is that supposed to be Aganzo?


i always thought it was a priest or something

I will never let it die. It will be fueled by ele tears within a week.

I'm going to marry Vetala!

>used goods





are battle mages topslut soon?

Can anyone do big damage?

artist labeled it as priest

Gay. They must be adopted.

>Swift Master

Finally I can ditch Bug Mage with pride

just giving them a carry through anton


>people quitting the game based on the first balance patch pf 3 months of patches which we won't be getting for at least a year
holy shit I forgot how DUMB DFO players are

What's your excuse for being a virgin you virginal virgins?

>seria is not real

>First balance patch

It's the only major Character balance patch planned for classes before 90 cap. The only other balance they're doing is the Epic Item revamp next month. Other than those two there aren't any more balance changes planned before 90 cap so we might not see anymore Balance Patches until after September or maybe even next year.

You are right that people are overreacting a little bit since these changes aren't even on the KDNF live server yet (They'll be live in 3 days and chances are Neople might change around some stuff from Test -> Live).

Crusaders are still going to be adjusted as necessary since they want them as more of a damage role

my excuse is that I used her butt.

Using a butt as your first time still counts ass losing your virginity. You can't lose your virginity to a cartoon either.

Also how many skeleton keys should I buy?


Is that so? Then I lost it 10 years ago at the alternative center.

also just 4 keys.

I want to be Skardi's loyal subject.
I want to receive private audience with the Empress.


It's been too long

Knight is old and busted, Demonic Lancer is the new meme

Crack is Over

I finally feel your cold hand
over the bright moon-light
the times we spent together looking at the stars
its gone like the dust only remaining in the dream of ours
As I gain my strength and by the time I was shining over my powers
it also brought me the same amount of sorrow.

Crack is Over
The looks I gave you, changed everything as I turned to the others
my warm heart is gone,
and my eyes are cold

"THEY call me the SONS of Sirocco (that's right)
the spear through your body what you gon do? (yeah)
No mercy in the battle the freedom is near,
(ayy ayy ayy) I got nothin' to lose no chance to the monster. (ayy ayy ayy)
You better run like everybody else does (ahh) I trust nobody cuz the trust is done (ahh)
revenge is coming you better hide the pain won't stop until I take away your life (HAHAHAaaaa....)"

As I gain more power and shine...
The only thing left are left is cracked times
Crack is Over
The looks I gave them,
It no longer breathes in my heart.
It only remains beside you
in my cruel tears I drop
As my eyes became colder,
it will remain as a tear drop there.

female male lancer


Male Lancer is only good when "he" is actually a girl.

that can be arranged


Is there a single class in this game that doesn't appeal to a specific group of people in a sexual way? Would any of the classes be hard to sexualize?


Male Slayer. Nobody is into manlets, not even the most fujos of the fujoshits.

Nobody has sexualized m slayers or m gunners yet, I think

>nobody has sexualized m.gunner
>doesn't know about commander X Raven


nothing gay about the one true battle mage

That guy's never going to sell his +15 musket for 30k DCs. Being a musket alone lowers the value by 90%.



Does anyone know about a decent rogue guide that isnt several years old?

Poor tab-chan, nobody even lusts for her.

What is there to even need a guide for with that class.

As someone who has neither played one nor seen them in action, they feel pretty complex.

X attack into a skill, and mash Z before the skill ends.

It makes it do big damage depending on how many combo points are used.

EVERYTHING has a hit end finisher.

So just X-Skill-zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz and repeat.

How to Rogue, a detailed guide by user:
>press skill
>mash Z like you are playing Mario Party to Hit End that shit
>shit is ded? If no, repeat
Congratulations, you are a professional rogue player now.

Really, just play the class. The game is full of useful info about how shit works (you can even test skills in training room before unlocking them by using the "Try" button on the preview video).
Very few classes in the game are actually "complex" (as in, "how long does it take for you to figure out the class is shit"), and rogue isn't one of them.

Much appreciated guys. Which weapon mastery should I choose? Dagger?

Who is the most useful thief to play, and who is the most fun thief to play?

>Who is the most useful thief to play
>Who is the most fun thief to play?

Both are close in damage over time. Doesn't matter really. You'll just find that dagger cooldowns make skills flow more smoothly if you can't 1 shot things.

I want to play with all of the elves.
I want to play with all of the thieves.

>no THICC dark elves in game
>no THICC classes in the game

Rogue and Kuno do the best damage out of the 4, but Kuno tends to clog up the screen with all her shit, so that may get you and your party killed. SD's dsmage is fine, but you have to constantly at the enemy's rear. Don't know anything about Necro other than she got indirectly nerfed(?) in the latest kDnF patch.

Didn't F. Fighter used to have thunder thighs?

F.Fighter's thighs got nerfed, and those are just thighs. I'm talking about full body THICC.

Oh, you mean deformed.


Has dfog had an awakened ones event yet?

we don't even have purple skin avatars in this game
the sexiest dark elf flavor

fucking neople

>want to play thief
>like none of the classes
>make a shiranui anyway so I can stare at her butt

sheer-ass-nudey is fine too


Necro might've had the highest damage potential when they did a fuckton of expensive swaps. Swapping like doubles or triples their damage or some shit.

Apparently Neople didn't even factor the swaps in when they made the conversions to skill damage or something retarded like that. Dropped their damage by like 60% or something

what i dont understand is why you have to make disposable disassemblers to disassemble when other professions can use their extractor thing all they want

in dungeon, that is

You mean the Subclass Avatar Set? They sold in that DFOG last September and there's no telling if they'll release it ever again.

Why don't you just turn those into Mini Dissassemblers? The Mini Disassemblers weigh far less than the parts.

they should give her spammable zombies that act like land runner

if i like playing shadow dancer, might i like playing a rogue?

Ok, i want to get in this game but there's too many option that i just don't know

so, someone just point me a build where i can follow (something viable at least), i'm very good at following builds, too casual to think something for myself


rogue is more mashy

they replaced dark ritual from 4444 int cap to 400 int cap, made str conversion worse (need more str than before to max it out) and merely slapped 20% skill damage on it as if that does anything

solo you lose about 70% damage with dark ritual

in a party you need a sader with like 18k town stats to get more damage than you used to have

honestly wonder if neople even knows its own damage formula sometimes


they're in my vault

Farm those level 90 epics goy!

There's a base 600 INT as well.

The easiest explanation is that they didn't even consider swaps when making the changes.

Which, mind you, is JUST as retarded because one of the advertised 'features' of the patch is making buffs permanent until you die so you don't have to swap mid-dungeon.

more mashy then, say, franger?


They probably just way underestimated how much damage a Necro was getting from Dark Ritual even with a geared Sader.

>pff, a big 4k int buff? What a waste, Sader makes that meaningless! They'll be so happy to have 20% skill damage!

>Mash X/ skills to build contact points
>Use skills
>Mash Z for hit end

i see


ever just look at kdnf material and wish we had what they had...?

also, what is that epic magic stone?

not the kings tear, but that yellow thing

i think it's an epic, maybe

It's Glaerin's Tear which is a level 65 Epic Magic Stone.

ah, right

>pedo megas

Who is the Sinestro?

Who is the Veeky Forums?

>+3k nen crystal beads can actually be found as drops
>mfw the one I was planning to buy just dropped
Too bad I will never be this lucky in hells.

Aren't those beads all trash anyways?

From bead pot or just random drop

Ded game?

nope, we're just too busy playing it

Newfag question
Those avatars you see during the skill demonstrations videos (the witch in her witch outfit for example) how do you get those?

omg lol

I have nothing on my magic stone and extra crit% is always nice. But now I kinda want to sell it, considering how overpriced these things are on AH.

Random drop from Natram (dragon boss) on the third dungeon.

If you don't stop spamming "lol" and "(lol)" I'll do something illegal to you.
