Blade and Soul General /bnsg/

Forever in queue edition.

>/bnsg/ servers
Mushin/Poharan is for NA
Jiwan is for NA RP
Windrest is for EU
Ebon Hall is for EU RP

>/bnsg/ Clans Info

>BnS Resources

>Soul Shield and Gear Cheat Sheet

>Automated Equipment Suggestions


Previous thread:

nth for holy lyns


there's nothing holy about some godless hedonistic rat

Sure that's not me setting you on fire?

Byooki is so cool I wish Byooki were my husbando

fuck off netopi


Bamboo VIllage #1. Behold the power to have SB even after it has expired.

Blackram can't do that.

>No one talks to me in guild chat

You fucking goobers

kys rilo

xth for permanent blue buff

hi Lolith are you doing okay

who's that hottie

>no ryzna lewds today
making your daddy sad

I'm never okay.




not me, I wouldn't bully!


I'm sorry Kyoppin, I didn't know you were depressed.

It's Veeky Forums, everyone is depressed

Who /nostatic/ here

nice tits

Why is Kyoppin depressed?



SB or no SB, you will fall like the rest of them

tell daiba im jerkin my ween to him

Good nitgh /bnsg/

>tfw you will never play whit cuties in a lake for real

why even live

>no static
>has a legendary

fuck off you lying sack of shit

Would anyone be willing to help me get the speedrun cheevo for spider boss? It's been a while since I've tried, and a lot of us are way stronger. I believe in us!

NA 1025571


Give me some pictures of you in the swimsuit

So am I to be honest. We'll meet again, Blackram, and it won't be as nice.

>Missed endgame content with the clans brand new onahole

I traveled the highest mountain and found a wizard. He promised me his hat if I did him a special favor

It was like that before Arv ever came into clan lead. Him acquiring leadership has absolutely nothing to do with it.

Now that's a big fucking jet of cum.

you look like maku's sister

Keep or Delete?

Same desu

>what is a joke

you don't need to defend arveene whenever his name comes up, ahoka

shut up, bjarke

0 - 4 destroyer male gon
5 - 9 destroyer female gon

Wouldn't it be female Maku instead?

>still no server transfers


>you got pictures of blackram-chan in her swimsuit


>mfw not in a static and I'm ok with that

Will you fall into my bed?


I'm definitely not Ahoka, user. Nor am I trying to defend Arv. This isn't his fault at all, really. Its more of a fault of everyone within the clan and is not exclusively a problem caused by him.

I just want to end it all

Still 1/6! /tired


It's okay China poster what brought this up?

Lots of reasons but nobody should care

ok gyro

I like.
But I personally would make the nose bridge a bit wider.

neet life is depressing

>what brought this up?
Just going through some of the old threads I missed

>19 dcs this day
>couldn't even complete daily challenge

I got Mudfish recently, and there's been a significant decrease in dcs! I still do occasionally, but it's nowhere near as often. Highly recommended.

What reason do you have to be sorry for? You didn't do anything to wrong me.


Fuck of you fat shill

It won't help against my ISP-caused dc's unfortunately.


The day this outfit finally arrives, I will no longer have to buy any more outfits.

This is from a Valentine's Event I believe, right?

I'm sure any other VPN capable of routing around that one shitty node in Dallas will work, I was just saying the particular service I went with. Calm down, friend.

Dont ever call me your friend you fat fuck


>being this mad about somebody calling you "friend"
Wew lassy

with courante coming back, will no sek be saved?


arveene and rilo need to be kicked out and replaced for ruining the guild now desu

>implying no sek is at its peak without courante
New Outfit coming. Everyone getting their legendaries. Prosperous times to be a No Sek.
Fuck donnie

Donnie isn't coming back.

and yet the clan is still a large group of people who barely interact with each other

who tits are they on the left? is my queen back?

Because I was being rude, I know how it feels so I'm sorry.


what did i do
im sorry

Yeah because donnie coming back to talk to himself in clan chat is going to change a lot

Come and get your daily CS and Heaven's Mandate! Everyone welcome! I have all the orbs for CS as well.

NA #1031893

>tfw you were about to leave the clan yesterday, but now you'll stick around because your true leader is back

i really hope courante can make an impact

Nothing you did to me was rude?

That would be awful.

what do you mean

he's just visiting, move on and have fun

Eri is trying to get cour to play with him anyways :^)

Ni ni. Good luck with your loots.
Someday you will have what you look for.

I have no idea to be honest, but I need it too!
You will look even cuter in it.

>Someday you will have what you look for.
tfw gradually losing hope
Goodnight user

you just gave yourself away

They've never made an attempt to hide themselves, though. People have responded with their name in the past

>Someday you will have what you look for
Not bloody likely.

your a neet too? wanna be sad boyz together with our crippling depression

i should get a job and stop being a disappointment to everyone around me

Where're the Blackrams?

They've always said good night to /bnsg/ this way, user.

i love you

For this. I do care

sure, who are you

Trying to avoid your ugly mug.