League of legends general /lolg/

Lissandra is the QTest, best girl, and best waifu
Elise is the worst girl and worst waifu, she's the Shadow isle's bicycle.

Other urls found in this thread:


Trist buffs when? She seems pretty weak right now


Alternative faction new skins when?

Xth for Katarina
best girl

please just remove huhi already

you can still have the power of friendship without him

Ravenous Flock (R) base healing vs champions lowered to 30/40/50 from 30/45/60



>implying there is anything wrong with that

>poppy will never chew on your balls

league is dying ;-;

>Stixxay's positioning
Someone needs to wake this man up inside.

xth for cute foxes

>im now perma banning Thresh because he is my main and i cant stand seeing fotm shitter richfags playing him with his new skin

>Dark star thresh >Deep terror >Championship >SSW >Bloodmoon mcplastic

should i take q or w first on sivir? does it differ if i'm taking krugs or gromp or just leashing? would i ever max w first over q first?

Haha no I'm the Vladfag

Xth for Soulstealer splash needs to have Vlad in the corner.

>pick lucian

uhh lolbabs?


Have you embraced progress today, /lolg/?
Don't really play mid in ranked too often but Viktor was 10/10 choice here.

i went to overwatch for like a week and im already back

why the fuck does the new game have to be an fps? fuck fps games


W start Q max

finally... playing nearly only lee :)

if sustain comps beat poke comps and dive comps beat sustain comps, what comps beat dive comps?

Tips for rookie Alistar main?

lets get this shit started


>world class adc


>doa desperatly trying to shill overmeme

he was complete garbage on sc but he actually thinks he'll be good on overwatch just because reddit sucks his and monte's dick

Pick ones, if played right?

>full life
>no life
xmithie is good player

why is it always the same lissandra OP jesus christ

>that whole chase
they really had no reason to lose that. they could've just walked away if they couldn't collapse properly.

why is CLG so shit right now

mere weeks ago they were competing on the world stage and put up a decent showing


>lose 2 games in a row because mid fed


in korea's defense this game is shit

>lolg fell for the MSI meme

it's Allstars 2013 all over again

when will you guys realize that tournament is worthless

when will you guys realize spring split is worthless

why does nobody play riven anymore?



Overwatch is not a competitive game and I will fight anyone that says otherwise

reminder that CLG let go of Pobelter for Huhi

Aphro get back to your fucking game


Does riot deliberately make things OP to fuel skin sales before nerfing them?

Best girl.
Best lover.
Best wife.


constantly losing games

Stixxay is also performing like shit in my opinion. If you look at these teamfights he is always alone. The team is playing desperately and aren't calculating chances of success for their plays. I feel like someone like darshan must be saying shit like "Go in" to often and they're just pulling the trigger on stupid shit.


anyone has that webm of 3/1 Riven being solo'd by 0/4 Irelia?


That may be correct but there's still no maocancer nerf in sight.

This guy is basically reverse Vladimir with hard CC.

It's a real shame that Doublelift's toxicity is holding CLG back in these games.

What if Thresh is my main support champ but support is only my third played role

>zed is 10/2 at like 25 mins
>literally can 1v3
>while hes talking shit in all chat
>I farm up and once I get deaths dance+randuins I can 1v1 him if I flash the ult
>we are still losing
>I steal baron with triple barrel combo and we come back and win

Feels fucking good man. Also since the zed was fed as fuck early I figured this was a good time to test out a more durable GP build. Wasn't that bad.

and fuck zed players

i want to see seraph lose


I want to go swimming in Lulu.

someone's mad that seraph already speaks gooder english than xerself

Xth for fertility

she needs new vo

Thoughts on Nami?

who are the most fertile male champs

That picture is fake and your story a lie. Zed is the strongest champion in the game; His banrate is a clear indicator of how broken he is and his 47% winrate is proof that he literally cannot lose games.

Anyone got good fanfictions like this: m.fanfiction.net/s/7283097/1/Kassadin-s-Excellent-Towerdive

shes fun but so fucking squishy.

theres also just better options in general

It's a good thing you can't because you'll just kill her.

>two different types of hard CC with gigantic hitboxes
>infinite sustain, can't be poked out of lane
>easy harass with E max
>shits out damage whilst being tanky as hell
>big ass true damage nuke for an ult
>he's still barely played in 3% of games

Why is this? Cho is fucking good. His ult should reset if it gets a kill like Darius' desu


why does dash (the host) talk so much more than the analysts? Especially when dash's knowledge level of the game is equivalent to Riv's?

Ah, I remember reading this for the first time back in 2012.

Do you know there's a dramatic reading of it?


really really strong right now

top pick in korean challenger solo queue

That never stopped league of legends

yeah that's where i initially found it. apparently he was the one who made it. Thank you, ssethtzeentach

nerds give factoids
motormouths spin narratives

New champ teaser?

How about I kill my foot in your ass?

the narratives are so much more forced than in regular sports though

Really now?

it will take a LOT more than that m8

>inb4 CLG pays Pobelter to dress up as Huhi for their next game
Calling it now. You should also look to see if Stixxay looks more Chinese than he did before.

Hasn't nami always been popular in Korea?

velkoz was teased in a battlecast splash

Is this a bait or what?

>Dark Star Thresh is STILL disabled

it's lb, doofus

Thanks! It's OCE but I am proud!

is it? why?

is dude with beard and headdress
troll shaman confirmed

any idea why? I was gonna get it




Because every time he walks out of fog of war everyone's screen freezes for like a second.

Causes freezes on bad computers

it causes everyones screen to freeze when thresh leaves the fog of war after a short while being in it

Those skins all looked like unreadable cancer.
Why do people tolerate these things?

Nigga Thresh is the most played support in the game by an enormous margin and has been for three years. That skin is a drop in the pond at best.

Because Cho has defined strengths and weaknesses and his viability fluctuates with the meta. He'll come back and then go away again without any nerfs whatsoever. It's just how he is.

Holy shit this general is so fucking dead now.

Go look at the original splash.

In that edit the background is blurred to draw attention to LB's fertility

says the league player