Hentai Games General /hgg/

His pre SRB game is also good so I wouldn't mind something else either.

Absolutely shameless behavior.

Minako's stupidity is what I enjoyed the most in this game.

Remember kids, if you ever die and wake up in animu world, buy a titanium chastity belt together with that ring for your waifu.

>having a slut for a waifu
May as well stay single. Or get reincarnated as a tentacle monster.

Can anyone explain to me what to do with the piles of gold in World's Worth (XP)?
I think that I'm near the end I'm almost at the end of the dungeon from the side of the tribe of Light but I don't know where to dump that shit. Not really in need of money but I find some from time to time and can't take it with me which I kinda hate.
Also, is it possible to return to the tribe of Shadow? I've shaven myself and want to return to the tribe of Shadow but whenever I say Sir Fabrice that I want to fight him, Mesta throws me out and I can't return to Wotoshika because of some password I don't know where to get.

WW has no routes nor choices, there's a linear plot that will reach a climax in the end where you beat the final boss, then you will choose a heroine for the epilouge.
Of course if you choose anyone but Nina you're a scumbag but that's another issue.

At least Otou-san is there to end all this depravity.

Figured as much but still sucks.
What about the several piles of gold that I have? Are those redeemable?

Screenshots of this game are giving me mixed feelings.