I can't be the only one who reads Lijiang Tower as Wang tower, right?
Luke Cooper
Thomas Murphy
I'm your Huckleberry.
Owen Sullivan
good maps:
>ilios >numbani >watchpoint gibraltar
bad maps:
>the rest
Landon Hill
I love Pharah!
Kayden Clark
late-night early-in-thread reminder for cute mercy boys to hit me up
Bentley Ortiz
I want to eat black haired d.va's pussy like a ravenous wolf and then smash it like the hulk
Sebastian Ward
>play Zarya for the first time after finishing most of the cast achievement hunting >Get both her achievements in one go >Get POTG too
Holy shit, why did no one tell me she was this fun?!? Also the last character I have left is Zenyatta. Any tips?
Logan Taylor
You might be dyslexic.
Mason Miller
is autistic
Jayden Smith
>Pharah's and Trashrodents genuinely believe their character is difficult to play and benefits from skill
Tyler Young
Have you guys spent money on loot boxes? Did you regret it?
Julian Jenkins
>>good maps:
Dominic Thompson
Nth for console ID list when
Hudson Nelson
>mained Soldier and Demo in TF2
>Junkrat is the only hero who comes close to that same level of spammy splash damage bullshit
Josiah Nguyen
Yes. Yes and no, now I have enough to buy anything that comes later this summer.
James Lopez
They were bought for me and no I don't regret it. A few more Loot Boxes and I unlock everything.
Anyone else can't log on?
Benjamin Kelly
Nolan Davis
Jonathan Parker
>good >sillyos >shitpoint fartbralter
Matthew Johnson
Post cute girls owg grills
Its just spray paint user. It's airforce tradition to spray paint your gear to look badass. In reality is just bulletproof fabric and a jetpack.
Chase Taylor
>it's a guy on mic thinking he knows better than everyone episode
John Sanders
Serves your faggot, aim-impaired ass right.
Luke Butler
>Unable tp login it's that time again
Jace Bell
Jesus H. Christ.
Alright user, how much have you spent on lootboxes?
Grayson Young
Yes. Yes.
Brandon Davis
Man I thought Liru would be so good but the nude model just looks really fucking uncanny
Hudson James
Levi Garcia
I just told you. I haven't spent any money. They were all bought for me.
Anthony Bell
Are you trolling? Blizzard confirmed loot boxes are rolled the moment you get them, not the moment you open them.
Any loot box you keep will never ever contain a new skin.
Samuel Smith
Tracer always looks like she needs a good fuck.
Jose Wilson
Symmetra is kind of OP. I have an 88% winrate with her and 2.28 K/D. Statistically she's my best hero.
How do you play her effectively on attack?
Michael Taylor
How many though?
Jackson Wilson
This intro is pretty great.
Lincoln Diaz
i think he meant currency
Aiden Howard
ah so you're a woman huh opinion discarded
Isaac Reed
you don't unless you're in a premade
Asher Morales
Stay fucking glued to a tank and while they are in front get close enough to the enemy to melt them. Also drop turrets offensively, not defensively.
While the enemy shoots the turret, they aren't shooting you or your team.
Bentley Morgan
>Knock people around She has an incredibly forceful concussive blast.
Luis Davis
Raping genjis with symmetra never gets old. They always, without exception, think they can take you 1v1 but they never can
Jeremiah Thompson
How many were bought for me? I think around 400?
Please, I just want to play video games user.
Matthew Baker
That's what your E is for.
Easton Taylor
Create a sneaky flank-base closer to the point with turrets and teleporter. Slowly advance
Brandon Cox
desu junkrat is easy as fuck to avoid, I'm rarely killed by his spam and he's pretty easy to kill cause normies tend to throw their airbags as weapons which means when I get a bead on them they're toast.
The good junkrats only use the airbag as a weapon when they know they don't need to run or when they know they can kill you with it, and good junkrats are scary.
Noah King
prolly around 2k$
Kevin Sullivan
shame about her ugly face
Ethan Evans
After those boxes I have enough overbucks to buy multiple legendaries if they're releasing multiple good ones.
David Robinson
yeah that shit has crazy range
Austin Rogers
What the fuck kind of beta orbiters have you been collecting that'll blow that much money to buy you boxes in a video game jesus christ
David Price
>be me >be pharah >reaper runs into group >use shift jump to avoid him >reaper presses Q >is killing tramamtes >somehow is hitting me as well, even though I'm directly above him >I die >mfw
David Hernandez
It's not the same and you know it.
Ian Lopez
>Join random game >Enemy team is premade with 2 100+ shitters
Thanks forced 50!
Benjamin Sanchez
>You're on Attack >The enemy has a massive defense at the chokepoint >Your teammates are too stupid to shoot at anything without getting minced What hero do you go?
Benjamin Gray
Well, this explains the intros and stuff.
Aaron Gonzalez
Brandon Myers
not even close, $300 and you'd have 90% minimum
John Johnson
Well £32 gets you 50 so....yeah
user, please don't you use such hurtful words. They are good gentlemen I'll have you know
Wyatt Hernandez
>three golds as tracer, just clinched us the round >about to start round 2 >battle.net decides to be a flaming piece of shit and kicks me out
Noah Butler
The range on his death blossom isn't very intuitive. I don't think it needs to be nerfed, but a slightly better radius indicator would be nice. Maybe a faint rain of blood.
Connor Stewart
>be outskilled
Jeremiah Johnson
Does anyoen else keep getting kicked from battle.net?
Joshua Morgan
Blizzard just died.
Camden Diaz
Some games I'm playing with 4 prestiged no-lifers and other games I'm the only high level with a bunch of 30s and 40s on both teams. What gives?
Asher Nelson
anyone else not able to connect to game
Chase Clark
you disgust me, filthy slags like you deserve to get tied up and beaten on a daily basis
Easton Roberts
Luis Morris
Lucas Long
I was literally 2 seconds away from capturing point B hanamura after a super long close overtime game fuck blizzard
Logan Price
Reapers ult was hitting me from up top. I know that feel. It's terrible.
Jack Johnson
Game is dead
Jaxon Cook
just got kicked out of a game right before we were about to win
Josiah Thomas
Owen Thomas
Rip servers.
Angel Perez
Post best skins
Bentley Evans
How does one collect beta orbiters?
I've had friends buy me stuff but it's because they had wealthy parents and more money than they knew what to do with as they didn't have any expensive hobbies.
Ryan Rodriguez
Same >lijiang tower as Pharah >destroying the enemy team, getting nice environmental kills and directs >server goes down Fuck Blizzard
Carson Wilson
yes plz ddos this shit game
Josiah Green
how about these server issues huh? just attacked on anubis, got disconnected, managed to get back in and win, the ending picture of our team only had four people, and the other team was having just as much trouble. it was hilarious but also annoying.
Cameron Fisher
Play with premade and wait for a Hanzo ult, counter with yours and tell your team to sit in it.
Jason Green
Please don't be mean. This is a safe space.
Austin Collins
>floating 30 feet above an ultimate that shoots to his sides >get killed while directly above him At least some better visual indication of where it's safe would be nice.
Jackson Jenkins
Logan Peterson
Source: My dad is Jeff Kaplan
Aiden Powell
I'm terrible at this game.
Ian Flores
Hey Veeky Forums. If there is in game voice comms why does everybody I come across INSIST on using discord?
Blake Baker
I was tempted to call my account something like sephirot420 and act like an edgelord ironically, now that I've seen the playerbase I kinda wish I did
Brayden Lee
Me too.
Now I can't connect to the servers at all.
Julian Butler
>it's a cylinder
William Miller
Does that skin also change the looks of the turrets and the teleporter?
Brandon Smith
post name
Parker Gray
Samuel Nelson
James Myers
You first
Jonathan Rogers
Cooper Jenkins
John Barnes
nowhere is safe from the reaper, nerd
Caleb Campbell
So it wasn't just me? A bunch of 20 tick meme moments happened and then the connection killed itself?