League of legends /lolg/

Memes edition :)

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Just checked champion.gg
What the fuck are you talking about?

>30 posts early
>shitposting OP

Ignore thread, no point in posting in something that's getting deleted.

he was the top winrate for like 3 months prior to the nerfs just a couple of patches ago.

Exactly. Was.

>Get Vayne adc
What a fucking surprise


Yes yes, well done Meteos, well done.



I feel like staying non toxic in this game gets so unreasonable sometimes.
We were winning most of the game despite everyone on our team except top having 9+ deaths.
Our Ahri gets caught.
Our yi messes up a 1v1 vs a yasuo in every way possible and dies.
Our support gets caught.
Our ahri gets caught.
We can't get anything done for a stretch of 5-7 minutes because people keep getting caught.
Our mid and jungle lose the game from consistently getting caught, our top gets fed up and starts splitting bot to spite the team while we lose the game.
Our mid and jg proceed to start flaming top for building two randuins against yasuo/cait.
This is in plat 2.

Anyone here bought boosting?

post mains, berate each other

Fuck off cancer.




How do you put yourself through the torture of playing immobile mages so often

Is Sivir the easiest champion to play?

Literally the only thing separating a good Sivir from a bad one is how well you can time your auto attack reset.

Positioning and targeting don't matter because of ricochet.



Why would you play a nigger?

nice brainded zyra and voli, i bet you have a 12% yasuo winrate LuLULULU

Yasuo, Darius, Jax.

can't be bothered to load the game just to cap it.

Bet you play voli top lane

Yeah that is why I stopped playing Yasuo

Fuck off m8.

I can't into inmobile mages, at least you play Ekko as well

>Vayne on your team
>Vayne on enemy team
>Destroys your bot


Post champ counters and why!

Maokai latches onto illaoi enabling her to land easy slippers!
Watch out for him using his snare to dodge e as he can not be hit by it during his movement phase.

Marksmen and mages can attack melee champions from far away and therefore have an inherent advantage.

Fuck off.

nasus counters illaoi ecept is countered bu=y illkjaoi b ercause tebnaclews

Just started ranked first time ever. Think I did okay.


>my main is banned
>vlad is left up
>2 people tell first pick to take vlad
>he takes janna
>tell second pick to take vlad
>he decides to swap roles with support and picks lulu
>adc picks adc instead of vlad
>enemy picks vlad
jesus fuck people are so dense

Enjoy the enemy scrub who probably can't combo for shit and kills himself in the middle of a teamfight.

47% winrate yo


Kill yourself.

Xth for porcelain rod and its corrupting properties.

Why would I kill myself for wanting my team to pick me a champion who is currently nearly perma banned and really strong that I am good at, when my main is banned?
You're as fucking dense as the retards in my champ select
consider suicide

>Trusting your team mates
How is NOT climbing the ladder going?

Trusting them to what?

>vayne has zed shurikens on her boots

>yo pick me vlad he op
>1/7/2 vs enemy toplane zac

It's good to see you can't accept how stupid you are but instead resort to making up scenarios that never happened as a counter argument.

>he has less than 80% win as Zyra


Show me how that enemy Vlad in your game carried his team.

how to token?

How to fix him to be more viable?

This guy.

He didnt, our jungler dodged when they took vlad.


>Highest EU LCS viewership was 210k viewers aka less than 50% of what it got last year

Everything is just fine though, right? ;)

Is there any group that i can join, i just made a new account for Ocenia

Quality argument you have going there, then. Vlad is shit and his below-average winrate reflects that.

>he doesnt have the best name for a zyra main in the year 2016

yeah dude vlad is so shit haha every competitive team and high elo players banning or 1st picking him must be wrong
haha winrates!
get out of here you moronic shitter

Play unusual roles like Shaco support or Trist jungle. There was an user here whot got a S+ when playing Urgot supp.

That's a terrible name

How do I relearn the game?
It feels like I'm out of the loop somehow, like I stopped playing for some 1 year then suddenly came back.
I don't understand this game anymore, champions are capable of doing shit I wasn't even aware they could do (like elise easily 1v1s Xin in the early game) I'm doing a lot of stupid shit I'm not even aware of, like as trundle, I try to invade the enemy jungler's red to catch them and score the easy first blood, turns out the enemy jungler is randomly not at red at all, never even took red, is instead top, scoring first blood on our morde, and the rest of the game is me trying to make shit happen all across the map but my whole team is randomly pushing at all times.
The game is frustrating as fuck, I tried to switch roles to support (sick of long ass queues and wanting to try something new) and lost every single game, like easily 20+ lost games.

The only shit I haven't tried yet is mid lane, but I don't feel like I'll be the next faker and suddenly win my games, so what the fuck is going on? Everyone does more damage than it's supposed to but me, everyone is suddenly tanky (even the fucking zed), it feels like wards take a shitload of time to recharge and I just don't know what to do anymore in this game. At times I just find myself randomly farming camps because it feels like nothing works.
All lanes are always pushed, trying to invade always gets me killed like their jungle is fully warded for some reason, people picking shit all around.

Yep, the game feels like falling apart for me. It's sad that I even thought myself to be a decent player, been constantly in upper gold from season 3 all throughout season 5 when I quit lol for a couple months.

just play and you will learn about the changes and new stuff. if you WANT to learn that is

Delete this.

None that I know of

Fact: Vlad is only scary if the player playing him has severe autism, possibly combined with thirst for his flawless pale flesh.

>Be tank
>Buy tank items
>Trundle is in the enemy team
>He presses R
>I die and he steals all my items

nice game lolbabbies

Btw, at what level should i play normal queue instead of bot, normal queue take so god damn long

I play, almost daily some 3-4 matches a day. I know all the changes, all the rebalances, buffs / nerfs. I still like this game.
It just FEELS like I need to relearn it, you feel me? Like I said, it just feels like everyone does random ammounts of damage they shouldn't, or have vision where they shouldn't, little stuff like that.
Granted, I've always played jungle and it's just frustrating as fuck lately. That's why I tried to get into support. But it's kinda sad when you've lost the last 20+ games in a row as support.
I've had win and losing streaks before, but never over such a number of games. The only games I win lately are ARAM and that doesn't warm me because of the random factor in them.

Fuck man it feels bad knowing I've gotten so bad at league for no apparent reason. Shit used to be good and well, not it's one lost game after another. Or even if I win, it still feels like luck or getting carried by others.

Are you still waiting?

the purpose of this game is to humilate your enemies by beating them

why would you ever play against bots

>picking tank against Trundle in the first place
>Its like picking Yasuo to fight bruiser

>League's only delicious brown is Nidalee
>A dirty jungle bitch that everyone hates
No wonder this game is dead


Im level 8, bot wait time: 20 sec, Normal: 3 minutes, beside, i can humilate other in different way, like kill steal or taking their cs

When ever you want I started as soon as I could and bot queue is always shorter than normals.


wrong image
kill me


>play support
>buy support item + sightstone + red trinket then build all dmg items
>steal all the kills you can
>dont die

easy s+ you dont even have to try

Don't talk about her like that. She isn't dirty.

So Yasuo takes a Last Whisper upgrade and ults someone. Whether or not this works the way I think it does, pretend it does and that Yasuo now has 100% Bonus Armor penetration just for the sake of ignoring stats and 20 flat Penetration against a Thresh who has not been collecting very many souls and has exactly 20 armor (Starts at 16, gains 0.75 armor per soul so he has 6 souls)

Yasuo has reduced damage on critical strikes, so what happens if Yasuo has a Zeal + IE and his target has a Randuin's Omen?
To add to this, if the same Thresh built a Frozen heart, the cooldown on his Q is increased while hes near Thresh, correct? Or just when attacking him, I forgot Omen has the Coldsteel passive still

I sure love having more gold and xp than my goddamn solo laners.
How the hell can that Leblanc be level 30 with only 46 victories in normal game anyway?
And that Lee had over 700 victories in normal game, at this point I'd expect him to know about farming and pushing lanes.
Why are people bad at the game?
There's no point playing in the normal queue anymore because I only get matched with these people. I swear it wasn't like that before. Did Riot do something stupid again?

I don't know how many normal games it takes to hit 30 but generally bot games are the fastest to like 20.

Why do people think that getting out of bronze is hard? Getting out of silver is way more difficult, especially when you have the red cross on your team.

I'm sure it took me at least 100 victories in normals to reach level 30.
The xp reduction was a dumb fucking move.

>3 hours
>77 posts


Pen stacks multiplicatively.
Flat pen won't take target below 0, only armor reducing effects can do that
Crit stacks multiplicatively too so Yasuo base crit is 180%, IE crit is 225% and 202.5% with IE + Randuins or 162 with just Randuins.
Pretty sure FH should increase Q CD same with Randuins

Let it go man.

Over watch with 150 posts an hour compared to leaves 25 an hour does not signify that the game is dead.
It's just a meme.

We need more Tumblr waifu like tali yah.

>ibg nerfs
>fervor of battle nerds
>essence reaver buffs
Ezreal has been nerfed to the fucking ground

So, whats with everyone SUDDENLY wanting to play Volibear and SUDDENLY wanting to ban him, despite him being nearly the god damn same since S4 started?
Which LCS fucker made him into an EPIC pick, and now the sheeple must follow.

I think it's bc he's free this week, globally available...

Hecarim is the new op broken jungler, mark my words. He is already dominating every game he is in with new triforce

>Pretty sure FH should increase Q CD same with Randuins
I just woke up and botched that part about frozen heart, what I meant to say was that the Randuin's has the coldsteel passive so FH wouldnt even be needed to increase Steel Tempest's CD.

>Randuin's Omen makes Yasuo deal a meager 62% bonus damage on critical strikes until he completes 2 expensive as fuck items
O im laffin
>but that applies to every single strike with 800g + Shiv to make up for it


or treads

Well to be honest he also gets free crit and can ignore all the armor randuins gives. So 65% bonus damage with just IE+Shiv is better than what typical ADC's would get in that kind of situation.

So Over watch will probably last a month more around, but the damage is done to league.
League either needs a huge boost to something to save it.

What's the next big game guys?

>Adcbabs genuinely think their role is/has ever been in a bad spot although there's always been 1 adc in each team for years now

The Mordekaiser Mistake doesn't count

oldschool runescape

There are no like-able teams in EU LCS.

In terms of difficulty to master, and how often they're fucked by patches.

Support = Jungle > Top > ADC > Mid

Supports aren't allowed to have strong heroes by default due to the nature of a duo lane. If someone is too strong or oppressive, they get shafted. Jungles aren't allowed to be carries, because any time someone becomes dominant, they nerf it into the ground. Any time a good jungle item rolls around, laners ruin it and it gets gutted.

In terms of how hard they're coddled:

Mid >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Everything.

Mid lane babbies are LITERALLY coddled to hell and back. Mid lane is the equivalent of a Quarterback, and Riot knows this. They try their absolute hardest to make it seem like the most EPIC role and accordingly baby the shit out of them.

Do you know why garbage champs like supports and ADCs are picked every game? Because bot lane is down 2 levels on everyone by default because of EXP sharing. That means that both champions that go down there need to be able to function without levels. ADCs have no base stats on anything so levels aren't important to them and support is the only role that can function without gold or exp. If bot lane was a solo lane you'd never see an ADC or support again.

Just keep playing, they do random amounts of damage because you don't understand the champions or item spikes.

People are buying a lot of armor pen and CDR these days, you just need to get used to that.

Solo's Law - If the player has Level 6 (or higher) AND is on your team, they're guaranteed bad at League.

Just play top, if you can tank and deal damage for 3 players every game, you will rise in elo.

If you can't do that, then you deserve to be silver.

God, Riot pisses me the fuck off.
I'm about to post a video with proof that their skin QA employee is either incompetent or just flat out lying to the community.

This certain skin has had a shitload of problems for 1-2 years now that make it inferior to the base skin, and they refuse to look into it because we're suckers and already fucking bought it.

Even fucking EA doesn't have the balls to pull this shit.