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First for cuddly waifus

Azura a shit

Anyone have a marriage guide chart like pic related? I'm interested in different pairings.

Why is Hinoka the best girl? Why is she so much better than the rest?

good lewds where?

She isn't even better than her own retainer

I don't know. She's pretty crappy in my Revelations playthrough. Why the fuck does she join with 24hp at chapter 16 or so? Even a stray breeze kills her.

Other thread just hit the bump limit.

Sakura is cute

There is nothing remotely likable about Hinoka. Worst sister.

She's meant for utility in Rev.

I hate Azura and so do you!

Which girl is most likely to become a cuckquean and why is it Cynthia?

Oh, really?
Her tomboyish, yet cute demeanor.
Her perfect body type. Her red hair, her great hairstyle.
Her tough willed yet genuine personality. Her love for her family and friends.
Her superior growths. Her powerful stats.

Frankly you just have shit taste.

That took a little thinking to get through in a decent time.

I woke up on the wrong fucking side of the bed this morning and I'm not going to hold back from telling you that all of your shitty little Fire Emblem Fates waifus are worthless, shit characters, so stop fucking posting them. Nobody cares how cute you think they are, nobody cares how much you love them; they're all irredeemable shitters. Fuck off nerds.

Like said her main draw in Rev is an 8 movement flying Staffer who can actually fight a bit if needed. It's why I still put her near the top end of high even though she has more issues in Rev.

>Her tomboyish, yet cute demeanor.

>Her perfect body type. Her red hair, her great hairstyle.
She looks like a dude. Literally. People actually thought she was a guy when she her design was first revealed. Not making that up.

>Her tough willed yet genuine personality. Her love for her family and friends.

>Her superior growths. Her powerful stats.
Camilla is objectively better.

It irks me that the strongest spear master unit is meant for utility, especially when Shigure does utility better thanks to his personal skill and inheriting troubadour.

I'd say that Hinoka is not that deep my dude, but that would imply that she's at least a little bit deep. She doesn't even have that much.

>All her support dialogue backs this up

>likes manly shaped tomboys
You might actually be a homosexual.


Where is it detailed that she has a tomboy personality? Where does she act cute in spite of this? Her supports are literally just "filled the quota" because she was never meant to exist. She trained to save Corrin, that's it.

*all her watered down Camilla


then what personality does her(albeit little) dialogue/my room lines/support make her out to be?
>She looks like a dude. Literally. People actually thought she was a guy when she her design was first revealed. Not making that up
Prove to me she is not tough willed/does not care for her family.
>Camilla is objectively better.

Ryoma support for starters shitposter-kun

Wait for an fe8 remake where they give you a self insert.

What say you, Fatesfags?

Why are Camillacucks so triggered by Hinoka?


>tl;dr it's shit and I am so cool

>then what personality does her(albeit little) dialogue/my room lines/support make her out to be?

It's just a generic personality, really. It's been posted before, you can read her lines from after you marry her here, none of them reflect on any particular personality: pastebin.com/A853akQ4

>Prove to me she is not tough willed/does not care for her family.

She isn't tough-willed in any meaningful or outstanding way. Virtually every character has some degree of resolve, they're in the middle of a fucking war. Also, none of the Hoshidan siblings seem to show much affection for one another and Hinoka is definitely no exception.

If you actually think the completely broken mess that was Awakening's dual sysem is better than the one in Fates, then I really have nothing to say to you, because arguing with someone that deluded is just a waste of time.

No, not really. It's obvious you have not seen most of her supports.

>She looks like a dude
Get your eyes fixed. She's a girl, who acts like a boy at times. If you didn't see it from the very start you have brain problems, user.

Again, it isn't.

>Camilla is objectively better.
Funny. I benched Camilla late game. Hinoka gets stronger as the game progresses.

I disagree, user.

Yes, you are outing yourself as visually impaired, look at gif and tell me she isn't a woman.

Why do people try this hard to discredit Hinoka. She is the most precious thing in this game and you faggots just try to shit it up with your shit opinions, really now.

Which waifu is most likely to shitpost about other waifus on /feg/

>it's good because it's bad

This is the state of Awakeningfags right now

>Yes, you are outing yourself as visually impaired, look at gif and tell me she isn't a woman.

She just looks like an anime guy, honestly.

Fuck that, fe4 and fe5 remake first.

>three fucking games
Agreed. Rev was pushing it but I enjoyed both Birthright and Conquest. And the story obviously took a big fucking hit trying to accomodate 3 games.
>Shit dual system
Fuck off. Fates was miles ahead. You had a reason to get in Attack or Guard stance
>Forcing in unnecessary children characters
Agreed. I hate kids in general, but that's because I can't be bothered to dabble in eugenics, but at the same time, I tend to min-max so I worry about what I'm missing out.
>shit skills
No clear difference. Both are serviceable, except I resent that Awakening (the skill) is gender-locked.
>shit weapons
Agreed. Give me back weapon durability if it means I can use my Silver weapons without gimping myself in the next turn.
>Goddamn seals and shit reclassing.
I must admit Awakening's system is simpler. The Fates reclassing system actually needs planning now because your partner choice potentially gives you access to a strong skill.
>shit characters
Both have ups and downs.

In short, both games were _fun

>It's just a generic personality, really. It's been posted before, you can read her lines from after you marry her here, none of them reflect on any particular personality
She has a tomboyish personality. Have you read her supports? Though, I do give you her my room lines are bretty bland
>She isn't tough-willed in any meaningful or outstanding way. Virtually every character has some degree of resolve, they're in the middle of a fucking war. Also, none of the Hoshidan siblings seem to show much affection for one another and Hinoka is definitely no exception.
All that is is an excuse. All you said is "well, she's not REALLY tough-willed." and "see, NONE of them really care for each other."
Let me ask you this: If she does not care for family, why did she devote her life to get corrin back from Nohrdor?

Nigga that looks like an anime man.
Actually, she looks manlier than an anime man.

>Shit skills

Yeah fuck Elbow Room, give me back that shit skill Cavs used to have that gave you a tiny Avoid buff or some useless shit.

Let's give you that the dual system is better in Fates for the sake of argument. Try and refute the other points, unless you can't.

Awakening had problems for sure. Fates has more. Remember that Conquest is supposed to be viewed as only ~30% of the entirety of Fates. Don't get mad at me for that, that was IS' doing.

That's because you're gender recognition skills are terrible.
You would probably fuck a woman and won't know it was actually a man like a homo, your brain is just too stupid to see societal patterns of what a man and a woman is.

Awakening's reclassing was a complete mess and completely broke the game's balance (as if balance was even an afterthought in Awakening's design) by giving a unit infinite levels. All it took was one Seal for a unit to be permanently ahead of the levelling curve for the entire game.

Fates making reclassing no longer reset levels and letting you gain infinite levels in postgame for minmaxing autism was by far and away the best change they made to the game as a whole, because they actually balanced games (well aside from parts of Rev) around the usual levelling curve again.

So, in dark souls 3, they censored a babby getting killed and crushed
Is that worse than the fates censorship?

>you don't want to fuck this man that I call a woman?
>shame on you!
A person that wants to fuck what looks and acts like a man is in no shape to accuse others of being a faggot.

>your brain is just too stupid to see societal patterns of what a man and a woman is

"societal patterns", what? Like her behavior? The behavior that you're claiming is like that of a man?

No but it's still awful they cut it.

The problems in Fates' gameplay don't even come close to the ones Awakening had.

Even (aside from storywise of course) children were handled way better in Fates, as opposed to Awakening's laughable mess of a system that left the vast majority of children either unusable (without heavy grinding) or gamebreaking.

Nothing is worse than the censorship in Fates. I can't even rub my waifu's face anymore! FUCKING SJWs RUINED MY STRATEGY GAME!

It's not even censorship you idiot

Is Lucina best girl?

Join the Severa Fan Club today, and get a free hug and twintail pet on your membership!


>Awakening's laughable mess of a system that left the vast majority of children either unusable (without heavy grinding) or gamebreaking.

As opposed to Fates's system that left the vast majority of children either unusable without heavy grinding or maybe, and only if they get lucky with levelups, slightly better than their parents?

Not really, I'm sure any sane person would say her facial features, her hairstyle and her movements are womanly.

Why don't you just go away with your shit opinions, user?

Oh please, she doesn't even look like a man at all. Hell, her haircut is pretty womanly and really fits the tomboy look. She takes hours fixing her hair, you know.

Hah. Just fuck off back to your shit girl, whoever that is. I'm sure with your shit brain you only see shit so your taste in women is automatically shit.

But I married Cynthia.

>responding to bait
user pls

I love this beautiful girl!

all of the children are usable thanks to offspring seals, retard

>I'm sure with your shit brain you only see shit so your taste in women is automatically shit.

It's weird, but it only seems to happen whenever I look at Hinoka.

Keeping Limstella secretly alive! Returning to the dread isle to pound her morph-pussy and siring a line of perfect children!
Becoming chief of the morphs on the dread isle! Sodomizing Limstella endlessly, and getting her to smile and come to terms with her own existence and accept herself as being alive!

She's shit

Wew lad it's just some ~10% better growth if you pair the parents properly and 1 skill, rarely 2 because most children have the same class as the father
You cant pass down Awakening!Galeforce to every kid anyway.

None of them are worthwhile unless you can get lucky with their growths and are willing to try. They're basically just mediocre or, at their best, roughly on-par versions of their parents, who you can just use instead.

>any sane person would see her as a woman
You are not a sane person though, just a homosexual in denial.

The kids were at the very worst mediocre thanks to Child Seals and (a foreign concept in Awakening times) actually scaling their level and paralogue to where you are in the story at the time. All they need is a seal to jump in and at least contribute something. The only issue the child system has is that it's unnecessary and those units should have been first-gens.

That doesn't even begin to compare to Awakening where you have kids like Inigo being permanently unusable on anything higher than Normal thanks to his mom's garbage fucking bases.

or you could get bad luck with the parent growths and you can replace them with the children who will have average stats

No, you didn't marry anyone.
Cynthia married Inigo and well, hope she likes flavor town with ntr seasoned steak.

Why is Tharja molesting Noire, and why is Robin watching(assuming this picture is POV)?

You're entitled to your opinion, user, but I'll cherish her for us both!

Oh no your SOOPER EUGENICS THAT I GRINDED 100 HOURS FOR don't break the game over your knee anymore and instead just give you decent usable units, what ever will you do

I know I am, but sometimes you have to show these ignorant, disgusting Camilla lovers how better Hinoka is, at almost every aspect. Not even kidding. I mean, let's be honest here, she wasn't even part of the draft but she's the best Royal sister.

If you got bad luck with parent growths, you'd probably just end up benching said parents for better options rather than use them just in the hopes that their kids can have better luck when you finally get the chance to recruit them and the game's almost over anyway.

>and instead just give you decent usable units

They don't though. There are maybe a handful of usable kids in Fates if that, and none of them are /that/ much better than their parents, and plus they all come really late so at that point it's like why even bother. Fates' kids were a blatant last-minue addition and pretty much everything about them reflects this.

That applies just as much to Awakening unless you grind (outside of whoever Chrom fucks obviously), just due to no level scaling making the Paralogues too much for your army for most of the game.

Kanpeki thighs~


>There are maybe a handful of usable kids in Fates

Yeah, I'll take a "handful" of usable kids in Fates over the two that were usable in Awakening on the higher difficulties thank you.

That's a pretty big handful, by the way.

but that's the wrong kanpeki

Hinoka and Camilla are both equally shit. Stop bickering this instant

or maybe you really need a bow knight and you don't want to be stuck in e-rank hell, retard

I love Pieri and so do you!

Kanpeki husband

There is literally, and I mean literally zero reason to try to go out of your way to obtain a single kid in Fates on its higher difficulties. None. You can say that the only reason to get them in Awakening was to break the game, but at least that was a potential reason.

but Subaki has kanpeki thighs!

Is there any reward for online PVP in Fates? The matches come down to who goes first, and a lot of teams are silly setups like Kinshi/Kinshi/Kinshi/Falcoknight/Azura.

Hinoka is a goddess compared to Camilla the slut. First of all, physical apprearance. Hinoka has the better breast size. The cute tomboy look, the awesome hair. Camilla has the shitty cowtits.

Second, personality. Hinoka is a girl who would genuinely love you and all her friends, for better or for worse. If we look in the story, Hinoka is fighting for Corrin to come back home. She's literally been waiting for this day. She's been close to him/her since childhood only to be taken away by Garon.
Camilla is a seflish bitch. She would kill anybody who gets between her and Corrin, in the most forced way. She's plainly a terribly written character personality wise. While Camilla let's Corrin sit on her lap all day, Hinoka has been suffering, training hard every day, thinking of Corrin's well being in Nohr. She doesn't even know if he's being tortured, or he's even alive. Yet she tries to have faith that he is. A noble cause, if I say so myself. Camilla is a cold, ruthless killing bitch that has never experienced suffering like the long wait of your loved one's uncertain death.

>Subaki is supposedly ""kanpeki""
>is not a dumb hunk

uhhhhhhhhhhhh false advertising???

Stinky twinky

Learn your terminology

If he was dumb he wouldn't be kanpeki.

Well, Fire emblem can hardly be said to be about strategy, so it's just fitting.

The implication is that the perfect husbando would be a hunk and not a twink.

I love Flora

Jap females are not particularly big on hunks. They prefer twinks. To them, a hunk is not kanpeki. If anything, said hunk is probably gay. Japan is weird that way.


Ophelia is the best mage unit in Conquest. Nina can help if your Niles got absolutely buttfucked with growths like mine did. Shigure is the best rallybot. Well, that's all I can think about.