/mbg/ - Mount & Blade General

Warwolf edition

E3 Bannerlord siege videos:
Last blog:
Older info:

RPS Interview with Armagan : rockpapershotgun.com/2016/04/28/mount-and-blade-2-bannerlord-interview/


PASTEBIN: pastebin.com/fcmVyuQ0

M&B Wiki: mountandblade.wikia.com/wiki/Mount_and_Blade_Wiki

NOOB GUIDE: imgur.com/a/FMAqV


user's mods and upstab guide:

>/mbg/ Steamgroup

Module Recommendations:
>Swedish Mayonnaise
>Caribbean! Blood and Gold (on Steam)

>"I made a mod recently or updated it. Wat do ?"
Link to the OP in your post so that it might be easier to find for the one making the next OP (also for regular people).

Other urls found in this thread:


Warwolf is the ultimate mod

>mfw suck at combat
>it's the only way to level in Warband, as hiding behind your units is counter productive
What do, /mbg/? Should I just drop the game?

get horse, level archery, ride in circle plinking at people

>make combat oriented character at character creation
>turn on autoblock

Bam, noob friendly

Would anybody judge me if I just cheat to get a bunch of the party skills up on my actual character?
I don't want to deal with idiot companions, but I don't want to waste bazillions of points on these skills.

Just git gudder

>Git gud

pick up a shield and an x bow
Also combat is shit for leveling do quests instead

I could if I could use a gamepad, but the "hold the mouse while moving" thing fucks me up.

>think about dead family
Fucking lmao
Also reposting

Stop sucking.
Like seriously, it's easy.
You can get a nice windfall of experience for completing "Clear Bandit Lair" quests. If you've got good enough companions and you put them at the top of your troop list, they'll do the heavy lifting.

>taking away the embeds
for shame lad that was triple thread tradition

Guide for Warwolf when

Man, the altered loot screen is a thing I really really like in Warwolf. Just a few pieces of relatively decent gear, pick one bitch.

Oh, your problem is some form of multi-tasking thing and not just poor ability to block/attack at appropriate times?
Well that'll be harder, maybe. You new to KB+M? You'll get used to it, if you are. If you're not, well, maybe you're just fucked.

What do you need to know

Melee against vanilla AI is literally just block->attack



>says you can divide infantry, archers, cavalry, into separate groups
what else is new in the interview
couldn't be assed to watch the rest

There's like no new real info in this shit if you've watched any of the pc gamer weekender. Which you should have, because it's much more fun than watching 3 people talk semi-clumsily at each other.

Apparently the interactions you have with lords, you can have with most other npc's, I wonder what they meant by that.

With any luck, it means you can ask where named NPCs are, and you can threaten/attack them to get what you want.

>threatening a lord
Geez, what can possibly go wrong?

What the fuck.

I was thinking more like being able to give fiefs to npcs and being able to marry peasants


So how many more features will taleworlds steal from warwolf?

The lewd ones i hope.

Nothing, if you have an army to back you.
If their recruitment system really is like the player's now, they'll be out of commission for at least two weeks.

What are they going to do, stab me?

Why would you marry a peasant

So you can actually get a woman that has a spine

is 150 really that much?

But yeah, I guess I could try.

>Select your Booty

150 is what I use, and I don't CTD in fights. I have a 2GB VRAM video card and 8GB of PC RAM so I feel like if you have that or better it shouldn't matter, but who knows.

You could try a test environment of setting all graphics options to min - if that solves the problem, then you know it's something there, at least. Or just lower corpse count as suggested and hope that would be the setting.

In Warwolf if I found a settlement do I get to be owner of my own nation?

>think about dead family.

So does your "army" appear in battle in warwolf? This shit confuses me

Who fuckin' knows
Save your game and try it out, report back.

>decide I'm too cool for a helmet
>face suddenly becomes the final destination of every projectile launched in my general direction

Lesson learned, fuck


It absolutely blows my mind how fucking feature packed Warwolf is compared to literally all other mods

Shame its one of the most unpolished mods out there

In a fight? no, not exactly. I think it just boosts your numbers so that the game can fine-tune the amount of troops each unit actually is able to deploy - like how it does in vanilla. But it's special here to allow for ARMIES and for WARBANDS, and because seeing an army of 7000-15k men is cooler than seeing an army of 200, or whatever.

I'm a bit confused as to what actually gets deployed though. It seems to break your mans up into a few different groups (1/2/3, etc) but they aren't 100% of the same type. I'll get #1 labeled as "Samurai (Elite)" but then it's not 100% elite samurai sometimes, maybe?
Then it also seems to scale everything up as necessary so if you have 10 teppo samurai, it's actually like 50 in the fight. It's all very abstract. It also ignores normal battle size rules so I hope you didn't enjoy FPS if you're fighting in a large battle.

>look up M&B fanfiction
>has as many typos as there are in the average mod

>M&B fanfiction

You know that 90% of fanfictions are shit?
Well, I'm sorry, but that's wrong.

It's actually 99%.

>Harlaus grasped the base of his polearm gently, Graveth watched with intrigue.

I just wanted to be immersed in the lore of Calradia.

I'm sorry user, but you're going to swim through a lot of shit to find one.

reread the lore... all of it.

>same interview that was posted 3 or 4 times last thread
Thank you user

There's a lore in Calradia? I thought it was just
>there are kings. It's more or less anarchy. Fuck you stranger.

clearly you need to re-read all of the lore if that's what you think it is.


*user has been knocked unconcious by Lord Graveth*

tfw we're all on the 0th level of the onion that is life

All the lords in Calradia are immortals, the seasons stopped changing in the 200 years between Bannerlord and Warband, etc.
It's very deep.


>Harlaus sneered mischievously as he eyed Isolla, sprauled out across the ground, her rebellion crushed, her claim a whisper in the wind. A nearby knight handed Harlaus a bag that has been clearly soaked through by some kind of liquid, Isolla's eyes went agape with fear, knowing exactly what was inside. As she struggled to crawl away, two men pinned her down as Harlaus stepped above her, stringing the bag and draining its contents upon her, boiling butter. He licked his lips greedily as she screamed for mercy, and said with lust filling his voice, "Its time for a feast."

There's lore beyond what the merchant says?

>he hasn't read the M&B tie-in novels


>BOILING butter
I can't fap to this


>he hasn't read stuff that isn't in the game
Boo-hoo. Let me open a can of "I don't give a fuck".

How do I stop my bloody cavalry from dismounting?

basic ass bitch

you don't know shit about calradia

Guys what are some mods with a lot unique quests and events like the ACOK and Viking Conquest ?

Because I don't care about fanfictions.

touhou beat

Whats that ?

>boiling butter
That's hurt.

A mod where you beat touhous.

Well it is torture

Whats a touhou ?

Is there a bigger faggot than this guy in all of Calradia?

fucking commies

A /jp/ girl with a hat that can fly and shoot magical bullets.

>that haunting look in his eyes

lurk moar

In that case is there a mod without such faggotry ?

>little girls

How good do my stats have to be in order to deal damage to the "troll" in VC?

Drink from your own skull filthy beggar

I'm not into anime shit thats why i called it faggotry but I guess there aren't other mods like the one I was talking about.

Maybe Gekokujo. Or at least that's what the NPC promised.

Brytenwalda is the only one I can think of, but it's pretty much Viking Conquest set a few hundred years prior

i think that guy was just memeing you with that anime garbage
TLD is more event focused than traditional warband

Too high, don't bother.

Maybe. I'm not the one who suggested Touhou Beat, I just explained what it was.

Really important question. If I am the kind, and I become friends with the mountain tribes, will they stop attacking my villagers? I know this didnt work with the nolder last time I played it, so just want to make sure.

Post some of the worst siege scenes you've ever seen

Forget being an /a/ elitist over the source material, Touhou doesn't even have an anime.

That would require there to be good warband siege scenes

Siege scenes are literally just pour 200 arrows into defenders while your infantry does the rest. Or just keep archers, when they run out of arrows suicide them for more.

>VC lets you convert captured lords to your religions in exchange for their freedom
time to baptize some pagans

This one is particularly bad because it makes it so your men cant actually get past the tower

It baffles me that no one tested this

warsword patch? warsword patch?

Well I mean, what else do you want
Also that's not a siege scene, it's a fort assault scene :^)

it's all ching bang ting bong cartoons to me

anime seems to also refer to the style of art ("looks japanese"), not just "japanese cartoon"
So a picture or game can be anime even if it's not actually from a TV show. Like touhou.

>Or just keep archers, when they run out of arrows suicide them for more.
Just retreat and attack again you monster

90% of M&B, mods included, feels like nobody tested a feature and decided that it would be cool to have as it is.

It's not even a cartoon though, it's just a bullet hell game like those spaceship games on airplanes.

>So a picture or game can be anime even if it's not actually from a TV show. Like touhou.
>normalfags calling everything anime just like they call anything to do with the Orient weabooism