"We should take every muslim baby from the arms of their muslim mothers, and proceed to kill them all without pity. "

>"We should take every muslim baby from the arms of their muslim mothers, and proceed to kill them all without pity. "

wow a bit harsh

literally who

He's right. Muslims are fucking animals.

He's not wrong

fuck off to /pol/

Fuck off to /mlp/

>posts on Veeky Forums that I don't like
>I bet /pol/ is behind this

Would you kill this?

>yay lets kill babies that will solve it

/pol/ is behind this

>Muslims are fucking cancer and need to be destroyed, nuke the middle east
>btw, vote for Hillary because Trump is silly
what did he mean by this

All babies are born Muslim. Hasn't he read the Quran?

Killing muslim babies would literally save Europe. I get what you're trying to say, but you're not even choosing the right approach.

problem: Muslims killing Europeans
solution: kill all Muslim babies

please point out the flaw in the logic

wtf I love Ben Stiller now

kek stop

Wait did he really say that?
Why do Anglos love "Collective Punishment" but every single time anyone mentions something they did they hide behind the "I didn't Personally do it" meme?

>(((Sam Harris)))


the babies arent killing anyone?

I might as well shoot your granny because you're a cunt.

>/pol/ is behind this
literally leftypol's and /qa/'s "DA JOOZ"


>implying /pol/tards haven't invaded this board

Mudslimes a shit, but the neets on /pol/ can go fuck themselves.

>the JIDF is invading this board man don't give into their shilling

Go right ahead, she's a cunt.

I'm pretty sure Ben Stiller never actually said that.

>what did he mean by this

The better question is what do you mean by this?


Prophet Muhammad here. First, I would fuck it. Then maybe kill it since it has allowed itself to be used for sin.

Go back to denying the Armenian Genocide, Cenk.

Geez the dialogue in Zoolander 2 was way edgier than in the first one


>implying muslim babies exist
babies don't know what the fuck islam is

Sam Harris said the same thing.

Because Hillary is a lot more militaristic than Trump

Am I the only one who thinks he sounds like Kermit the Frog? Not in a bad way, I love Harris, but damn he sounds like Kermit the Frog.

No idea where you're getting that from. Always found his timbre very pleasant, like a therapist.

Thats just a turn on for me.

It's more his habit of pausing after he makes a point, just reminds me so much of Kermit.

You know it, I have to listen to his podcasts with one hand if you know what I mean.

Just to clarify, I mean I masturbate furiously while listening to him.

Just to clarify further, masturbation is when you rub your cock really fast until it spits at you.

Oh wait, we got it all wrong lads. This one speaks reason.

Eliminate the idea of islam from the place of existence would be more appropriate, and use these kids as slaves or something instead

How generic and unnotable can one man look? I mean seriously just look at this guy. Am I supposed to hold this man as some highly esteemed scientist? He looks like he plays a character in a shitty sitcom or something.

What do you yourself look like?

He's a (((Jew)))