/tfg/ Titanfall general

Cute edition

>Lore, lewds & more

>Steam Group

We got 2 trailers, one for SP and one for MP
A list of all the important things from the trailers has been put together here:

Doomed thread:

Other urls found in this thread:


Anyone on xbox, message Crusading Dude


I'm gonna play a couple of games in about half an hour. Anyone wanna join?

High tickrate in T2 pls

Sure, I'm up for a few

I'll be on in a few min

was dicking around in private games earlier and thought this was relatively fast.

That's pretty damn fast

I hope the smart pistol returns for T2

GG Crusade, gonna take a break for a few though
That ctf match was brutal

already confirmed, but they're gonna change it up a bit since the way it is now is bullshit

Oh shit. I forgot about this comfy general.

how do you keep your mouse movements so smooth?

spread the word, m8

>how do you keep your mouse movements so smooth?
Low sensitivity (500dpi @1.38 in game sensitivity) and practice.

>RoninTitan went online
okay, who of you fucks is this, and why that dumb name?


Shit, this makes me want to play again

Then play.

>tfw worried to death about how TF2 will run on my 2GB card

I can't
It's fucked up on my computer and I don't know how to fix it

Nobody plays CTF

should I reinstall? It's such a huge install, I was playing a month or so ago

Is this real?


No, someone elaborately faked an in-game trailer...

Post tracks you want in Titanfall 2 youtube.com/watch?v=fxHSyPrpkdM

Anyone on?

This is so damn good


So what's every user wishing for the final 3 pilots and titans to be?

A titan focused around team buffing/support would be good

How many players are on PC? I'm thinking about getting the first game, now that interest might be renewed.

Flying Titan
Pilot with rollerblades