>Sure you are, it is your job, agent.
Um no it isnt im just here as a fellow user
>I'm saying what your boss does. He isn't your friend just because he feeds you.
where did i say we were friends?
>I get it, you're mute, that is why you talk to your boss through posts instead of simply talking with him.
I don't understand the point of these kind of posts really its just meaningless filler
>I suppose you didn't feel comfortable with them, considering the quality of your posting.
o i do. But no video games get made anymore
>I'll refrain from calling you a fedora,
Um the only fedora here is you. If you, your boss, your boss bosses your boss bosses bosses etc who believe in all the memecrap Phds who study whatever you allow in universities came up with despite them not knowing anything just like valve's psychologist and every psychologist in general specially the conductiivist ones
>I will just say that Dota isn't the only videogame out there. Really! It is actualy quite completely garbage compared to most of them.
Um im not talking about just dota. I would appreciate you fucking off from these threads tho. why does everything have to be turned into a military asset?
>Are you crying over your keyboard? Better hold it, your boss will call you a pussy if he sees it.
Didn't you read crying or not crying is meaningless, everything is. I know your brain cannot process too much, dont worry
>You're here.
how is that proof
>Already forgot?
you are copying me yet again what a faggot
>I'm just a concerned civilian, you're the NSA/CSI/FBI/rus agent. Stop with the disassociation, i know your life is so shit you just wish to forget you exist.
my life is good, would be better if certain someone stopped killing the planet including his own country and filling everything including his own country with niggers
>Unlike you, I'm not on a schedule.
but you have 8-10 hour shifts and theres no one during aussie time.