/kfg/ - Killing Floor General

Latest Patch

>KF2 Steam group

Memetastic maps by /kfg/:
>KF-Mall drive.google.com/file/d/0BywcqXA0Kt4IS3pwMFQ2VVRHZ00/view?pli=1
>KF-ParkingGarage steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=642348804
>KF-DanceFloor moddb.com/games/killing-floor-2/addons/kf-dance-floor-contest
>KF-Fog_Rig steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=646654523
>KF-GreenStreet steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=646131633
>KF-Antarctic steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=644445723
>KF-LetsTryGas steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=677201858
>KF-Nuked steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=642313451

Mods n shit:
>user's weapon skins and modded Soundtracks
>Abandon All and Abandon All v3 music for Patriarch
>Engraveless 1911 skin
>user's guide to modding sounds

>Useful console commands for testing or goofing around:

>Spreadsheet with lots of stats about Perks, Damage, Weapons, Etc:

>Grind map for gaining xp fast:

>Mapping/modding help, Bugs, Tweaks, Downloads, and extra stuff:

>Old 2015 /kf2g/ pastebin info (old server IPs):

EU servers:
open no password

Other urls found in this thread:



2nd for kevo

For healslut!

>We're gun nuts!

4th for medic best perk

Let's keep this general clean.

Map based on this place when?

Thats too scary... Can't we have one in an amusement park again?

So no ERP?

I can be your fleshpound for tonight if you know what I mean baby. I'll even let you shoot me with your railgun when we're done.


where the fuck is the old thread

I don't know why no one puts the last thread in the OP anymore

Dead just like this game

thanks senpais

I forget, sorry

But it's meant to be scary. That's the point.

>t4 sharpshooter weapon

>a couple of low level retards are welding doors at the end of the wave so the last zed doesn't die behind it
>when we get to the last zed they go "oh huh weird I guess your game's broken"
>I'm a max level support and can just nade or unweld the door even if they try to stop me
>they do this shit every round while we play the game
epic trolling lads



>after 4000 hours in KF1
Okay, that got me.

is there a template for this?

>Implying anything under 185 ping is unplayable

So, given that Zerker is RUINED I actually picked up the Eviscerator just to screw with my team and this thing has some interesting stuf going on.

First up - it can block big zeds easy.
Second - it allows you to slice through hordes of trash EZ with the discs, as they kill even Sirens and Husks with ease.
Third - the heavy attack (chainsaw) has insane incap. It stops a charging Scrake in no time.

So maybe it's not that shit after all. You can even save a lot of cash when you pick up the discs.

>Guys, the knockback is great
top kek

It's a really strong and fun weapon but it's really hard to use on 80+ ping

the buzzsaw decaps are crazy

Best Kf official map:
Best Kf custom map:
Best Kf2 official map:
Best Kf2 custom map:

santa stalker

>tfw the miku pistol guy

I'm going to repeat myself, cuz other general died.

So how do you unlock Perked Up? Is it bugged or not, cause there are more people who have it than new maps on HoE.

It is bugged

That siren and patty cheevo are broken for me.

only unlockable through pvp :^)


there's about 5 people playing vs right now

>So how do you unlock Perked Up? Is it bugged or not, cause there are more people who have it than new maps on HoE.
I had all 25s before sharp, and then I got sharp to 25, and I still don't have it.
If no one had it, one might assume it includes SWAT and MA. But some people do have it and I don't, so it must be bugged.

>But some people do have it and I don't, so it must be bugged.
Steam Achievement Manager.

>But some people do have it and I don't, so it must be bugged.
Achievement unlocker

I remember when that guy was sperging out about the Megumin explosions

in a way, that just means that all steam achievements are bugged

but anyways, in that case, it may mean it does include swat and martial artist

>in a way, that just means that all steam achievements are bugged
Steam Achievement Manager is not a bug. And I'm sure that the achievement requirements do include MA and SWAT. It wouldn't make sense later on for people to have the achievement for having all perks at max level without actually having all perks at max level.

>implying I don't play alberts and have an anime profile

Same here.

Finnish male character when?

And only one person gets it! I still haven't figured it out, maybe the first person who shoots it or the last. Or the TWI programming is too much spaghetti.

>DLC perks included in an achievement the put in months ago.
>not just including the achievement when all the perks are out.

software bug: an error, flaw, failure or fault in a computer program or system that causes it to produce an incorrect or unexpected result, or to behave in unintended ways.

steam being vulnerable to other programs manipulating it for the sake of cheating can be described as a bug

This is Tripwire we're talking about.

>tfw after 4000 hours in KF1

>firebug and berserker are broken
Oh how times have changed

It was a bug that was supposed to be fixed with Sharpshooter's release

Just use SAM if you care so much

>join into second round of HOE hostile grounds
>game spawns me on the furthest point away from the trader with 40 seconds left
>don't make it and stuck with tier 1 firebug
>game spawns 3 husks
>can't shoot their backpacks because of stalker and crawler swarm

i don't remember this game being such a fucking chore to play

>[slurred Finnish swear words for INSULT ZEDS]
Too bad that would actually be a fun character and Tripwire doesn't like that.

No, it's actually accurate.
Broken as in bad.

...fair point.

>that accent
Is that a thing among Finnek? I have a Finn friend and as I remember his accent was pretty clear.

It might be, I just wrote it with Hydraulic Press Channel in mind.

>Get back into KF2 because of E3
>Play a little bit
>Get tired, quit
>Browse Veeky Forums
>Desire to play KF2 again
>Play a little bit, get tired of it, quit
>Browse Veeky Forums, get desire to play KF2 again
>Tie a noose of piano wire around my neck, glue my hands to the side of my head, and jump off the roof

i made a wacky video to steer away my disappointment of KF2

i wanted to make it longer but I am bad at videogames and recording please kill me

Pretty okay / 10

I wanted to make it from a mac-10 because mac-10 is nuts but turns out it's really bad at getting headshots on clots for some reason without staring down the god awful rails

At least Beretta is still relevant since the Mac10 isn't in 2.

It felt weird seeing Zed time without the KF2 filter though.

damn, this place is fucking huge.
i might try making a map based on this place once i'm done with my current projects

I always wanted to ask, at what level does the 9mm stop 1shotting heads off of clots? Hell on Earth?

Yes. Some Finns speak English with Finnish intonation. It's called rally english.

>Didn't juxtapose it with how bad the 9mm is in KF2

I'm too smart for my own good.

they might as well make the 9mm have infinite ammo considering how dog shit it is


It seems everyone can 1 headshot a Clot up to Hard, after that it's 2.
A level 1 Sharpshooter can do it on 6 man HoE.

Don't give them ideas

>License Expired

Means he played during free weekend

Free Weekend probably

I also played it from time to time on a friends account but otherwise yeah, I didn't fall for the early access trickery.

It's not a bad game. They just need to get on the ball really.

They need to make a roadmap for perks and content, hunker down and complete it. THEN they can focus on balance changes.

No that's a fucking stupid plan. Our sales are still low. Let's make some more skins and have the dev team work on story mode.


actually if someone could get me a decent amount of footage of 9mm being garbage in KF2 I think I could improve the video.

in kf1 you need a damage multiplier for it to be good on the higher difficulties
in kf2 you need a damage multiplier for it to be good on the higher difficulties

isn't e3 over? why haven't these lazy faggots done anything do they not see everyone losing their shit over this fucking patch

they're busy sucking the shit off the floor their corporate overlords left them

And looks like it's time for us to die again.


We're never going to get anything this hot for KF2

>brood was responsible for this model

Thanks Brood.

I want to do dirty things to Stalkers.

Sometimes I let them live just to see their hips swaying.

So what triggers you getting a new crate in-game?

being alive

Team mates who need to be told that it's bad to fight in cramped interiors

_____________________nep nep?______________

Why did they nerf the 9mm so hard...

I wonder how shit gunslinger really is now
I haven't played it since the patch but I heard it's not as good anymore but that goes for literally everything except commando maybe

it can stun scrakes/fps with its grenades, so it's not a complete waste of space

oh nice, I can't even remember what their grenades were good for before, I always thought they were pretty much the same as support grenades

They were quite literally just better Support grenades. I don't recall well anymore but it might even have been inheriting the perk damage passive. The new iteration is now just a better Sharp grenade.
Gunslinger otherwise plays the same minus knockdowns, and it takes another shot on Scrake in exchange for far faster FP kills, both of which are further augmented by the new grenade. It's even more jack of all trades than before.

Was all that 'staying tuned' worth it?


What are you working on senpai?