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I want D.va to spank me
Nigga leave this thread
It'll be our next general once dies.
>Still no console ID list.
Why though
This bitch should res only people that are in los. Hiding in some hole and then resing through walls is fucking retarded.
the game would be perfedct6
i am in love with genji
Why is phara so best girl?
This game's players irritate me like none other, but I can't stop playing.
effeminate mercy boys should hit me up
I just get way too many defeats in general. I think I win less than a third of the time. I'm really trying my best, but nobody's around when the whole enemy team is concentrated in one point and I can't do jack shit about it. Especially for when I'm a heal or tank and fucking nobody is ever there. No matter how much I tell everyone to stick together they go everywhere
Why is Mei a fundamentally poorly designed character?
Who the fuck cares about consoles
>tfw best Mei in owg.
she is annoying as fuck. She has 250 HP, an invuln that HEALS her, an annoying wall, an ult with a HUGE radius, sniper M2s, and M1 that slows you down in less than 4 seconds for free headshots. She is annoying on the enemy team and she is annoying on your team. But damn if she isn't fuckable as hell.
I want to racemix with Pharah
>tfw 76 is starting to really grow on me as a character
My aim is getting better and I feel like I generally play better as him.
She's the Pyro from TF2 but her victims can't run away from her
You are the only constant.
>Attacking on any map
>Last minute the enemy switches to 3+ bastions
>Implying >balancing a game around swapping
reminder that chocolate vanilla swirl is the best
>out of the mmr bracket where everyone picks genji and does nothing
>into the mmr bracket where everyone picks genji and blocks everything to ever be fired
post battletag
>You are close to receiving leave's penalty
I'd play him more if they got rid of the fucking mouse acceleration.
the lonely sonyggers need love too
But I don't want to be the shitter who is the only person who believes he isn't.
Thats actually pretty well drawn
she's the pyro from tf2 with fuck all close up damage and an icicle which allows her to snipe people from afar
her freeze beam needs slightly more damage and her icicle some sort of tweak to make it less effective at ranges
dude who cares about leavers penalty it takes lik 4 games to get out
I just hate being stunned
Being unable to do anything feels like shit in any game
And I think that ice-blocked Meis shouldn't count towards point capping/blocking, but I feel that in general for all invulns
She's caramel, you fuck.
Blacks are chocolate.
>Chromatic aberration
No it isn't.
I don't like to give that away TOO quickly
Although if you've got an email I'll take that
>pharmercy art only keeps getting better
Could you not use and corrupt the N word please?
Its disrespectful to the suffering the african america people.
>shitbags complaining about Mei.
So many people dump on Mei stop fucking complaining about every little thing.
>I die to x so she/he is broken!
This place is worse than d2g.
>memetic aberration
but why?
>mouse acceleration
at least some black people have game
The game has mouse acceleration and it makes it feel like shit.
Mouse sensitivity in this game is ass.
Don't be such a nigger about it.
I know that feel man. My W/L is 182/309
I spam Genji but it feels like I can't do anything when my team is bad.
Lucio main here.
No excuse. Whenever I get a Mei on my team I make sure that I never help her. She is unfun and the people playing her should know that by now.
There are so many other people I could be helping other than some fucktard who doesn't know how team play works and fucks over everyone else.
What really bothers me about this game are the terrible hitboxes and obnoxious characters. The problem with trying to cater to everyone's playstyle is you have to cater to people who like to do really, really boring shit. Watching Hanzo players continually spam arrows into chokepoints waiting for lucky kills just makes me wonder why they even play the game in the first place. I get the impression they discovered that some people liked to play this way - probably because of the Huntsman in TF2 - then built the character around that. When they were making the arrow hitbox five times wider than the projectile itself that should have been an indication that this playstyle needed some re-evaluation. People say it has to be that way or Hanzo wouldn't be viable, my question is why do we need Hanzo in the first place? Some players like to stand at choke points and ambush others as they come through so we can either have a hero like McCree or we could just not cater to that kind of play.
Sometimes catering to a wide variety of players turns out well. Mercy, Torbjorn and Reinhardt are well fleshed out, enjoyable additions to the cast. On the other hand: getting killed by an arrow that should have missed is frustrating, getting flashbanged and instantly killed is frustrating, getting killed by a single shot from a sniper with no vulnerabilities is frustrating, etc.
It's a shame because on the other hand I'd say that the skill ceiling is higher than some people are giving it credit for. Genji is a genuinely fun and challenging character to play. He has interesting movement options and skills that need to be used carefully to be effective, playing against him isn't annoying either because you have a chance to counter play him even if you're a character he's meant to destroy. A Bastion can kill a Genji and vice versa, there's an interesting dynamic there. If the whole game was heroes like Genji, Tracer, Pharah, or Zenyatta then I'd probably be having a blast but I'm not.
>it's a got 4 gold medals and carried the team to a win but the end card is for damage blocked and nobody even voted for you episode
>Its a we lose and the shitter blames a random person on our team episode
Its even more hilarious when they blame the best player on the team, no idea why people can't accept that the other team player better and its no real fault of someone unless its a Mei ice walling to fuck the team or something
Is Sonygros better?
>full pulled back scatter shot
>250 damage
>wasn't even aiming it near me.
Hanzo is a fucking joke.
First I've heard of this, because I sure don't notice anything like that.
how do you lose almost 2/3 of your games?
>tfw getting better at aiming Zenyatta's balls
Hey guys, my Win/loss is 80/304. It's fucking shit. I main genji (I am one of the best in the game, I beat Seagull in a 1v1 once) and I constantly get bronze/silver medals and shit (sometimes gold if my kills dont get stolen over and over). I'm so sick of being on shit teams. Fucking Blizzard needs to update their matchmaking, update their shitty 20 tick system and make sure my latency doesn't suck. Blizzard are genuinely incompetent game designers and this game is broken. Please Blizzard, competitive is coming soon. Stop giving me shitty teammates over and over.
It's another one of these episodes.
>playing with some dude that always picks genji
>enemy team has a winston
>the genji dude dies all the time
Simple geometry, friend.
>playing zenyatta
I get the feeling you're better at catching balls. ... with your mouth. HA!
>3 tanks on attack.
>Being a genj autist
>level 156
off yourself.
>All prestige
>Zarya/Roadhog combo
Come on, man
no reason to scratch out names man. Unless you know the number at the end it doesn't matter. But yeah it's always the Hanzo, Genji, or Widow that complains about no healer
>"I'm literally retarded."
this is bait
A Queen and her concubine
I fucking hated Mei players but she's actually fun to play
People like that make me pretty mad. Got flamed at for not healing him while he was just flanking the enemy team and getting killed all the time.
>be sonycuck
>be europoor
>want to play overwatch with a competent team
life is suffering mates
>E someone
>land a fully charged right click headshot
Apparently there's mouse input problems at framerates under 100 or something like that.
Sucks to suck
someone translate
im sure they explained how new sudden death works but google translate sucks and i cant read gook
>mfw ignorant, retarded americans keep calling Winston a monkey
>3500 damage blocked as zarya
>11k damage done
>2 votes
>tfw nobody will ever notice you carrying the team
>I main genji
>I'm so sick of being on shit teams.
>Fucking Blizzard needs to update their matchmaking, update their shitty 20 tick system and make sure my latency doesn't suck
Literally a fucking shitter
Huh, only issue I have is occasionally my mouse doesn't read me holding down LMB, but that's my mouse being a piece of shit.
I also play on actual dumpster settings though, because there's no reason for a game like this to look super pretty.
he is a silverback, right?
>Blizzard are genuinely incompetent game designers
This is genuinely true, as demonstrated with sc2 and HotS.
Hold up.
Does being kicked out for inactivity accumulate toward the leaver penalty?
10 dollaridoos says its one life koth where double mercy + widow is core
Chill out umbatu, we aren't allowed to call him family.
>people who are already level 100+
Sup vvortic, what's good.
go to the overwatch community and search some people
a monkey has a tail. an ape doesn't.
simple, HOWEVER
people call Winston a monkey as an insult. Even reaper says it when he kills him.
No, you fucking inbred retard. He's a scientist.
3 tanks on attack is literally meta after mcskill nerfs, shitter
guys if im level 20 but i only ever get put in games with 100+ guys does it mean i am good?
no it means the 100+ guys are shit
>"I'll be sure to give them your regards, you fucking nigger"
Was that really necessary for a trailer, Blizzard?
How come Seagull is killing dudes with one dash here when I play Genji but when I dash in and immediately get focused down and die?
>roadhog is alone in one flank route because he's le 600hp with 300hp gascan never dies i le hook you for ez win
>the two Reapers build their Q from 50% as they push towards objective
>die die die all over the enemy team and win
Thanks roadhog players. You guys are the real MVP.
it means its 6am and no one else is playing.
Otherwise it'd encourage people who want to bail on a crap match occupying their slot uselessly for the whole minute or whatever it is
Even disconnecting from lag counts towards the penalty
That's not one dash. It's a right click, melee, dash combo. The animations are cancelled so it just looks like a single dash.
>mfw I'm too enlightened by my own intelligence (and not some phony god's blessing) to understand obvious jokes
why did I laugh dammit
yea quit school and play video games all day