>Character Planner
>Character Planner
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first for Karla
ded game ded thread
just look at this high display of skill
look how skillfully he punishes rolling idiots, casters and turtling newbies with prolapse shields
can you even perceive the depth of his skill? his advanced spacing? his smart spear and katana running attack spam techniques? his highly proficient triple backsteps?
truly, the skill ceiling of ds2 is insane
reminder ds1 is alive and well and we should all play best game again
I kekd, but seriously, what is the apex of dark souls 2 pvp? Can someone find a vid?
Thanks for the 69 champion souls man, really helped me a bunch now.
Most fun weapon?
I also left 98 embers there. Have fun.
No one sane will submit to that utter shit PVP ever again.
Cool, I'm set for life now. Or atleast until the next dlc
>mmmmm yes miyazaki fuck me in the ass with your worst installment
>mfw trying to hit the lizard in firelink with firebombs
>implying its any worse than 2 or 3.
I would be playing 1 right now were it not for the amount of cheaters. Even the ps3 was overrun.
I've been having a tonne of fun with the Drang Twinspears and the Spiked Mace lately.
I fucking hate Fextralife so much
>Go on Fextralife to figure out how to get a ring
>My shitty internet slows the fuck down
>Exceptionally slow
>The fucking chatroom is up and 6 messages are being sent every second or so
It's practically unusable with how trash my internet is
They're all ridden with cheaters, fucking pc.
Then why are you using it?
They really could do with making the Co-op and PVP a little more easily accessible.
>can only place one summon sign
>even though I'd be up for helping at literally any boss
>mfw they expect me to sit on my ass in an area I already cleared just to wait for summons
Empty Anor Londo is fucking boring but I'd love to help people with O&S. Same with Nito or any other boss really. There should be something like a board nailed to the wall at the boss arenas where you can jot down your summon sign forever and when you happen to be online and someone requests from there you get summoned to there, no matter where in the game world you are. Preferably arranged by who has the lowest ping to you.
Anybody wanna do NG++ on PS4 with me?
>killing the boss of an area you want to coop in
Nigga wat is you doin?
>he doesn't have adblock
I know you're being facetious but I really miss being able to punish rolls. They're fucking obnoxious in 3.
Can't wait for the dlc.
get yourself a backup weapon that is good at roll catching
typical ds3 encounter lasts less than ds2 one even with barely punishable rolls because of how faster it is compared to that snoozefest
present fashion
receive critique of fashion
Whats the most obnoxious dark souls video you have seen across all the souls games? My vote goes to this one.
I'm playing the game for the first time and I want to help others! Can't you be summoned to help people in PvE after you kill the boss? I could swear I did that with Sif once.
all are pretty solid
I guess I should've mentioned it. I don't actually lose that many fights and I always carry a washing pole on my characters.
I just find it obnoxious. Of course, I can just double click 1 or 2 from my library and play them. Just tossing out my opinion.
Try to leave as many bosses alive as possible, and its better to make multiple chars at different levels in das1. Sens fortress and anal rodeo are probably the best for both invading and cooping. Although catacombs is fun too.
Are the twinspears any good for anything other than looking super cool being worn on my back?
How does poise work in DaS2 ?
How many times are you going to post your characters?
I'm pretty sure i've seen this same roster 3 times and you already got your ratings.
I guess there's really not much to do in-game but c'mon man. How fucking starved are you for a compliment?
breddy gud dud
good rolling l1, good combos, flashy as fuck movesets
not the most viable spears but sure as fuck funniest to use
Against opponents who struggle with parrying, they're borderline OP when combined with that ring that boosts successive attacks.
>tfw lured the stray demon all the way across the wall and finished him off with a plunging attack from the gate
I did some casual testing with a friend and I think I've finally come to understand why rollcatching is so ass in 3.
Basically, and this bit is pretty obvious, when the game registers a hit on somebody with an attack, that same attack can't register another hit against that target. Tap R1 with a greatsword and you can possible hit several different people once, but that single hit will obviously only hit each of them once.
Why this makes rollcatching ass is because, just like dark souls 1 (and unlike dark souls 2), you are still registering hits during rolling iframes. If you hit someone's hitbox during iframes, your game still recognizes that they;ve been "hit" and prevents you from registering another hit with that same attack, even though you didn't deal any damage. This is client-side, meaning your own client is the one that's detecting a hit into iframes and saying "you didn't deal damage but it still counts"
In DaS2. the best way to catch a roll was with a move that had long active-frames, because the long active frames would linger inside someone's hitbox while they rolled until their iframes wore out, and then register a hit. It doesn;t work this way in 3, because those long active frames effectively cease to apply to your target the moment they touch rolling iframes.
The end consequence is that rolling essentially nulls hitboxes, and the only way to rollcatch is to aim/time your attack to ONLY hit them during the vulnerable recovery of their roll and not a single frame before. Naturally, this means that slow weapons with long active frames and lingering hitboxes (eg. UGS, greathammers, etc.) are exceptionally bad at rollcatching, while small, fast weapons that can more easily and reactively time around the end of iframes are great at rollcatching.
This system is really stupid and poorly designed (thanks miyazaki for de-fixing things that were already fixed) and creates a lot of issues in latency.
>instead of reusing some other Ludwig attacks for MLGS moveset in DS3 like that aoe blast when he pulls his blade into the ground or a rape energy stream they just slowed down BB's MLGS
Still fucking mad.
that handle makes it look like he's having the most violent case of projectile vomit ever known/10
You are on drugs if you think rolling was better in 2. Abysmal hit boxes and op tracking on weapons, made 2 a bigger shitpile than it already was. Rolls were perfect in 1. The ninja flip ring, however, was stupid and poorly implemented.
Poise damage is roughly tripled universally in pvp.
Incoming poisedamage is halved during the active frames of ultra weapon attacks (hyperarmor).
Each attack a weapon has deals different amounts of pose damage, and poise damage is roughly doubled again by 2H. Running attacks deal the highest poise damage, rolling attacks are universally instant poisebreaks unless they hit hyperarmor, but do the least poise damage vs hyperarmor.
Poise values are so fucky that pretty much anything 2H invalidates all poise, but 1H small weapons like rapiers and straightswords get completely crushed by poisestacking.
Poise also doesn't regenerate until your poise is broken, so each hit that doesn't stagger you gradually makes you more vulnerable to stagger. This includes attacks that strike rolling hyperarmor.
Well, yes, that's how i've always assumed it was.
Since you shared this, I'll give you my findings since I haven't seen anybody mention this.
3's rolls are the same speed (if not a little faster) than 2s animation cancelled rolls at less than half the stamina cost. Ergo, kill yourself Miyazaki.
Of course, I might be wrong but i'm pretty sure i'm right.
I made a thing last night at 2 AM.
Hopefully I'll have a new pc rig by the time the dlc is out, I'm sick of playing on ps4.
>the framerate shitting itself when he does the big wave attack
Good ol' Bloodborne
I would constantly stagger people in full Havel's just by 2-handing my estoc. Poise was worthless in DaS2.
You never even played online, luci. You're not fooling anyone.
In PvE it's pretty much like it is in DaS1, maybe a little weaker.
In PvP you can poise through 1h greatswords or 2h rapiers. Anything stronger than that, though, is impossible to poise through, because if you have highest poise armor AND giant ring +2 AND high vit+adp you still have 1 poise less than you need to poise through 20 poisebreak straightsword's 2hr1 with stone ring. Also rolling attacks will always stagger, no matter their actual poisebreak, and some other attacks too, like all reapers attacks.
Then, poise depletes with attacks and does not regenerate. But it does reset if it goes to 0.
Then, attacking with big weapons doubles poise and makes unpoiseable attacks poiseable, so you can hyperpoise through anything. Though poise will still get depleted.
Wow, what a cancerous weapon combo. He even included a clip of him swinging at a guy while he was waving.
Something like this I guess;
DS2 PvP was never about excitement, but just calm, deliberate choices. That's why Yami only played it for like a month.
This. The delusion of das2 fags astounds me.Then again, 2, and 3 for that matter, are an r1 spammers paradise, so it doesnt surprise me that scrubs gravitate towards them.
>slowed down BB
Dark Souls 3.
>go on insane duel streaks in pontiffs with chaos blade
>lose to a spear faggot
>go on insane duel streaks in pontiffs with spear
>lose to chaos blade faggot
this game is retarded
>DS2 PvP was never about excitement, but just calm, deliberate choices
This is ultimately what made me quit. There was no adrenaline rush for me in das2. It was too slow, too deliberate.
I can do an area if you'd like.
It's important to know who you are. Never forget that this was allowed
>Wow, what a cancerous weapon combo.
That's why he made the video, to showcase it. It's not as retarded as helixodon but it's still a fucking pain in the neck. Given that those running R1 he did on reaction would fit much better for the Sanctum Mace for the instapoison, he uses the weapon there just to showcase how you can go from running L1 into stanceswap (goes to powerstance) L1.
Lol. They might've removed roll catch from cs but you can still roll punish with them as well as many weapons in the game if you know what attacks are good for it
You just aren't going to stagger them out of roll now
Hey that name reminded me of this
Fisto is just a huge fucking asshole.
Gloves don't mesh extremely well with the set, too shiny to fit in with the rest
Absolutely love it
I think the Veil doesn't really fit in with the rest of the set, the rest blends extremely well
Simple, still original, I like it.
R8 mine
Das 2 was very prediction heavy too.
That video is a great example of what das 2 did right.
usable spells
Huge weapon verity and viability across all stat allocations
>he uses tears of denial in a duel
>he uses blossom in a duel
>he uses bombs in a duel
>he pulls out a bow in a duel
whats wrong? cant play legit?
>he uses weapons in a duel
>he rolls in a duel
>he uses rings in a duel
whats wrong? cant play legit?
>all those faggots thinking a wiki's pages should be as bad as tvtropes
imo from should remove all weapons and fighting items from game and estus
let the real skilled players win
neither hat fits with either character
>he spent his souls on levels
what's wrong? cant play legit?
>he wears full havel armour
what's wrong? can't play legit?
>He has a monitor
Wht, can't play the game legit?
end life
>Not wearing full hovol
Jump down and hit it you fucking moron
i wish i could use iron flesh properly, i cant parry for shit
what a faggot, whats wrong?
cant play legit?
speed run strat lobs bombs over the entire shrine without going near it though
That's true. I really wish you could even stack them, sometimes I just want any sort of multiplayer and would want to use orb+sign. If I can use an area covenant + orb I see no reason to allow further.
Personally, I'd just hope for something like 2's DLC applied to the main game. Say you could leave your sign by the water reserve and then it might appear in a convenient place for Pope/Aldrich/Yhorm. Or just a specific boss if you wanted, I just want a sign that only disappears if I get a loading screen.
And apply that to RSS too. Some people into duels might want to grind while waiting.
Yes I'm sure lobbing multiple firebombs at it is much faster than just jumping down and hitting it
>DS2 PvP was never about excitement, but just calm, deliberate choices. That's why Yami only played it for like a month.
>i-i-it's just like chessĀ§!
if that's the epitome of DS2 PvP then it's even sadder than what I thought
Good enough
at least it's not like DS3
It literally is way faster you fucking retard. You think you're supposed to buy the key, go up there and throw firebombs? You throw the firebombs from near the tree you chucklefuck.
You don't have to buy the key shitter if you know how to jump, have fun missing it all the time with your epic speed strat when you would have saved time just jumping from the tree and running around the edge
>fucking retard
why so salty tho
Does a Charm cancel out Tears?
No. Wear thorns
Yeah it sure is faster to do the tree jump, go all the way around the fucking thing, kill the lizard, run back, do the tree jump again and go to the crows than to just throw two firebombs and do the treejump.
>finished my Giantdad build for the most part, all it is lacking is an assload of points dumped into VIT
>PVP in Darkroot Basin
>put down my dickwraith sign at the steps
>this dude summons me
>he's entirely naked but for a sack on his head, a Grass Crest Shield and a Naginata looking thing
>I expect this dude to be some kinda fighting master since he's daring to go into combat essentially naked
>he runs towards the open area in front of the castle ruins and at the cliff
>follow him, apparently he wants to duke it out there
>fight begins
>I get a single rollstab in but he jukes pretty damn good
>until I go for another rollstab and he dodgerolls away backwards off the cliff
>master of the world destroyed, returning home
I mean, nigga, I was willing to fight you on the forest no problem, there's no reason to do it right next to the doom pit.
Good style though.
Why everyone moonwalking? Why everything is so slow? Where is gravity?
Man, I wish I had a fun build