>Making $13/hour 35+ hours a week
>Live by myself
>Bought a car this morning
>$200 a month for food
>About $40 a month left over for savings
Tell me how stupid I am Veeky Forums
Not actual but pic related,
>Making $13/hour 35+ hours a week
>Live by myself
>Bought a car this morning
>$200 a month for food
>About $40 a month left over for savings
Tell me how stupid I am Veeky Forums
Not actual but pic related,
You're stupid unless that car is all you've ever wanted.
whats ur work
What do you mean by bought? You saved up and bought it? Or did you finance a car?
How much rent do you pay?
>About $40 a month left over for savings
That's shit OP.
>about $40 a month left over for savings
the american dream in action holy shit
start a side business
Salary would be better, but honestly dude congrats you will be more successful than most people our age, you have a good foundation. I am 19 and go to university and rely on loans, who is the stupid one?
OP again. Also
>High school dropout
And I saved up and bought, been working full time since I was 16.
Was only a bit more than 10 grand after fees, car was listed at $10,100
>driving an old porsche
>13$ an hour
you're the epitome of a nigger
>buying a car with expensive repair parts and costs
Ok, dude.
yeah it may have cost only $10k but just wait until you get that first repair bill...
Boxters are fun, congrats. Too small for my taste but fun as fuck.
Ten grand really isn't all that much for a decent car - it might be a bit tight given your current salary (and good luck with parts/repair when you need it, just dropped $1.5k on my car), but you can make it work.
If you're feeling a bit of financial pressure, do the following:
- Sell off some old junk you have (video games, etc)
- Start freelancing or pick up a second job
- Build up your savings until you have at least 2 months of living expenses, and then don't touch it.
>986 boxster
Saving is a MEME. He is 20yo, 1/3 DEAD. Time to enjoy life.
Tfw I'm 20 and already worth well over $100k
you are not.
Inheritance fag?
Ha, I smell jealousy. And no I'm not an inheritance fag, I run my own business (:
a legit business btw ^
Prostitute yourself? Cant say I'd do it but nice.
How'd you do it senpai, teach me your ways
Why would I tell my secrets to somebody who just called me a inheritance fag over the internet?
You're a fool if you have that kind of money and don't put it towards stuff in your youth. Please tell me you're doing more than sitting on it in a savings account or something.
Put it towards stuff in my youth? What do you mean by that?
I still have the business, if my calculations are right I will be sitting at 200k end of this year.
>tfw 24 and over 400k
Been a software engineer since I graduated high school starting at 80k. Now around 150.
I bought everything I ever wanted including a boat and a nice condo. Still got shit loads left over, I dont even know what to do with it. Just bought a 3k gaming pc despite hardly ever playing any games
>my calculations
Let's assume that, right now, you have $50k or something sitting in a personal bank account (business bank account is different, don't go piercing the corporate veil). You can, obviously, sit on that money for safety or spend it.
If you are 20, that money is better spent improving yourself now. Generally speaking, you have more time/energy now than you will do in the future, and in the future you will have more money and less energy/time. In translation, that means that you should put money into things now that, when combined with time, will net the biggest benefits. In more generic terms, now is the time for you to take intelligent risks, not to be protectionist.
Some examples:
- College degrees for fun (I'm doing another one, they are cheap and manageable)
- Trips (To improve yourself and make you cultured, not to just tan in the Bahamas or some shit)
- Experiences (skydiving, racetrack driving, gun shooting, camping, climbing, etc.)
- Buying cheap property and renovating it (within reason)
Hell, I live by this principle now. I could easily hole up and use my salary to quickly pay off my student loan debt, but I'm slowing it down (servicing the debt but not hitting principal hard) and using the same money to pay for more degrees out-of-pocket. Why? Because I'm betting that my income will continue to rise (or even just stay level) but that my ability to spend a fuckbillion hours studying will decrease over time.
Oh, I didn't know we had people from 032 BC on this board.
Greetings from the year 2015 where being 20 means you are only 1/5 dead
Your parents called, they want their NEETBUX back
That's great, good for you! Hopefully Ill be sitting at 600k when I hit 24. The last 2 year my business has grown by 300% and the future is really bright since it's a stable and new market.
Interesting, thank you for your point of view. I will keep this in mind.
>pic related
>backwards smiley face
>owns business
>dabbing squid ward
You're either a 20 year old kid who got lucky with inheritance/parents money
Or just a huge faggot
>tfw $100,000 is my ass wiping money
So, let's talk about you neckbeard. What have you achieved so far in your 44 year old life?
>tfw $100,000 is my ass wiping money
Keep talking, someday you’ll say something intelligent.
>gets called out
>gets this buttmad
how to spot a roleplayer
I like cars,and I got enough money saved up to buy a nice car like a Porsche but I'm not earning enough money to justify it ,I got a piece of shit fiat punto that I paid cash for,everyone else I know has brand new cars on finance but haven't got a pot to piss in
Its a boxter, who cares.
dude get off your high horse 13$ is call center pay.
Don't test your finances or you're gonna be surprised when that shit hemorrhages.
Are you gonna DD it or stick it in the garage as a weekend car?
I don't think the runny eggs are going to appreciate much, if at all. I personally suspect they are going to go the way of the 944 since they are so unloved.
OP just go to a dealer and ask how much it will be for maintenance. That will answer your question. Also, $40 available per month towards savings will not allow you to pay for (expensive) repairs. If you are younger than 27, get a second job bro. Something for the weekends.
Stable and new. Stable.....and.....new......