>mfw make ~$1000 per day on polo
Was this supposed to be really hard or is everyone else making way more? I started a few months ago and I'm using about $12,000. This is a lot of money and I know how to get it legal, but I'm not sure if I'm doing well for how much I'm using and how much I'm working for it.
Mfw make ~$1000 per day on polo
Poloniex user. I just don't know how well I'm doing compared to everyone else. The guys in my skype group are making loads and they help me out but I still don't touch what they're making. They say I'm doing well but I don't really know.
Making way more. It' cool though thats not too bad if you just started.
It's a game you play on horses.
The snob set is crazy about it.
So was FDR, except it put him in a wheelchair.
I'm doing about 16 hours per day at this point. It just seems like $62.50 per hour, 16 hours per day isn't really that awesome, you know? I'm only 21 and I live with my mom so I guess for me it's a big deal but I guess I'm just a bit let down from how much effort its taking. I'd very much rather do 8 hours for this much. 16 hours is just a drag. I basically have to be at a computer all day to monitor everything.
Post screenshot with trades or bullshit.
I'm not doing that because I know how I could be traced back if I were to show even two actions.
So what's your strategy, OP? $64 an hour is a godsend for most people, is there anyway you can continue to keep that price per hour but also reduce your hours from 16 to say 8? I understand that a 16 hour day would be frustrating but you're also rolling in dosh compared to your peers right now (even compared to 3/4ths of all Americans)
bababababa bulllllllshittttttttt
is 600 enough to start trading on polo i'm a poorfag
Bullshit user, this is a bait thread.
Why wouldn't it be enough? You could be making $60 per day.
I've seen how it's done and my friends tell me not to post anything anywhere. That's why nobody does it.
I almost always short. I rarely go long. I just make sure I'm in a high volume market and by that I've used a rule of at least 200 btc or higher, make sure the movement is artificial, check for walls, and short if my volatility indicators show that and I can assume it's safe. Telling a strategy makes no difference to you. I've tried explaining it to a few guys before and they just didn't make anything even after showing them exactly what i did through streams and stuff, and then they got mad at me for "not telling them everything". You can't copy what someone else is doing and expect it to work for you. I couldn't copy any of what my friends on my group do. None of us even really take advice from each other because what we do works for us and nobody else. We end up losing if we take advice from each other, even though we all make money on our own advice.
I'm not sure if I could bring it down to 8 hours and still make ~$62.50 per hour, either. That would be pretty hard. Also, I'm not rolling in anything. The guys in my group make boatloads and I'm surprised they're even letting me tag along. I'm easily the youngest guy in. I wouldn't want to do this for more than a couple of years.
I could make 200 dollars a day wagecucking though and it's risk free senpai
Yeah, i keep thinking about that. I really wouldn't recommend doing this for a long time and I'd be much happier at a real job even if I made a quarter of this as long as the job mattered and wasn't something that didn't need to exist. I think a lot about how what I'm doing really doesn't do anything for the world. I'll probably do this until I fuck up too many times and my capital runs out, then go to university. I started with $12,550 so I've lost about $550 in the few months, but I've been making around $1,000 each day for the past couple of months. That's my plan right now, at least; keep doing this until I lose all of the capital.
You saving for uni?
I have more than enough for university at this point so like I said, I'm just going to keep doing this until I fuck up enough to where my capital reaches zero. It will take a long time to do that though so I might just do this for another year and quit. I don't know yet. I've made about $78,000 so far. The first month, I wasn't really taking it too seriously so I only made like $13,000. I was trying to treat it like a normal job so I made way less.
> doesn't do anything for the world
Mate, your keeping the value of cryptos real by fighting artificial pumps.
Nice strategy btw. How long do you usually hold your positions for? I've been shorting dash for about a week or so and looking for it to hit about 17 before closing it. Getting impatient.
>Mate, your keeping the value of cryptos real by fighting artificial pumps.
lol, I guess so.
>How long do you usually hold your positions for?
It can be anywhere from a few minutes to a few hours. It's very sweet to be in and out within minutes.
I think you're doing very well. There was a guy on biz not long ago who couldn't do more than about $60 per day let alone per hour. I certainly don't think I could do what your doing but I guess I haven't tried. I usually suck at short term trading. Longer term trades take less effort I think and I'm pretty lazy. Also I'm mainly trying to buy a hodl a few things for the long long term. I'm trying to pick long term winners. Harder to get feedback on that though. I'm up so far though.
>i know how to get it legal
Speaking of. Are you turning most of your gains back to dollars. How do you deal with tax?
See, I figure if my gains really come to something I should just be able to buy things I need with the crypto, love in the crypto economy and not really ever deal with real world government stuff.
how do you learn to trade cryptos? Is it similar to forex? do you use a bot?
>I've seen how it's done and my friends tell me not to post anything anywhere. That's why nobody does it.
lmao this kid is the new 'my dad works at nintendo'
From what I can tell, you report it as capital gains. I immediately cash out what I make to my coinbase account that is wired to my bank account. I'm in the 28% tax bracket.
How much of your capital do you put into each trade? What do you when things don't go your way?
It is a case by case thing. I try to not make a lot of trades. I will at most have my capital split into two, but that's pretty rare. I'll typically wait it out, but sometimes you have to accept that you messed up. One guy in my group will split their capital into 20 different coins. I'd never want to do that, but it works for them.
Do most people in your group have one main strategy that they apply? What's one of the most successful strategies? Do you limit your trading to coins with a minimum amount of volume?
Also just to clarify is that > or
>Do most people in your group have one main strategy that they apply?
No. They all do sort of their own thing. Some of them simply invest and don't day trade at all. They'll post some huge amount they made on an investment in an ICO from like 14 months ago. One bought a lake-front home up in Michigan for his family with the money from some of his investments. He doesn't day trade at all. Another one posted a Ferrari he bought from some payoff when they were talking about cars one day. They're all like middle aged guys with families. Like I said, one guy has his capital split into like 20 coins and he enjoys micro-managing it and making trades over and over, all day long. Some go on margin, some don't. I'm known for doing it more than most.
>Do you limit your trading to coins with a minimum amount of volume?
You don't want to go into low-volume markets. They won't be volatile.
>Also just to clarify is that > or
Can I get an invite to the skype group? I'm the op of /CCG/ if that holds any weight.
Skype: liotmaan
No. We're all friends first. It's a pretty big deal if a new person joins. We've had the same guys for the entire time I've been in.
Ah cool. I just meant does each individual usually stick to one sort of thing like you short and others only go long. Is there anyone doing both and everything in between?
Of course, you can't really short anything that hasn't had the volume to pump it up.
I guess I mean are you ever betting the majority of your capital on one thing. 60/40 so yes you do.
How did you get into this? Did you just think of this strategy and go for it or were you looking for ways you could make money trading?
And what about this Skype group. Did you meet them before or after you started trading? Are they secret or exclusive?
1000 out of 12000? Eh not bad. I myself have to struggle with 50 dollars and double, triple, quadruple them every time. So far I'm stagnating like a dumbass.
>Everyone fell for this obvious bait
>unironically believing OP
>How did you get into this?
I saved money from working at a shitty job for my mom, started trading on poloniex and realized that I could make way more doing that than working the shitty job. I just figured it out myself. It's not that hard.
The skype group, I somehow talked to the right people and they just invited me after liking me enough and liking how I make money. It seems that you need to make a certain amount. I'm basically the lowest on the totem pole, it seems. I got into the group maybe one week after I started, so it's been a few months now. It's very secret and exclusive though, yeah. You can't invite anyone unless you're one of the admins. You can only recommend people and you need to have a really good reason, and they'll talk about it and ask the entire room if they like the idea. You have to vouch for peoples people, and it's this big thing. Your word actually means something, so nobody is inviting any randoms. I just happened to talk to a few of the right guys that just happened to be in the group, so they all vouched for me, so I was randomly invited. I think I was sort of a last minute thing because only one other guy has been invited since me and everyone sort of already knew him anyway so it was only a matter of time.
Is it based on how good of a trader you are? Or how responsible, loyal, friendly you are? And how much backstory you have?
How much cash did you earn off from Monero?
>Started with $12,550
>Lost $550 in the few months
>Made $1k/day the past couple of months
So by your wording it sounds like you've made $70k in trades but are down $550 total. I know you came here to brag so what you really mean is you're up $70k. The question is, why are you still trading with $12,000??? if you trade with 12k and make 1k why not trade with 72k and make 6k?
>inb4 some bullshit reason about not wanting to risk it.
OP do you really have nothing better to do with your time than shitpost ? This fantasy you wrote here is mind staggering
Were you talking to these people irl or where?
Also I've been working and saving from a shitty job to buy and hold cryptos I like. Thanks for sharing, you've inspired me to consider putting some serious hours into trading. So many times you hear that you can't make money day trading, it's just something that's kinda stuck in my head.
Hell yea. I personally encourage everyone to daytrade more. Statistically, the majority of you will get BTFO and this makes me happy.
In his defence the autist on here a few weeks ago traded with only $1000 because otherwise he would fuck up for some reason. Said it made him too big a fish but that could just be a cope.
Probably nothing since he generally shorts. I would be interested to know if he is shorting if now though after the large rise. I don't think so though, if anything it's under pumped considering its potential compared to similarly priced worthless shitcoins.
It's both. Having those qualities is a given. They've kicked one guy out before I came in, and apparently he was found out as a shill. We're all friends first, and traders second. Some aren't even traders, simply investors. Everyone makes money, though and I'm definitely the smallest fish. There are other secret groups like this, no doubt. The one I'm in is fairly large with ~25 guys. Everyone knows what they're doing. We have more than a skype chat. Everyone is very professional and nice. They're practically talking about their kids half of the time.
You can't do that without unintentionally manipulating, even in the largest markets. It would be very hard to do and I'm not doing well enough with what I'm currently using to try adding more. It wouldn't be the right thing to do right now.
I was on BCT, which led to a skype group on cam with voice chat with a bunch of randoms, which led to another group chat with less guys that knew way more and were much more serious(ended up being some of the guys from the group, unbeknownst to me), which led to an invite. It was totally random and I didn't know stuff like it even existed. I was just trying to talk to other people that were doing what I was doing.
i'm getting connection errors so this is taking forever to post btw
Holy shit I remember this thread. Nice copypasta, bro.
Cool. Might be worth making an account there instead of just lurking. Obviously the most important thing to do though is get good. Then people will want to talk to you as long as you're friendly and legit of course.
Alright thanks man cool thread. I'm going to sleep now but I'll be checking back on this thread in the morning.
OP since you are very confused why you are doing so well let me help you out:
When the tide goes out, you see who's been swimming naked. Don't worry OP, this confusion won't last for long.
I'm not confused to why I'm doing so well. I'm not sure how well I'm doing and I don't think it's good enough.
>wasting my life replying to pasta
OP here are some tips to make it more believable:
When people get into secret trading groups, they will ALWAYS, ALWAYS use the SAME, proven method to make money. Usually this method is very tedious, repetitive and requires a lot of work. That's why they get in groups, to divide the labor of the method so everyone doesn't have to do everything by themselves. Not to mention so they can use each other to bolster their weaknesses. But you say "when people in the group take other traders advice, they lose money". That makes the story more interesting but instantly unbelievable. Next time, explain how your skype trading group all uses the "B.C.S method". If anyone asks how it works just rattle off some word salad about shorting & volitility like you did above. But don't make it so obvious you're just spouting random buzzwords, make it believable.
Well then you gay, nigga.
Why is everyone falling for this? Not even a single person demanded to see some fucking evidence.
INB4 too secret to show proof. Did you join the freemasons crypto branch, OP? Fucking ridiculous.
how much money are the "big fish" in your group making? you mentioned houses/ferraris so some people are making multiple hundreds of thousands?
who makes the most?
also, yeah. I'm pretty skeptical as well
probably just some daydreaming polo daytrader
OP are the guys on the chat Norweigan or Irish? Are they eccentrics which drove them to trading cryptos, I don't get how they got into this; Tech savvy or interested in currency trading is the only way for a group like that to start.
I don't see how a middle aged man gets into this with no underlying attachment to crypto or tech in general. Are you willing to talk to me more on protonmail?
>falling for the bait and old copypasta
Hey fuck off, Im switching from zoloft to celexa and the insomnia hits like a fucking train. I love you user.
>claims 1k/day
>only has 12k
Man this shit is cancer
Mate.. How did you find this group? Did you have to pay anything to join? Can I join? Can you help me please? I am desperately trying to get out of debt and away from manual fucking labour.. I know there is so much to be made from crypto but I dont get enough time at the computer.. Have you considered getting paid for telling people what to trade? You could be making money on top of what your making now.
Can you tell us your strategy, at least? Do you just pay attention to crypto news, subreddits, follow crypto traders on twitter, etc?
If you are mostly shorting, do you use leverage?
Please answer some if not all of these
The answers to all your questions are itt. If you can't answer them yourself , there is no way you would be admitted to the group. Assuming this thread isn't just pasta of course.
But basically you can't get in the group unless you're already good and he wouldn't tell people what to do since he is already trading with less capital than he could so he doesn't accidentally manipulate markets.
What are iceberg orders?
that was worth the wait
mfw I just realized Polo
No, we don't. I don't know what you think, but it's not the case. We're not some trading group.
>There are other secret groups like this, no doubt. The one I'm in
>We're not some trading group
now I'm really confused
We're not some operation like that user was implying. We're just friends with something in common, like a club or something. Some of them just talk about their health problems and shit like that. This isn't some kind of special group that trades together or something. We talk about what's going on and what we're doing, but we're all working on our own for the most part. Most of them have families, shit to do, and this is just one of their investment ventures, like the guy that bought the lake-front for his family, he's one of those guys. There are several that only invest, several that only trade daily, and a larger chunk that do everything. I don't see what's so mesmerizing about having a group like this. After being in it for a few months, it seems like an obvious this to do, because nobody knows anything about crypto and having a line of people that know what they're talking about at all times(we're from all around except for asia) is just convenient.
yeah sure you make about 8% per day
with a starting capital of 12000 that would be about 19,004,305,305,923,984 per year
that sounds about right
Feel free to explain how you figure that.
>This isn't some kind of special group that trades together
Oh, ok.
What do you guys do when you get together?
I mean, what are you doing to generate money, if it's not trading?
3rd grade math 12000*(1.08^365)
and even if you say that volume on polo limits profits, op would still be the richest man alive in a short time
Yeah I know you said no to the others in this thread, but I have a very large network of very, very useful information gatherers that pertains to: crypto, politics, and business news. Lemme know if you guys need someone for that.
What are you talking about?
Nobody is joining and there would be nothing for you to profit from even if you did.
Volume is the reality, so your idea here doesn't make sense.
i love your sense of humor
"doing well" is pity talk, theyre making shit tons
and develop mental disorders from ur coworkers?
pics or it didnt happen
i've been trading long cryptos but haven't tried shorting or day trading. it would be great if you or anyone could answer some questions.
how many trades on average do you do a day? (if you are on the computer for 16 hours)
what size of order do you usually make?
whats the most you have made in a trade? btc/$ or %, whichever
do you have days where you don't make any trades?
how many markets do you monitor? (all the ones above 200btc vol?)
do you do it 7 days a week, or 5?
have you noticed certain days or times (which timezone you in) that are more profitable or have more opportunities?
how many days before you were consistently breaking even/profitable?
i'm not looking for your trading strategy, just some of the actual details of what is involved. i have time every day and several days where i can devote the day to it. i'd be grateful for someones experience to measure my own against as i begin to do it more often and seriously
>What are you talking about?
This secret group that you're part of.
You said it's not a trading group, but you're making lots of money per day.
I guess a reasonable question would be, what are you doing, if not trading?
>how many trades on average do you do a day? (if you are on the computer for 16 hours)
up to maybe 10
>what size of order do you usually make?
>whats the most you have made in a trade? btc/$ or %, whichever
>do you have days where you don't make any trades?
rarely but yes
>how many markets do you monitor? (all the ones above 200btc vol?)
>do you do it 7 days a week, or 5?
16 hours per day, 7 days per week
>have you noticed certain days or times (which timezone you in) that are more profitable or have more opportunities?
>how many days before you were consistently breaking even/profitable?
a couple of days to actually make money, about two weeks to double my money/make $12,550 back.
thanks for the answers
you say 16 hours a day is a drag, but why don't you cut down?
is it because you think you'll miss opportunities or because you think you won't have enough info to get things correct?
another question i should have asked in the last post:
whats a rough estimate of your average return on a trade? (if your trade is $6k) or as a %
i appreciate your answers OP
you have to be there for the opportunities when they present themselves. If I only did 8 hours, i'd probably make 1/4th of what i do more often than not. my average return is
I used to make $1000~ a day trading a 20k forex account on a super risky strategy that eventually blew up and lost 20k.
That was the most liquid market in the world.
Your telling me you can do the same.. daily.. on polo?
thanks for the info, i'll start looking at shorting and the margin side of polo and get into it.
Will you faggots stop taking the bait and bumping this shithole of a thread? If you actually traded, even if only cryptos, you would know immediately how full of shit OP is.
>Your telling me you can do the same.. daily.. on polo?
I've been doing it every day for the past 3 months on almost half of that, yeah.
>you would know immediately how full of shit OP is
Yeah, but the resistance to trolling is strong in this one.
>when you think trading on a less efficient market means you make less money
Spread you capital over 10+ coins and learn to hodl them bags they'll pay out and eventually you'll get a steady cashflow. Also mine new coins and dump on yobit and you'll get a huge 50x winner every now and again. Works for me but I'm poor and started with $100 now my capital is $2000 after 2 months.