"Communism works on paper..."

>"Communism works on paper..."

How does on mean 'communism doesn't work'. Yes it's different than capitalism, and for many people less desirable, but that doesn't mean it doesn't work.

The past 100 years proves it just doesn't

>inb4 not real communism/socialism

Communism works in reality, you can go visit communes right now in plenty of first world countries.

It doesn't "work" on national scales.

It did work though

Just because people decided they didn't want it anymore, doesn't mean it didn't work


Reminder that Europeans had more public executions per capita than the Aztecs.

>Commis actually believe this
And no, this is not an argument. It is simply me saying you are retarded.

Communism was meant to kill millions of people and it killed 60 million people. So yes it works

Executions based on death penalty and law. There weren't wars in Europe woth the sole purpose of getting prisoners to sacrifice.

Any ideology works on paper

Aye for crimes, we didn't just pick some random 12 year old and hang her for Jesus to give us a sunny afternoon

people die for gold not paper


Why would anyone attempt something that didn't sound good on paper in the first place?

Its a ridiculous thing to say, and only reflects serious parroting.

How did it not 'work'?

Average leftard everyone

>inb4 not real communism/socialism

You're an idiot.

>I know real communisim has never been tried but I will post this meme to stop anyone from refuting my illogical point.

Half the time they were retarded crimes.

You have a very naive view of the law.

You have a very low quality post

>per capita

It's true, though. Public hangings in Europe were like carnivals, all about spectacle. And it was cloaked in religious bullshit, and designed to show the power of the state. And the condemned very often was basically "some random 12 year old."

What's that supposed to mean?

No one's flocking to commie countries.

>like carnivals
>like a deterrent and a demonstration that justice exists
>cloaked in religious bullshit
Not really, couple of "has committed sin, is going to hell"s and it's done
>basically "some random 12 year old"
>except they were found guilty in a court of law
>except they weren't 12 years old

>"Capitalism works"

Two ends of a spectrum. The best places to live right now are somewhere in between, using elements of socialism to fill the blanks left out by capitalism.

Australia is fatter than the US when looking a per capita stats.

Per capita is cancer.

Kill yourself.

I don't even. You can have widespread ownership of the means of production by the workers, and a free market. There is no contradiction there.

The dial only exists in the kind of organizations a government will allow, and which ones it will ban or stymie.

The biggest single blank left by modern capitalism is the existence of limited liability corporations with limited ownership. You solve that with less government intervention, not more.

>correctly measuring the incidence of events is cancer

Australia is fat as fuck.

Per capita is just a fancy worth for percentage you faggot.
>omg wen im goin to use mathh is sooo boribg xd


Ethiopia is fatter than Australia when looking at the combined weight of the entire population. It's also richer than Luxembourg going by GDP.

Capitalism helps national economy.
Socialism helps the ones getting fucked by capitalism.

pewpew epic win for everyone, yes?

but it did and it does work. There's a nation right now that's been using communist economic practices for the last sixty years.

Yes, but percentage doesn't take into account population size you retard.

That is why per capita is fucking not what you use when you want to say something is worse or better than something else.

How can you be so retarded?

See how this picture means literally nothing? 74.1% of America's population is far greater than the whole of Australia's population.

>t. Bernout

it doesn't work in any way.



And they're all starving to death while their fat leader launches rockets built by 1950s technology

Stalin's regime alone did that, I think.

That's why people say it is better on paper. There's a theoretical "dreamlike" communism that could work, and there's the "stalin's" communism that was horrible.

But you know how it is with commies and their doublethink

>Who cares we have awesome technology in capitalism when THE WORKERS ARE STARVING
>Who cares the Soviet peasants were starving, AT LEAST SOVIET RUSSIA WENT TO SPACE

The world runs on individuals pursuing their separate interests and with free trade.

Einstein didn't construct his theory of relativity under the order of a bureaucrat.

Does Denmark, Russia, or China launch full scale national relief efforts when tsunamis own Japan, Sri Lanka, or when earthquakes own Japan and Haiti like the United States does?

Germany bails out Spain, France, Italy and Greece at the G20 summit facing a Brexit?

...Why is England leaving?

We have facilities of institutional learning such as Caltech, Baylor, Brown, Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Stanford and MIT which other countries nobility and rich pay to have their children come to to learn...


It's because we didn't fucking depend on a Russian commissar, a Chinese chairman, and well excuse me for saying this but it used to be a US President to achieve and pioneer innovation, then to lead the world.

It was people loving each other, looking out for each other, and working hard to contribute the best they can because they figured all they have left is time; so why not find a way to enjoy something, do it/work it enough to where it impresses others...and to then find a way to market and sell it....

Just...deport the left and fire the right, but that isn't enough; we have to start at an individual level largely again to love each other again.

We've changed, and that needs to stop.

I swear even the air tasted better before 9/11.

Communist China is second most important state in the world, things here are better with every year and it proves that communism does works.
> inb4 not real communism/socialism

You know how in some horror movies there's always some mad doctor who has the noble intention of curing ass cancer and accidentally develops a bacteria strain that triggers the zombie apocalypse or some shit, communism is like that. Except even the mad doctor would eventually realize his fault after causing three apocalypses in a row while commies just keep on trying.

> causing three apocalypses in a row
Both world wars was caused by capitalist countries

The Ukrainian and the Chinese famine were caused by communists. As for WW2, it's not like the commies were innocent in that shit.

Yeah, people are flocking to the country where suicide nets are installed on the most popular manufacturing plant in the world for electronics.

A simple "foxconn suicide nets" search..

Or where a five year old can be ran over by a car, backed over because of "superior ideology" and then left there for two days....in SHANGHAI.

> It's communists can control weather episode!

Communism would only work in post industrial society, but those societies won't adopt it


Those famines could be mitigated by many policies. But our noble commies choose to plug their ear and sing "lalalalala we're living happy and plentiful life under communism."

> Those famines could be mitigated by many policies.
Like Bengali famine under capitalist Britain?

Weirdly enough the US have had droughts caused by shit like the dust bowl and it didn't result in millions of people starving to death. It's more like communist countries were so utterly mismanaged it boggles the mind, the USSR experienced more famines in the first 20 years than the Russian empire did in the last 100. Stalin's famines even caused a bigger population drop in the USSR than the damn WW2, think about that.

>Chinese people working in sweatshops owned by Apple and Nike
>this is somehow communism

Than real communism wasn't tried, there was always a foreign investors if that is your criteria.

Well congratulation, our noble commies regimes behave in a way no different than imperialist regimes!
Or rather see

USSR didn't have a bunch of American megacorps on tax breaks running their entire industry.

Are the industrial means of production in private hands? Yes? Then it's capitalism.

>North Korea

>inb4 not real communism/socialism
Sorry kiddo but that is actually correct. There has never been a Communist state in history no matter how hard to wish there was.

what about the DDR

In what way did the workers of the DDR control their own means of production?

>Percentage doesn't take into account population size
I hope you never publish anything retard.

>hahahah dude we killed millions of
People trying to SET UP a communist state, it's not actually a communist state haha you're stupid haha if everyone in the world just agreed with this ideology it would work trust me

>if everyone in the world just agreed with this ideology it would work trust me
Yeah I agree.

Literally nothing which fails IRL works on paper either

Yep gotta kill those baddies can't have silly sky daddies and nationalistic pride getting in the way of seizing those memes of production

Over 100 million actually.

This. I could create an ideology where everybody is happy and equal and rich and everybody works together and everything is fine. It works on paper, but if in practice it turns out to be the opposite and ends up killing over 100 million people, then it doesn't work.

>Any ideology works on paper

Anybody is welcome to muse about muh perfect society all they want. Ideas that stand the test of time should speak for themselves

>Modern day China

China is some bizarre mutation that is neither entirely communist, capitalist, or socialist

>Utopian Ideology

There's nothing wrong with believing in the merits of capitalism, communism, socialism, Keynesian economics, whatever.

These things only become cancerous degeneracy when people act as if they're perfect, and "pure" application of these ideas is inherently utopian.

The most destructive thing about Capitalism in the west is that people treat it like something inherently perfect, that the only reason it can fall short of perfection is by being regulated. Whenever a nation pursues deregulation, and that deregulation backfires, Neoliberal Freetards blame the failure on whatever regulations still exist, and the process repeats itself.

In a sense, that is what is meant when we call something an "ism". It centralises the argument around a single concept

Communism is a stateless, classless society in which the means of production are collectively owned and democratically controlled.

No 'communist' nation in the 20th century did this. The USSR, the PRC and the eastern bloc were all state capitalist, retaining private state ownership and control of the means of production, wage labor, currency and the state.

times change friend,but they always can change for the better, soo cheer up budd

Clearly a crime.

t. dicklet

No, user. YOU prove that it DOES work

>Communism is a stateless, classless society in which the means of production are collectively owned and democratically controlled.
No "Communist" Society ever gets to that point because orthodox communism calls for a vanguard to lead the way in the revolution, seizing power in the process which, every single fucking time, they never refuse to give up long after the revolution is over (Bolsheviks, Cuban Revolutionaries, the PLA). This fault is not exclusive to Communist revolutions, just revolutions in general

Any sane mind with an idea of how power works knows that one group holding so much power is dangerous and is something that should never even allowed to happen in the first place but Marxists, Keeping in-line with what Naive, Inexperienced, quixotic twats they are, abscond all notions of human evil


>A system of government
>Not a method of analyzing society

We're big boys here. You don't have to use Communism/Socialism/Marxism interchangeably.

>The USSR's totalitarianism was defined by the culture and geopolitical needs of the region, not communism. The communist replaced and were replaced by autocratic regimes.
>Total deregulation is almost always bad, and most modern economies suffer for it.
>Soviet Communism only clashed with the west due to geopolitical interests and lazy thinking.

>people being ignorant

Aztecs pretty much exclusively sacrificed prisoners of war, who were treated much, much, much better then prisoners in europe would have been prior to their excutions You essentially got to live as a rock star and ate all the good food, bang all the hot native ass you could want up until you got murdered..

I'm generalizing, of course: There were festivals where Aztecs citizens themselves got sacrificed, and there were some where you pretty much got tortured, but for the most part you were better off being a sacrifcee for the aztecs then a prisoner in europe. The actual sacrifices/executations were about as savage as well: being mass spectacles of gore with bodies being paraded around and heads on pikes for both.

>There weren't wars in Europe woth the sole purpose of getting prisoners to sacrifice.

No, but there were wars in europe solely over dumb religious bullshit, which is the same reason why the aztecs sacrificed people and why the flower wars existed. At least with the aztecs they thought if they didn't sacriice people, the universe would litterally just run out of fuel and reality would end, with europe it was just "You are worshipping god the wrong way and I don't like that".

>Executions based on death penalty and law.

>15th century European laws
Nice joke user.


uncontrolled capitalism inevitability leads to corporations exploiting the law and people to maximum extent possible and leads to monopolies.

It also ironically leads to capitalist practices where competition can't thrive due to corporations being in bed with legislators.

Look at what happens with uber and the taxi industry or cheese laws in europe.

It does work on paper, because communism assumes a post-scarcity economy, and communism being the result of post-scarcity.

"Communism" with a modernizing industrializing economy doesn't work, no shit, Marxist Dialectics even say it won't work on paper.

It literally isn't. Dialectics say say communism follows socialism, which follows a well developed industrial capitalist society. It doesn't say you can skip the the capitalist phase by installing Bolsheviks who control the means of production instead of the workers and call it socialism.

North Korea is officially Juche. They are likely talking about Cuba, a nation which has resisted US imperialism, has prodigious literacy and unemployment rates, an incredible healthcare system and is generally a better place to live than most of the surrounding isles (the frame of reference to which it should be compared).

Cuba was way ahead of the surrounding Isles before Castro took charge. In fact, it dropped way below them for a long time and has only recently got back to where it was. They took over an island that was already the best in the region.

Trade embargos will do that to you

I can't think of any example, except for Cambodia, Bohemia, and Poland, where a country was better off before becoming socialist.

Socialist countries were generally poorer than the liberal west, but nearly universally better than the societies they replaced.

North Korea doesn't even pretend to be communist anymore

They're a nationalist monarchy based on the principal of juche

The Commune?


Spoken like a true wageslave

I have to say I'm proud of Veeky Forums today. Behind all the memeing and ad hominem there was some serious discussion about communism.

If some of you guys tried to be more open to discussion you might realize that maybe communism isn't as evil as the us school system made you believe it is.

what about the San people? early christians?



Look at China
It turned into a single party totalitarian state in the 60s because of communism

>just because it failed in the long run doesn't mean it didn't work


>no inheritance
>no trade
>no currency
>no marriage
>no private property

It has quite literally not been tried. This is a fact, not a meme.

It's a little more complicated than that

Aztecs preferred to andict over killing since spilling blood, even in war, was sacrilege since their blood was the property of the gods

Probably an amerigan, he means a social democracy.

If we're taking famines can we talk about how the British engineered them on practically every continent on the planet

Yes it did