>Betting/Trading/Item Related csgolounge.com csgobackpack.net gosugamers.net Always inspect in game, always assume the worst. Bet what you can afford to lose and most importantly always do the opposite of what /csgog/ says.
I don't follow CSGO but have a question about the Secret female csgo team: which of them is married/have kids?
Josiah Brown
fuck you and fuck your privilege you fucking fuck fuck you
Isaiah Hill
Jack Ramirez
post your reaction times 270ms
Dylan Bailey
how do you even play this game?
Kayden Morgan
@146242186 bad post
Dominic Morales
whens the next operation
Wyatt Richardson
dropping hot friday
Christopher Martin
>page 10
Angel Lopez
page 10 rave save
Dylan Ortiz
Fuck I can't stop laughing. I literally got put against a team that voted to surrender after the first fucking round.
Jose Moore
every game has at least one cheater in it
every pro game has at least two
game is dying slowly
Dylan Torres
na has pros CHECKMATE
Joseph Fisher
Hey fags has any one of you had problems with the game recently? I've just checked my game inside and out and none of my guns are firing in-game, even my knife is failing to...knife. Should I be concerned? Do I perhaps just need to git gud
Owen Bailey
If they are concerned about elo it's the best decision because they don't lose many rounds. Besides that why would anyone want to play 4v5?
Lincoln Gonzalez
Dazed is currently 1-17 in his ESEA match.
Mason Roberts
dazed looks like a serial killer lol
Tyler Ramirez
that ocean feel
Oliver Rogers
dazed is the zodiac killer
Jace Diaz
brb refining this meme to a nugget
Alexander Kelly
im about to play csgo hehe ;^)
Aiden Jackson
real nigga hours. who the fuck up? playing Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
Grayson Morgan
i'm up and would love for someone to tweet this at the slemmster
Matthew Reyes
What more can he do
Parker Reyes
that's a horrible idea
Adrian Hill
you're out of touch
Jeremiah Stewart
im out of time
John Evans
when it's watching for lies you cant escape my eyes
Jason Torres
that's not out of touch o.o
John Powell
THEY GOT A MESSAGE FROM THE ACTION MAN "I'm happy, hope you're happy too."
Jaxon Johnson
They need to put RPGs and Grenade Launchers in the game
Bentley Lee
wow I didn't know csgo general was so dead when there is no drama shit or anime fags online.
do only kids play this game?
Jeremiah Reed
>do only kids play this game if my matchmaking experience today is to be believed, yes
some of the children use mom's credit card to buy aimware or a fancy karambit
Andrew Hernandez
>tfw buying skins with my wife's son's credit card
Michael Thompson
yo im about to dm. post some songs.
Wyatt Ortiz
a dreaded sunny day so i'll meet you at the cemetery gates
Elijah Stewart
I posted a strawpoll of gorillaz albums and gorillaz won, but you should only listen ti plastic beach and demon days
Zachary Garcia
average 190 ms global am I good?
Carter Diaz
>am I good? No you aren't. Come back when you're part of the fnatic roster.
>tfw gobabbies dont know what banging on the wall with your knife in 1v1 means
Leo Davis
Everyone moved onto overwatch.
Alexander Hall
>implying it means anything
Ryan Hill
Jesus fuck, just spent 2 hours on the market looking for a good AK-47 skin under $50 Never have I been so autistic in my life
All of the skins look like shit, especially with stickers the only gun that goes well with stickers is the Redline Every other gun like the Frontside Misty or Point Disarray already has a good paint job but then people stick like 4 fucking stickers on it to ruin the shit
What's a good ak-47 skin, which can go with 4x fucking kawaii killer T sticker
Zachary Carter
>the Frontside Misty or Point Disarray already has a good paint job >people stick like 4 fucking stickers on it to ruin the shit kys retard
Jeremiah Cooper
I bet you're the faggot who sticks some random autograph stickers of some neckbeard faggot on a 30 cent glock
Blake Rogers
based jet set
Noah Cox
Fuck you I like my battle scarred p250 sand dune with 3 JW stickers on it
Justin Nelson
rate my gun fuckers
Alexander Stewart
Shit desu
Nathaniel Thompson
literal aids
Nathan Fisher
I do hope you realize 999 is the emergency service number of the UK
>Na'Vi already dropped 2 maps in Eleague >Might not make 1st seed >Entire seeding process is now completely fucking pointless because the only thing that mattered is not getting 4th and facing the favourite in the 1st round of playoffs
Bravo, Eleague. They should've just done BO3 double elimination from the start. That wouldn't even result in many more maps played total, just a few.
Thomas Moore
How is that Eleague's fault? They played like shit so they didn't win
James Brown
Pretty much each group has a massive favourite, take as the most extreme example LG's group. Now the objective of the other 3 teams is to atleast not get 4th place, while at the same time the favourite team in principle doesn't really have to give a shit about the seeding process at all. And if they start dropping maps, the point of the seeding process is lost, as you'll have say the #2 team facing the #1 in the first decider match.
It's just a really poor format, with 12 unimportant maps being played before the real games start.
Sebastian Parker
>clutching a mm game from 15-6 to 15-15
Jaxson Davis
the fuck is this?
Chase Johnson
nice toggle fuckboi
Sebastian Cruz
>you will never be brazilian
Austin Hill
>2 gamma cases in on day
not complaining desu
Jonathan Nelson
Hey plebs Kappa
Ethan Edwards
Charles Parker
tfw no csgog bf to play overwatch with
Luke Sanders
>tfw no nice bf to play anything with and watch streams and talk
Parker Lee
hey im somehow supreme now but I cant kill anyone with glocks, I just dont understand that weapon should I even stop running while shooting? ty
Cameron Anderson
>should I even stop running while shooting? Yes, also try to tap shoot.
Alexander Reed
no, You need to stay as a pack of 2-3 and ADAD slowly so you move a lot. 2-3 guys with glocks is going to overwhelm most CT's if they don't hit a few usp 1taps early and you can close the distance.
If you're not in a pack you kind of have to aim, pretend it's an AK and you're tapfireing.
Also, use fucking burst fire to your advantage. If you're close to someone and you have some cover to abuse, shoot your 3 shots and run around the box/wall whatever, wait for the cooldown on the burst and repeek with a prefire and you have a higher chance of hitting him then he does of hitting you.
I got ranked Silver but I drop 30 bombs every game on d2. How long til I reach GE?
Ian Hill
few weeks
Adrian Brooks
>tfw i want that sort of
Jacob Foster
Benjamin Morgan
>new to esea >half the time run into really relaxed and funny guys who don't care at all when i misplay >the other half of the time encounter literally the most emotionally disturbed and irrationally upset people i've ever known as they lose their shit when they spectate me and i misplay even slightly (e.g. get a 3k but whiff on the 4th) >get accused of being total trash at the game by people i'm outfragging (and not even from lucky anti-eco kills) i really don't get it???? but thank god for this .block function
Kayden Jones
stop playing dust 2 then 2 weeks
t. ge
Samuel Adams
>turn prime on - I rape them every game >turn prime off - get absolutely destroyed
Looks like it's working so far. Until retards turn prime on.
Oliver Stewart
other way around for me
only boosted underageb& left in nonprime, I'm coming into actual functioning human beings in prime, and I'm noticing the people I'm playing against are significantly more organised than it used to be. although I'm not complaining, the teammate quality has also improved massively.
Daniel Lewis
Who you got to win? Map 1 Mouz Map 2 Echofox Flipsid3 to lose all
Jonathan Ward
F3 will beat Echofox.
Ryder Rivera
>be successful white male >watch anime >catch autism and become neet
Ryder Brooks
Echofox will win cobblestone. Hopefully. I went low on upset.
Thomas Taylor
echo win on cobble mous win on other map
Jaxon Reyes
>tfw ive got that
Gabriel Cox
Which generals is /csgog/ friends with?
Levi Gutierrez
If youve played any other fps you should be dropping 30 on most silvers they are bad