/xcg/ - XCOM General

EXALT-chan edition

Previous thread: News:

XCOM 2 officially coming to Xbox One and PlayStation 4 on September 6th.

Julian Gollop is working on his new game Phoenix Point. It's a turn-based tactical game with strategy elements, destructible terrain, geoscape and character progression much akin to XCOM. Lobstermen are confirmed.

Long War Studios are working on more mods for XCOM2. The first in a planned series of five is live on Workshop + Nexus now, and is called Long War Toolbox.
Also cosmetic mod author Capnbubs - maker of the most endorsed mod on the workshop - has been signed onto the LWS team to model stuff.

Alien Rulers has been released alongside a large patch
> xcom.com/news/en-dangerous-ruler-aliens-await-in-xcom-2s-alien-hunters-dlc

5) user dug up some Shen's Last Gift SDK assets

The /xcg/ Mandatory Read:

Piratez mod for OpenXCom: openxcom.org/forum/index.php/topic,3626.0.html

Assorted improvements (Skip intros, alleviate stuttering, multi monitor support, and resolutions past 1080p)

XCOM2 NEW AND IMPROVED MODLIST, updated regularly:

NEW MEGA MOD LIBRARY - Contains all 180 mods from the new modlist:

/xcg/'s Long War Library (New LW players read this shit or you will be ignored):

Image Library of /xcg/:

Music to kill ayys to

Other urls found in this thread:



So ded got deleted

Archived would be the proper word.

Though its quite clear what killed the last thread.

Ok, /xcg/ is pretty dead, so how about we liven it up with a little offtopic conversation, what games does /xcg/ like?



No I won't.

I know I've been posting this "meme" for the longest time now but, as some posters guessed, I'm a longtime poster on /xcg/, and I usually keep the cyclops pics to one post at most. After that, I usually mingle with the rest of the thread.

Referring to & , I would love to learn how to mod, but, between juggling work, exercise, vidya (including xcom 2) and some other hobbies I have, modding isn't really something I have time to allocate to. Which is why I would love to commission a modder, provided I have a good lead

But I won't leave you guys - I love xcom way too much.

Way too addicted to Guild Wars 2 atm. Trying to kick the habit.

Trying to get into the Skyrim. The mods are sweeteass. But the oversimplification of the game is really losing on me - to put into perspective, Morrowind was a game I spent hours on. And it had a good amount of complexity, and mods that could change up gameplay.

As for all time favourite games.... well shit. I love a lotta games. Lets see what are the immediate ones I can think of:

Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri: Fucking love this game. I think this is THE game that defines Firaxis. Sure, the Civilization games are great, but SMAC is what made their mark

Deus Ex: THE Deus Ex. Not that Adam Jensen weaboo stuff. Motherfucking JC Denton. Thats my shit right there. Fact: if you're not playing Xcom 2 with the JC Denton voicepack, youa re doing it wrong.

Half-Life: Whats said about Half-Life thats not been said before. The fact that people still play HL1, years after it came out, speaks about the longevity of the original game alone. Heck, I'm still playing Team Fortress Classic over TF2. And there's some pretty good mods - like The Hunger

Arcanum: One of the best RPGs I've played. Made by the same company who did

V:tm:B - Its like Dues Ex. But with vampires. Its a bity Valve fucked Troika over this game. But it was some sweet shit

S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - if mdoern FPSs are too easy for you, STALKER really puts you on the edge. Its a pity not even FPSs are like STALKER

Neverwinter Nights 1 & 2: Aside from Morrowind, my other favorutie RPG. YTeah I also liked Icewind Dale 2 and Baldur's Gate, but NWN had more mods. And just felt more fun. Plus NWN 1 and 2 were sufficiently different from each other that both could be enjoyed for their respective merits

Skullgirls: Yeah I play fighters. Aside from other games. And I just like setting and characters of Skullgirls the most. I really hope, after Indivisible, they do a SKullgirls 2


>Neverwinter Nights 1 & 2
Could it be that I've found the only other person in the world who's played 2 past the first act, where it goes from a 3/10 to a 8/10?

cont. from King of Fighters 2002: The other fighter I play msot of the time when I'm relaxing. I'm waiting for Tekken 7, (which will be next year). Fucking love the KoF series, and KoF 2002 is pretty much the pinnacle. Also the easiest fighter to get into. Aside from Skullgirls, prettty much the best fighte ron Steam. Get it. GET IT NOW

Starcraft 2: Well, its the only major RTS atm. Actually its weak sauce, depsite its popularity much like

Grey Goo: also weaksauce

C&C: Tiberium Wars: Ah, there we go. Also Red Alert 2. Which reminds me - theyr eleased openra.net/ If you want to play classic command & conquer. Pretty much the best thing in RTS imho

Disgaea: Yeah, I played it on PC. yeah, I was playing it while waiting for Xcom 2. Launch was buggy, but fixed the issues. One of my fave RPGs

Prospective games I hope to complete:

Homeworld - never got in-depth into it. Need to

Disciples 2&3 and Endless Legend: Currently doing some fanatsy research. Having a hucnh that playing some fantasy 4X might help me out.

Thats what I can think of from the top of my head

>vg tarts STILL playing this trash
Wow I press 1 until the rigged rng lets you win

So good

>Endless Legend
That's a great fucking game, it's not a super typical 4X either, lovely artstyle and music.

Why do you savescum, user? Do you dislike fun?

I really like some of the races in Endless Legend. Especially the elves, which I think are some of the most original elf designs I've seen to date.

Endless Space was mediocre, but Endless Legend deserved its good reviews. Just wished I had more time to devote to it

>firing the gun
>not completing the missions using exclusively grenades
Jesus what a pleb get the fuck out of my sight

Endless Space 2 is something to keep an eye ;) on.

Guess you know who I am Still gonna hoping for that Mod

And I am interested in Endless Legend 2 - kinda curious to see where this developer goes next.

On a side note - I think I'm the only guy whose not that hyped for Civ 6. Like, I get they have to make a new Civ once in a while. But Civ 6 is looking much the same like Civ 5. And sequelitis is gonna bog it down. Personally, I think Firaxis should take it easy with the sequels for Civ and try something else like buying the rights back to SMAC or doing an actual sequel to Xcom 1 that continues from that storyline

Hey. Anything's possible, right?

I don't care for Civ 6 either and neither do any of my strategy playing friends. It looks boring.

You're not the only one. NWN 2, much like NWN 1, is worth playing in full. And spending time kaing builds on. Hell, I think NWN 2 was the last game of tis kind - the last game to make use of 3.5, to try out complex character builds and prestige classes, the alst game where you could really make your own character, independent of mods. Everything these days is also streamlined and simplified, that a lot of character is gone from RPGs these days. Its sad.

It's not just that, the locations and characters later are really, really interesting and everyone ignores that because hurr durr the village was boring so the whole game is bad.

>that trial
>that entire duel plotline
>amon jero
>amon jero's fucking house
>that king of shadows subplot
>exploring them ancient elven ruins

I think Todd's philosophy to games and their sequels is something other develoeprs should follow:


Skyrim was sufficiently different from Oblivion, and Morrowind was sufficiently different from Oblivion, that each game could be played for their respective strengths. Hell, I still play Morowind once in a while, years after it first came out. Thats longevity.

Civilization 5 was sufficiently different from 4, graphic wise, and the same was 4 from 3. It really makes me sad that they're going into 6 so quickly. Hell, they should at the very least try something different. Like I dunno - maybe make a new 4x based off something else. Like Fantasy. I would play an actual Fantasy civ thats like Civilization and not Endless Legend. I know Firaxis can make it work.

Fire Emblem, Total War, Saints Row 3

I never finished NWN2. Got to the part a little after that green monster lady with the face veil joined the party and got lost in some ruins shortly after.
Wish I could find the disks and reinstall now.

It's on GOG, comes with the god tier expansions too.


Buy it. DRM-free. Off gog.com. Its worth it. Trust me.

Pro-tip: its best to wait for it when GOG has huge sales. Also, and for the record: Bethesda;s decision to re-release Fallout 1 & 2 on GOG, as well as releasing Morrowind on GOG, reaffirmed my faith in them. They're not perfect, but there are far worse publishers out there cough cough EA cough

Also guess the fighter pic related is from. Pretty fun fight

Also, and the topic of recommended vidya.

If you like turn based strategy: Get Disgaea. Fucking get it. Disgaea makes me wish there was a turn-based squad based game like Xcom but in a fantasy setting. And I don't mean an RPG like Icewind Dale 2, I mean an actual, turn based, tactics game, but with fantasy elements.

But anyway. get Disgaea. Fucking get it. Its like watching elves play classic Xcom. And fi you can unlock the Earth levels, you can literally recreate the original Xcom squad, complete with guns.



No one else on atm?

>turn based strategy
I think you mean tactical crate throwing simulator.
I still love those games though.

Nice neck fag

Can you do better?


Perfect Dark is an all-time favorite of mine. Great OST, cool cyberpunk theme, kickass collection of weapons with secondary modes, and missions that never get old.

One of the few games I've play where it feels like the developers thought of everything.


i have been playing piratez 0.99 and i have a few questions
whats the menacing hull? do i need it for something?
do i have to go to progroms?

I don't know anything about the "menacing hull."
I can answer your question about mutant progroms though. The way the end of month report works in x-com (and pirateZ) is that it simply tallies your entire score into either a positive or negative number. The score is calculate primarily from doing missions. You get a positive score at the end of a mission and that contributes to the end score. Bad missions obviously contribute negative score.

Other things that generate negative score are when certain missions are successfully completed by another faction that directly hurts your operations in some way. A mission is considered successfully completed if their ship makes it to their destination without being shot down, and lands without being assaulted, or if its assaulted you fail and have to retreat.

Mutant Progroms are one of these missions. Ignoring them, or letting all the civilians getting killed in the battle generates the negative score.
Enemy hideouts/bases also generate a flat amount of negative score every month.
Thing is, if you run a bunch of successful missions and generates lots of positive score, that will end up overwhelming your negative giving you a good monthly report. Its still likely that the area where the Progrom happened will reduce funding, but as long as it doesn't happen multiple months in a row, its pretty negligible

tl;dr, no, as long as you have done well in other missions that month

About to start playing 2, what difficulty should I pick?

I completed the first game on normal, struggled a bit towards the end and I would like a similar challenge. I read a review, think it was ign, that said that veteran is too easy. Is that true?

i see, then that was my problem i skipped a lot of ratmen rodeos missions, i thought no one would care about them

I don't know, do you know what happens at ratman missions? Are they rampaging on people's territory or something?

Also, mutant progroms generate alot of negative score, I want to guess -500 to -700 (just a guesss) so you can't just do a few small successful missions and call it a day.

If i skip a mutant prorgom or have to bug out, I make sure to take on extra missions that month, more then I usually would.

If you haven't played XCOM for awhile, you still may want to play veteran. There are some big changes between how you play missions as well, so you can't just apply the same exact tactics from X1

Okay then, I'll go for veteran.
Can't remember, can you change difficulty during the campaign?

the mission briefing makes it sound that i am the one kicking in their village of thieves and bandits looking for treasure but i only played one of those missions and was a chore chasing them around their village

Nope. If it feels too easy you'll just have to start up a new campaign. Just note that early game is usually the hardest part of an XCOM game, so if you are having flawless missions from the start, that doesn't mean things will get harder later.

Yeah, sounds like they don't generate negative score, at least I don't think so. If you want a 100% answer go ask in the forums.

I can't get over how the handgun is four inches off her hip floating in the air.

Dude you either created the same character I did, or you saved my image, feels nice either way.

Magnets, son

Am I the only one who has an all black squad?

I have an all female squad and an all Greek squad. The Greek squad is down to one guy after the kings fucked them up over the course of several missions.

I'll try veteran first.

>Just note that early game is usually the hardest part

Really? I'm sure I remember the first one getting harder as I played. Especially the last missions, I struggled quite a bit.

>I have an all female squad

Though you lose points if they aren't a skinsuit unit.

How many times did you play through X1? I could see someone struggling if it was their first time through, but generally if your experienced, once you clear the early game your golden.

It might be a bit different on normal as well maybe, the difficulty gets inverted on higher difficulties. I only played normal once and that was a long time ago.

Only once. It was enemy within.
It's weird, I absolutely loved the game, was the most fun I had in years and I actually finished it which I rarely do yet I never felt like playing it again. I just felt really satisfied with my playthrough.

Also, are you using Squad Cohesion and the Traits mod?

Huh, that is unusual, I'm kinda of used to just assuming people have played the campaign multiple times if they're here. If you ever go back make sure to give it a spin on Classic difficulty and give Long War a try as well.

Yeah, I also use fatigue and notoriety mod so my entire squad is basically unusable for a week so I have several squads.
>Two of the members in my all female squad have the Misogynist perk

>Two of the members in my all female squad have the Misogynist perk
Not surprised. Have you read the stories about those all female companies and shit. Bitches hate bitches, fact of life.

Following up on the negative score generated from Mutant progroms, this pretty standard mission has 18 civilians. If they were all killed, that's -630 points. I think you also get a malus for not even trying/not showing up so I think -700 points if a pretty safe guess.




Superhero mod when

Has anyone else got this plot before it seems pretty huge?

I usually build GTS then AWC but then my power is maxed out so I have a gap before I can build the proving grounds. What do you guys generally do for a build order?

Looking for ideas.

II pretty much do the same thing but awc first

I feel like the blacksite map is that bi.

I always do GTS then AWC so I don't have any cool ideas for you.

Anyone else using reshade 2.0 in their game kinda curious what settings I should try

I just use it for AA and some deeper colors

Il give those a look

If I blow up the roof would this thing just insta die?

I think so, it could treat objectives differently, but I would bet on it insta dying.

It would be extremely intriguing.

Not using Reshade yet. Maybe I will when someone makes a preset to mimic Enemy Unknown's lighting

Insta dead neat

Thanks, I'll remember that.

I've gotten pretty close to the EW reshade look in my resent fiddling so it may be worth a look

Lucked out pretty hard with this bridge so close to the objective

What is the "Traits" mod? Checked the pastebin and workshop but didn't see anything.

Cant help you there sorry pal

And yet enemy flares are indestructible.

They should be making their structures out of flares at this rate. Also neat psi nickname

Why is there always a large landed in the first month of long dong...

Alien base

Not that, ayys usually send a harvester right on door step and be like :^)

You know what's fun?
Putting a bladestorm ranger right on a reinforcements flare.

It's there to teach you that you're not supposed to win every battle, that retreating is always an option.

I prefer a Kill Zone sniper myself, user, but that works too.

also, having tried attrition and all pods activated, all I can say is holy shit I am so deliriously happy at how hard the game is now.

Why don't the guns look like yhat.

Holy shit getting pinned in guerrilla war is literally the worst thing that can happen. 3 men down and 5 pods of reinforcements in coming just have to snag the black site juice and fuck off.



wow cant say ive seen that beore

steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=695216006 ?

>Playing with cheats

What's the build order you guys usually follow in XCOM 2?


Afraid of Aliens - decreased aim against organic alien units

Afraid of Advent - like the above but against ADVENT

Afraid of Machines - like the above but against mechanical units

Hates Cities - randomized debuffs in City Center and Slums missions

Hates the Outdoors - randomized debuffs in Small Town, Wilderness, and Shanty missions

Hates FNGs - debuff to stats when in a squad with majority lower ranking soldiers

Rebellious Rookie - debuff to stats when on a squad with majority higher ranking soldiers

Fatalist - debuff to stats when injured

Gloryhog - debuff to stats in a squad with multiples of the same class

(EXTREME) Coward - will do a forced defensive move every time a pod reveals themselves (so this will probably proc only once if you have All Pods Active)

(EXTREME) Scared of Blood - gets a chance to faint for a turn (ie stunned for two AP) every time they get hurt

(EXTREME) Panicky Reloader - can waste an action point on reloading a weapon randomly, chance to do so scales to 50% per turn as a mission goes on

So I was thinking, wouldn't flying armor make the squadsight scouts in Long Dong really useful?

Perk wise they can get almost the exact same perks as the typical ITZ sniper, except they get a "free" perk at SGT between flush, battle scanners and aggression on top of the typical sniper kit. ITZ snipers might pick up lock and load instead of bring em on (I know I do), so scouts might actually outdamage them on single shots. Maybe a hit and run build might work out better, soar around the map picking up insanely long reach flanks for huge single damage shots every time, good synergy with the weapon at plasma tier.

They can move and shoot like a snapshot sniper, except marksman rifles don't have the penalty to aim that snapshot has, so you'll actually be free to move them a lot more.

This might even solve another conundrum I had. I really like gauss long rifles but the other tiers are better against things heat doesn't work on. Using gauss without lock and load is kind of hard, so the idea here would be to build marksman scouts for pulse and plasma tiers while keeping snipers around with gauss, which work almost just as well for most ITZ cleanup but also let you know you have something that can hit a disc, mectoid or sectopod with for huge amounts of damage.

Main con I see is items. You lose an item slot to a marksman scope and with actually having a reason to move in flight your fuel might be a concern, making you lose another item slot to pack extra.

Did anyone try something like this before? How does a scout compare to legit snipers?

last gift dlc when, i want to come back to x2 with all the shit

>Responding to stale memes
It was a ruse, sir. It's not a mod I'd use myself, but it certainly looks intriguing all the same.

Thanks m8.

So in Piratez should i just ignore civilian vessels?

Kinda. You lose points for killing them, but you lose less for capturing them alive, and then you can make them into slave or ransom them. I'd say ignore them until you get armor that can easily block their damage. Then you can just run in and stun everyone.

>XCOM 2 will NEVER EVER be on consoles
>PS4 getting XCOM 2
How does it feel it lose another game to PS4 PCucks? Gonna enjoy cucking all of yous from your Snake waifus.

Snek is shit pal

>He doesn't know