I've been thinking up a form of government and I want to know what Veeky Forums thinks about it

I've been thinking up a form of government and I want to know what Veeky Forums thinks about it.

I don't have to whole thing planned but it is not a majority rules everything type of thing and not a minority rules everything type of thing. Democracy is tyranny by the ignorant majority. Communism makes you a slave to the system the same way Capitalism makes you a slave to wages. The only law of the land would be a kind of constitutional law that would limit the rights of the government instead of the people. Only major population centers like cities and towns that pay taxes to be would be policed and have rule of law. Instead of states that would have their own governments there would be territories with no law instead of in cities and the laws would be made by what the city or town council decides on as long as the laws do not infringe on the constitutional law or whatever you want to call it. Basically if you don't want to pay taxes and be ruled by the law of a city council just live in a town that polices themselves or innawoods. Council members would be voted in democratically but for laws only the council would vote on them. Like let's say there is a problem. Someone will bring it to the council and the council will decide what to do about it. If a council infringes on constitutional law the council will be deemed illegitimate government and the territorial army or militia would remove the council of the city and return the rule to the people but if the citizens agree with what the council wants the city or town would be allowed to leave the country. I am not sure how the council structure would be. It would probably depend on the town or population. There is still allot more that needs to be thought up but these are the basic principles.

What would this be called? If this is already a form of government what is it?

>pic unrelated

That's literally Germany or Italian cities before they got unified under a single state

Well, that's an extreme form of federalism.

You are of course going to run into the problem that most of the local governments will ignore constitutional norms once there is no longer anything forcing them to abide by them.

A revolution would obviously have to occur to establish this system so the old local state governments would be no more. Unless you are talking about the new local governments. In that case the territorial army and citizens (if they believe in the constitutional law) would be there to make sure the council abides by the constitution. The reason there would no longer be state governments is because one state should not be more or less free than another. That doesn't sound like "land of the free" to me.

You'd end up with serious problems with highwaymen and bandits if there wasn't any policing of rural areas and the roads.

What will you do when local governments use those same free, armed citizens as their secret police?

What happens if a substantial portion of the populace decides they don't want some smaller group to participate in the political process?

In short, what happens if you turn into 1920s Mississippi.

It would be up to people in those areas to protect themselves then. The territorial army would protect shipments and factories of companies that pay the tax to be protected.

If the populace decides they don't want a council and would rather have democratic majority rule they could just police themselves. Can you link me something or at least explain exactly what happened in 1920s Mississippi?

>company uses fish scales from Florida and horse hair from Minnesota to make doilies, which mainly appeal to people in Alaska
>company now has to arrange passage through dozens of different entities
>incidentally, if somebody robs their shipments at any stage of the process, they can fuck off to the ungoverned zones for some good old fashioned hookers and blow

Kek, are you saying that's a bad thing? If they wanted to lower the risk of somehow being robbed they could pay for protection, protect themselves and or ship the product by sea or air. If the bandits somehow have missile launchers, fighter jets and submarines then tough luck I guess.

Well, after the Civil War, a large number of secret paramilitary groups formed to oppose the integration of blacks into society. The biggest of these was the KKK, but there were many others.

In the mid 1870s, the federal government pulled out troops, and in 1875, the Supreme Court ruled that US citizens couldn't be tried in federal court for violations of civil rights.

Incidentally, no jury in a southern state would convict a white man of killing a black man, which meant that black people in the south were totally at the mercy of their former slavemasters.

Given that exercising your right to speech, assembly, arms, or anything else that annoyed the Klan would get you hanged, there were de facto no civil rights for blacks, and there was widespread political corruption and oppression in general.

This state of affairs more or less continued until the civil rights movement in the 50s.

One of the most important steps was the Federal government passing a series of Civil Rights Acts in 1957, 1960, and 1964, which collectively enabled violations of constitutional rights to be investigated by federal law enforcement and tried in federal courts, after which point the KKK was systematically destroyed by federal prosecution. The Voting Rights Act of 1965 created federal requirements for elections, and essentially eliminated the various mechanisms that Southern States had used to keep black people from voting.

More recently, Civil Rights prosecutions have been used to shut down police departments that repeatedly violated civil rights. The Pittsburgh PD was run by the federal government for several years because they kept repeatedly conducting illegal searches.

The TL;DR is that federalism exists to create multiple redundant lines of communication by which people can protect their rights. It's another one of those checks and balances thing.

The federal government would do their best to make sure things such as that couldn't happen as things like that would go against the constitutional law. If a local government turned out to be doing similar actions they would be removed. The citizens if they disagreed with the unlawful practice would fight against the local government and it's wrongdoing allies. Or they could at least simply tell the territorial government so they could send in the army. In the way things would be it wouldn't be easy to keep such atrocities secret from the federal government.

Well, as long as you're enforcing basic civil rights.

Of course, everyone will be reduced to third world standards of living because of how expensive trade would become, and it would be virtually impossible to enforce laws when people could just skip town and nobody could really follow them.

Oh, and counterfeiting, pollution, kidnapping for random, and general other crimes that are difficult for local governments to deal with.

Tbh OP is probably some edgy teenager. Monarchy is the only true way to go

Depending on the city I don't think things would become completely third world level of course in most ungovrerned areas it would be third worldly unless a large self policing commune formed and somehow created industry . Maybe a way to protect trade on the ground could be that there would be guarded highways that people and companies could pay a fee to use. Towns and cities if they wanted to could send police agents to track down someone or if it was the duty of the territory's army send a military agents to bring the person back to the city for trial. Or more simply a bounty could also be placed on the person. Local governments could create laws to try and curb things like counterfeiting, pollution and kidnapping and it would be the duty of the police to stop things from happening inside city limits. It would be the jobs of businesses and their owners to spot counterfeit money.

>Another hypothetical government thread
This is neither History or Humanities. Go discuss hypothetical politics on /pol/

This is why I posted here first.

No you didn't, I just saw that thread. It was posted after this one

>If the bandits somehow have missile launchers, fighter jets and submarines then tough luck I guess.
All you really need to hijack most shipping vessels are two AKs and a speedboat.

How does air traffic control work in this perfect world you've devised?

I posted it after this one. I wanted to post it here because I knew I wouldn't get any worthwhile replies there so I posted here instead and said to post it on /pol/ so I did and got what I expected.

If the shipping companies can't protect themselves then it is their own fault they got robbed or the had the entire ship hijacked. How am I supposed to know how air traffic control would work? Do I look like an air traffic controller?