
don't like it, don't buy epipens

Except all doctors prescribe EpiPen explicitly. You can not be prescribed a generic because there isn't one.

forces everyone to buy healthcare on the expense of the usa government, #1 in the world at paying its debts, and complains muh free market after prices surge across the board? cmon man.

Oh look, another problem created by the government that is blamed on capitalism/free market.

The obvious solution is more government though.

ironically enough the government is the thing enforcing patents, so you're right but perhaps not the way you think.

if it weren't for government patents anyone that wanted to could make epipens in their garage and nobody would have to worry about whether they were safe or not.

You kill off a few customers with bad epipens and the rest stop buying from you, right? Of course then you can just change your name because there's no government keeping track of who you are. Go back to selling faulty epipens under someone else's name.

free market rocks!

Explain. EpiPen is raising prices because they can. There is no competition and there can't be because EpiPen is prescribed explicitly (no generic alternative) by the medical industry, who is propped up by these pharma companies.

stop being allergic to shit

does this even hit the end user I wonder? wouldn't the mandatory insurance Americans have cover this?

besides if you're using an epipen every other day you should probably just consider letting yourself die

How about instead of extreme examples of people making epinephrine in their bathtub, we start with just other pharmaceutical companies being allowed to manufacture the product.

>who is propped up by these pharma companies.

Which the FDA made possible by creating a pay to play industry, ie government created monopolies.

fine by me.
how do you define "pharmaceutical companies," and what prevents me from being one?

Then get the government to fuck off with their strict IP laws and allow other companies to make it.

>Gov't made epi-pens mandatory in schools
>Competitor recalled
>FDA rejects potential competitor
>Insurance pays for everything so majority of consumers have no incentive to challenge price increases
>FDA prevents you from buying your own foreign epi-pens
>Patent laws make it so no one else can make a competing product
>somehow this is the "free" market's fault

What? No, there's a huge in between of "nobody else can make it" and "everyone can make it".

Implement a 10k business license fee to make it, half the license fee goes to the original creators so they're always compensated. All problems solved.

if you want to solve it, just make your own damn epipen ripoff.

>You can not be prescribed a generic because there isn't one.

Biz is always right!

I bought one from the UK for $100 as opposed to $350 in the states...

do ameicans realy have such weak imune systems i never heard of someone using a epi-pen

go to the doctor and get immunized
(but that probably costs 10 grand )
protip: if your alergic against some food dont eat it

You need to go take a biology class or something...

People carry epi-pens because they are highly allergic to certain things that are uncontrollable (not food) such as bee stings.

if you had taken a biology class you would know that you can get immunized
against bee stings

You need like 1 epipen every 10 years.

My brother is allergic to bee stings. He has an epi pen on hand. I think in 20 years he has had to use it one time. Not exactly a major expense.

Now the HIV drug hike was some fucked up shit.

There absolutely is generic epinephrine. If a doctor prescribes Epipen, the pharmacy will still dispense generic if you want it

>You need like 1 epipen every 10 years.
I believe the expiration date is like a year, maybe two.

Expiration dates on most medicines are a ruse designed to get people to throw them away and buy more.

Most chemical compounds last at least 10 years in proper storage.

>free market

The funny thing is that the reason they are able to raise prices so high is because there ISN'T a free market. The FDA has basically granted a monopoly for the maker of the Epipen, which means there's no competitors to force them to lower their prices.

lol true. however do you want to risk a painful death over it? and/or losing the ensuring lawsuit

when i first opened this i thought it said Adrenacuck

>the doctor will explicitly tell you to buy the brand-names that give him kick-backs
good goy!

You are now aware that it was not a HIV drug, but a drug used by some people with HIV. Noone would have died from not taking it.


so simple

That's because you read it on /pol/

A pharmacy will not dispense one of these to you if you have a prescription for an Epi Pen. It uses the same drug, but because the delivery system is different, it is not considered a generic equivalent. People should do their research and then ask their doctor to prescribe them Adrenaclick instead. However, if you have a kid (my 2 year old has a peanut allergy), do you want to risk sending them to school with one of these when the teachers have only been trained to use Epi Pens?

In response to the general question, yes is sucks that Epi Pens are so expensive. Even with good insurance, I had to pay about $450 out of pocket for a two pack when I found out about my daughter's allergy. I support free markets and I understand that drug companies are not charities and that they incur heavy costs in the development phase of their drugs. They deserve to profit from developing success products. There has to be a reasonable way to cap the cost though.

They are nice, the adrenaline kick is amazing when you have a hangover

Why don't you low-quality-DNA parents pair up and buy a 2 pack, take 1 each and enjoy your 50% decrease in wasted money

Buy my product or die.

Sounds pretty good for the maker of EpiPens. What's the problem?