I mostly just watch the vids to admire the craftsmanship, I don't speak moon so the trials mean very little to me.
Lucas Parker
Third for DR3 mastermind
Jacob Johnson
Based on character designs alone, who:
>Is a killer >is a survivor >is a victim >is the mastermind
Oliver Anderson
Brody Campbell
I already know Caligraphy girl dies.
Eli Turner
I really like how the poorly drawn fat girl has the best VA.
Brandon Walker
Fat chick dies. The fattie always dies. Loli in red dies. Guy with headband dies Spats girl lives. Ryukyuan/Okinawan girls always live Girl in green will probably die, if she isn't the mastermind. But even then she will still die Everyone else is a mixed bag
Eli Carter
You should listen to Yu-Gi-Oh hair's perverted moan, I was like wtf.
Robert Rivera
I want SHSL Dairy Farmer to die. Guy with white hair all the way on the left is SHSL Entertainer, he's basically a male Ibuki and breaks into your dorm. Fat girl, aka SHSL Designer screams too much. Yu-Gi-Oh hair is the perv. Red haired dude, SHSL Gardener is basically Souda/Leon fusion. Guy all the way on the left with green hair is SHSL ???, obvious plot armor is obvious. Girl all the way on the right is SHSL Detective, apparently related to Kirigiri. Guy next to Kirigiri's supposed sis is SHSL Police, but he's a pussy but a chill guy. Girl next to protagonist on the right is basically the "partner" of the game, but she's SHSL Runner and apparently hates Not-Nidai. Everyone else, I don't have much interest in yet.
The fact they have an animation opening, fully voice acting, music and a CG artist for scenes.
Is so astonishing, while I know people who just sit in irc chatrooms with bots and role play using paragraphs of text.
Aiden Scott
Kuzu your people are on a whole other level with this roleplaying shit.
I am just waiting for you guys to get into table top gaming and make fucking robot miniatures of space marines and orks animating on the table responding to dice rolls.
Nolan Sanchez
You forgot the prologues. Heck yes, now do you see why I always try to go the extra mile with the mods I am making? One day, I want to make a fully fledged game. If you guys are up for it, it can happen, anything can happen if you're dedicated enough. >I am just waiting for you guys to get into table top gaming and make fucking robot miniatures of space marines and orks animating on the table responding to dice rolls. That comment just made my day, thanks man.
Ryan Richardson
Oh I mislabeled them part 1 through part 3 should be prologue
Cameron Myers
I don't know if its culture differences but this amount of genuine enthusiasm from your nature as a whole being poured into anything is alien to most of us westerners it that it radiates and shines.
It is incredibly hard to come by over here, and it reminds me on how we used to be kids and used our giant expanse of imaginations to do things, and imminently get that forced out of us as we get older. Because to us conforming to society is more important than being human.
How do you do it?
Carson Long
What would /drg/ think about a new Another Episode game where the resident exposition fairy is Junko, constantly teasing and ribbing the hero throughout the adventure Handsome Jack-style
Jackson Sanchez
No I want zombie junko replacing toko as a side kick and our goal is to fight the rouge Junko AI.
Ryan Cook
Huh, interesting question, I don't know how to answer that honestly, it's either because that's the type of person I am, or it really is cultural differences. To be fair, I know some Japanese people who are real douchebags. Still, you're right about the last part, I believe it's important to be enthusiastic in anything you do, it's like an extreme version of optimism, it's no good doing a hobby or shit while being all depressed and all pessimistic. That sounds amusing.
Mason Harris
Do we know anything about the killing game Izuru was part of with the student council?
Carson Wilson
Please, share some douchebag stories with us.
Robert Turner
The brown girl, is probably the slightly dumb jock of the group and will probably survive. It's already happened twice
Daniel Baker
>I found Japanese Ishida script files... IN THE PC FILES, that means all I need to do is translate and reroute.
>What the fuck? >Guys, I found translated Ishida scripts in the DR1 PC files. >Read below if you want.
Sorry I couldn't reply right away, but this is all really interesting! So not only did NISA translate Ishida's FTE lines, but that he presumably has different likes in items and it was coded into the game as well.
>It's like you read my mind. Thanks a bunch, ya fudging son of a beeswax! lol While I wasn't completely pleased with NISA's script, I really do like that they made Ishida self censor himself.
I definitely like to see the full video if you can get the whole thing to work correctly.
Dominic Wilson
Hmm, where to start. I guess I can talk about the time someone took credit for all the work I did, it was during a project I was working on regarding the Vita version of Reload, I donated one of my games to be datamined a long while ago, one work I took part in. Later on, once I datamined enough shit, it was time to save and upload, some admin told me to send the files to him for verification or something, which I did.
Of course, the next day, I see those files uploaded in some page, and the admin takes credit for donating and uploading the files onto the site, I got pissed and did a lot of shit, they didn't care at all. I wasn't going to idle though so eventually, I had that shit taken down like a boss. Ohohoho, she's different, she's like Komaeda and Nanami and Asahina mixed together. She wakes you up at the beginning, has a dark secret she can't tell you, acts weird later on, etc etc. Working on it as we speak.
Jack Russell
Everyone looks like a character from another anime added DRness.
Its fucking weird.
What is datamining? People keep talking about it,but all i can imagine is Chiaki mining gems and stuff.
Luke Hall
Yeah, they do sorta look like rehashes, sorta, but the dialogue is perfect.
Also, datamining is basically ripping and extracting files from something.
Jaxon Anderson
I didn mean as in rehash, i mean it kinda gives a weird feedback, the blond dude with the tied jacket looks like that Max dude from beyblade.
John Young
Oh, sorry for the misunderstanding, I used the wrong word. I get what you mean. I guess it's inspiration, I mean, the guy with the shaman priest clothing is apparently some kind of English fan and his name is David. F. Masuda, he even says random English words like "pronunciation", which is funny.
Mason Myers
I am at a loss here m8.
Are those people from an acutal rp group?
I just thought it was fanart or something.
Xavier Brown
Yes and no. Former RP now pseudo-game, script is already done, voice acting is a go. It's a collaboration between RPers, so to speak.
Robert Sanders
Its real people role playing with their voices and characters.
Oliver Allen
Jesus, i try to imagine how cringy a game would if were done by my rp group.
But i guess they are indeed better, i mean, if you say there are better, they probably are.
What is the name of this fangame they are developing?
Hunter Taylor
It's the same name, Danganronpa The After - Side Story. There are no plans for it being beyond the scope it is now, I mean, it's taking a year for it to reach a climax of a trial. Although, I know the creator/GM of that had personal problems and issues, as well as people forcing him to upload on YT and not on just Niconico. But yeah, that being said, there's a lot more like this out there, just not as known. That being said, my "dream" Hah, dream is to create some kind of Danganronpa game using original sprites and ideas with the actual game engine of either the first or second game, hence my eagerness to mod.
Tyler Lee
Andrew Morgan
>Forcing him to upload on YT
How? did they went into his house and threatned him with a gun?
Lemme guess, they probably threatned to quit isnt it?
Nathan Morgan
Bingo. About the quit thing. Also, seen this? youtube.com/watch?v=UwLSky4sYIQ Crafty guys already working on another project.
Noah Hernandez
I want to hate-fuck Monaca.
Connor James
Ooooh. We assumed that was like some weird flashback. We've been watching all these vids on the taima, by the way. You should drop by.
Wyatt Jones
Huh, fanart.
Logan Flores
Why the hell does it matter if its on niconico or youtube. Why such a big deal on media platforms?
Its not like we can do anything with it.
Ryder Butler
Ah shit, why didn't you tell me earlier? Just kidding. Hit me up with a link. Agreed, but some people fail to realize that I'm afraid.
Easton Rodriguez
NNDouga is some sort of pay per view thing.
Hmm, i see, thats kinda cool, but i typically dont hang around those parts of youtube because i dont get what they are saying.
So you don't know why the team went bonkers over media platforms?
Jose Jackson
NND just need account to view Paying only gives perks
Benjamin Lee
Leo Garcia
Julian Thompson
Wheres everyone?
Aaron Hernandez
Out swimming
Brody Mitchell
more like paying makes it usable imagine if youtube locked you to 360p at certain times of day unless you paid for youtube red
Dominic Miller
Everyone was watching fan made DR game
Levi Gray
I think I found a project to play with.
Ayden Sanchez
I just read a fan theory that Shimatate Konoe is Junko's lost sister or something. Her name is anagram of Enoshima Tateko
Dylan Ross
jesus that stream
Hudson Smith
I know some Ibukifags here like to say that there is no evidence that Ibuki's into Twogami
just replayed chapter 1, you're wrong
Gavin Hernandez
Gabriel Ross
That fucking moment when you gotta go out and have to resort to using shitty ass mobile.
Whoever was in the stream, had to leave because mobile, I'll join later when I'm back home.
Anthony Peterson
What a shame, but i guess i will stay here with you then.
Dominic Reyes
I want Nagito to become a letsplayer.
Adrian Gomez
>we will get the ultimate let's player eventually >they will be a meme sprouter >they will be a survivor
Carson Myers
Of course they'll likely be in prison for violating copyright laws.
Camden Watson
Liam Rivera
Holy shit, dead as fuck.
Anthony Ross
it's nearly 4 in the morning in burgerland, everyone is kill.
Charles Flores
Sorry, was busy with the chat on taima.
Nathan Scott
Ah right, shit, timezones. I'll join when I get home, almost there. Literally waiting in a fucking queue for fast food.
Caleb Martin
>Fast food
Well shit, Fatyuhiko is imminent, kek.
Jonathan Cooper
I have high metabolism, besides, takoyaki is some good shit.
Andrew Jackson
Damn, random name tag disappearance.
Dylan Long
I thought you meant some mcdonalds shit.
My dad never took me a mcdonalds, one day pointed a friend of mine and said "if you eat that unhealty stuff, your fingers will fall just like her", only to her reply "but i cut my own fingers, they tasted nothing like mcdonalds"
I better go get some sleep.
Nathan Martin
McDonalds? I'd rather chug down milk instead of going there, I go to better places like Matsuya or Freshness Burgers. After the vinyl burger scandal at McDonalds, I stopped going.
Tyler Myers
>I'd rather chug down milk ... Is this hating on milk or mcdonalds or both? I share the sentiment but I fucking love chugging milk.
Brayden Thomas
>Vinly burger
Dont tell me they shoved a vynly disc inside a burger or something
Ian Adams
Both, I'm not a fan of milk at all. Me and milk don't agree. Close, you know the sticky Velcro material thing? The sticky strap thing? They put those inside the burgers. Look it up if you want.
Adam Baker
Finally, back home. Just in time for night shit.
Camden Perry
>finally get to bed >too hot to sleep Hold me drg
Chase Peterson
What do you mean?
Its literally too warm?
Christopher Sanders
Bare it all, it helps. There there, think cold thoughts. Again, bare it all, it really does help.
Nicholas Lopez
Yes. I'm just laying down nude with my phone and it's so fucking humid and hot not even touching my blanket
Hudson Baker
Damn, speaking of sleep, I don't think I actually slept today, and I don't feel tired at all because it's almost 6pm. I know the feeling, aniki. What about keeping any windows or doors open, have an AC or fan of some kind? Maybe get a couple of cold drinks.
Jose Martin
Eating or drinking just makes me less tired most of the time. I appreciate the advice though. I'll just suffer until I'm too tired to stay conscious
Brody Morgan
No problem buddy, I wish you luck on your journey to the world of dreams.
Jayden Wright
Hey Fuyuhiko, any ideas on how to stop dreaming with Ibuki?
Nathan Barnes
Well, in my experience, if I want to stop dreaming about someone or something, I usually try to think of something that has the opposite effect. So in your case, think of someone else, either better or worse than Ibuki.
For example, I dream of myself being shot and dying, but if I want to stop that, I think of me shooting someone else and killing them.
If that doesn't work out, you can always try to keep yourself busy somehow.
Sorry if all of this doesn't make sense.
Cameron Long
>Getting shot
Funny you say that, i had a dream with Fuyuhiko once.
I was at a badly lit mall, it wasnt run down, it was fine, just badly lit and it was also night.
I was running around, and people in suit came out from everywhere, i grabbed a handgun and went down gunning everyone, when suddenly, a snake like ornament smashed a massive fat guy, two man crawled under the guy, i killed them, afterwards, Fuyuhiko crawled superhumanly fast, but i killed him too.
Afterwards, people started to bust in abnormally fast and i finnaly got shot down.
I didn fought Peko in this dream,disapointing.
Guess i better think about Chihiro to see if dream with him.
Jace Williams
Hah, sounds like a pretty intense dream. I dreamed once that I woke up with Kuzuryuu's sister poking me in my right eye. I then became blind and Peko gave me an eyepatch, she also called me Young Master and I was clueless as fuck but I went with it.
I went out and Celes in a limo pulls up in front of me, challenging me to a game of strip poker. I accept for some reason and then me and Peko go on a ride in the limo to some mansion, we go underground to some room where she is surrounded by vampire butlers while I and Peko sit on the other side. We play for a long while, nobody even losing for a second but then, when I make a move, my set ends up being all changed suddenly and I lose, she then tries to force me to strip but then Peko intercepts.
Of course, I'm like, right in the middle of the fight so my clothes get slashed off anyways. Celes clashes with Peko's sword using her metal finger ring thing and then I randomly get shot on my face from nowhere, Peko and Celes look at me in shock while I slowly fall to the ground in slow motion with a shocked face, it wasn't until I almost died that I realized I was Kuzuryuu.
That was literally it.
Nathan Taylor
>Kuzuryu sister blinded you
What a bitch.
My other dream with Fuyuhiko was more friendly, but was more bizarre.
Gundam and Fuyuhiko were removing snow from the one those roof things of a house, they ask for a bit of help, its a two floor house, so they kick the snow to the lower floor's roof, and i kick it to the ground, Fuyuhiko was at the floor, awaiting us to sweep all that shit snow.
As i was helping, Gundam had a black with him, the cat jumped from the second roof to the first, but it landed headfirst and somehow got the decapitated, i got scared shitless and fell, the last thing i saw Fuyuhiko bracing himself to catch me.
Landon Allen
Damn, I imagined that for a second.
Now if we're talking bizarre, I'll say this in the shortest way possible. I dreamt that: I was getting massaged by Nidai and Sakura, at the same time. Almost bare naked. I don't even want to recall it.
Carson Butler
Its not my intention to have a contest, you and your lewd dreams are worse, i just enjoy sharing stories
Picture this.
Me, Ibuki, Nagito and Nidai were in a zombie apocalipse.
It was similar to the newfoundland map from Xcom, but in daylight, we were racing to the docks, to find a boat and escape, for some reason, i had a red katana, and Ibuki insisted on calling me a Jedi, i was leading the way and killing stuff, but once we reached the boat, it threatned to sink because we were too heavy, Ibuki told me to go because i was the most useful team member, but i ignored her pleas to leave her and pushed her into the boat, staying behind to fight a zombie horde, Nagito and Nidai were restraining Ibuki, who was crying, and saying i made a mistake.
I spent the rest of the dream fighting to the death, i dead when the second floor of a house which i was in colapsed, causing one of my legs to get stuck and fucking me over.
Justin Reyes
That sounds like that should be a movie, tragic as fuck. Also no worries, I know you're just sharing, I'm sharing too although I honestly don't want to remember some of my dreams. Most of my dreams tend to be lewd in nature for whatever reason. Probably repressed feelings according to Dream sites?
Robert Gomez
Hmm, do you have a gf of some kind? Or some sort of unfufilled fantasy? This is the internet, no one can backtrack you.
Any other stories? Most of my catalog is Ibuki related.
Christopher King
Nah, I'm not in any relationship, at least, not anymore. Although, I've always had lewd dreams, even as a kid.
Well, there was this one time I was at the beach doing push ups or some reason, Ishimaru, Sonia and Akane come out of nowhere followed by Koizumi taking pictures.
They ask what I'm doing and then Akane says she can do push ups faster, which she does. Sonia gets impressed and shit and it ends up becoming a competition. Ishimaru starts acting like a cheerleader and moral support while Sonia totally helps by sitting on my back, only making it harder to do push-ups. Akane starts pumping away with her push-ups when she suddenly stops and says she can smell food.
Everyone ends up running to the source of the smell, which ends up being Hanamura and Asahina coming over with food, they both are wearing swimwear. Hanamura offers to oil everyone's bodies while Akane chows down. Koizumi scolds him but for some reason, I end up accepting and Hanamura oils my body. Hanamura ends up saying "Oops" and I'm like "What?", then when I turn my head, everyone except for Akane has heart eyes, so the rest of the dream, I was running for my life.
Ryan King
Also, just to be clear, I didn't dream this up as a kid, this is just a reply to you asking for another story.
Logan Anderson
>Everyone except akane chased you.
Sounds like a good way to spend the day.
I had a comfy dream with Peko once, it was OOC as fuck, but it was comfy.
Both me and Peko were sitting close to a lake, throwing rocks at it, and we were both shit talking Togami and laughing about, Peko even made a silly impersionation of Togami like "Im Byakuya Togami, i less friends than criminals and i like to count money like a dingus".
Suddenly, a creature popped from the lake, and it was Togami with a B-movie monster suit, we both ran screaming like little girls,but it was fun.
Luis Rogers
Damn, that's enjoyable, I can't remember any OOC dreams unfortunately. I'll probably end up dreaming again soon, I didn't sleep at all today, but eh, fuck it, I'm not tired yet.
Julian Bailey
You should. Now.
Isaac Torres
A last one, as to avoid cluttering the thread with dream senquences.
Me and Ibuki were walking down the road, when we both saw Togami and Toko riding a bycicle, we both thought the same thing and we lifted our skirts, revealing our undies to Togami, Toko covered Togami eyes, causing him to lose control and hit a car, which was parked.
We both laughed our ass off as we ran, Makoto came to the parked car, and was talking with a bleeding Togami, and Syo, who was trying to lick Togami's wounds.
When Ibuki asked me if was thinking the same as her, i thought she was going to put a stick in the wheel.
Logan Sullivan
Lucas Ross
Aww, do I have to? I don't have time for stupid things like sleep. Words to live by. That's some dream.