>Latest news - Seasonal Deadman 2k has started - Skotizo/ Catacombs boss released - Catacombs Slayer Dungeon added to Zeah (Kourend) - World 666 - Tournament world temporarily released - Woodcutting guild with redwood trees added - New Hunting Method added, Maniacal Monkeys
What stat should I be leveling, and what weapon do I work towards next?
I'm relatively new to the whole being a member thing.
I've done a bunch of members quests like grand tree and tree gnome village and waterfall
memberships not really an issue so I'm not really in a rush to make in game money to keep it up,
So far I've been doing a little bit of slayer and thats been fun. I'm 21 slayer
Juan Cox
how do you do this every time
do you get notified when a thread gets 700 replies and just wait for someone to make a new one?
im not even mad im impressed you shitter
Joseph Roberts
Reminder that there is a general store that buys for the same price as the Karamja store with NO REQUIREMENTS and I'm not telling any of you where it is.
Adrian Carter
just explore with skills and do what seems fun, quests are generally decently rewarding and if you need goals maybe go for all medium achievement diaries completed or something.
Gavin Parker
quests offer extremely useful rewards and its recommended to get through as many of them as possible and as early as possible for the maximum gains in terms of skill levels. Also the same goes for achievement diaries but they are a bit harder so you'll be doing that farther down the road