/tesog/ - The Elder Scrolls Online General

Barbie DLC Edition.

Elder Thread: >Official news

Dark Brotherhood DLC is out!

One Tamriel announced:

First DLC dungeon pack coming soon™:

>Latest patch notes

>Sales and deals
dlgamer.us/download-the_elder_scrolls_online-pc_games-p-19435.html (authorized reseller)
kinguin.net/es/catalogsearch/result/index/?q=elder scrolls online (some anons have been using it without issues so far)

>Online lore portal and map

>UI addons for PC

>Assorted links

>/tesog/ Guilds
[PC NA] message @clv or @the_kyrox for invite
[PC EU] message @the_kyrox for invite
[PS4 NA and EU] message PSN: kibukj. There is also an ESOG PSN community.

>We have a Discord open for every platform:

>Platform poll:

How do I level up crafting fast? Stealing shit and deconstructing doesn't work like it used to when I last played it

Unlaundered shit gives less exp I think. Just do dungeons and you'll have a ton of fine stuff to deconstruct.

Yeah, if you can launder it first, do so

Yes, the difference between inspiration gains on deconstructing unlaundered and laundered stolen items is massive. Unlaundered gives practically nothing while laundered gives a good amount. Stealing items from vendors and laundering is the fastest way to get items but you're limited by your fence interaction limit.

Just did my first dungeon. I felt so underpowered when it scaled my lvl 15 up to 160 cp. It's normal?

As much as I love the new dlc coming up, Histbros for life, still fucking annoyed there will be no new zone. This is bullshit and zos needs to fucking man up and make a new zone god damnit

I hereby sentence you to listen to the Rawlka bank room door open and close for 15 minutes.

Are there lots of g*nkers in Cracked Wood Cave?

Seriously, they're going to sell fucking dungeons?

Anyone having unusual lag atm? PC NA

Yankee pls go

Yes, but I have shitty internet so it's not really anything out of the norm.

you wot m


Are addons saved elsewhere aside from documents > eso > live etc? I have research information from a deleted character in AIResearchGrid, I already deleted the addon and redownloaded it but its still there.

Are you seeing spikes to 400-999ms, and shit taking over a second to respond? I pinged some local stuff and it was fine, and some in america and it was fine.

I was getting spikes of 11,000ms

Aus bro checking in.

Not that I know for, no, giyf


I hope you can change your basic appearance with in-game gold. ZOS asked for wishes and feedback/player opinion on barber shop and nobody asked it to be purely IRL cash based. I fine with new haircuts and tattoos to cost crowns.

>I hope you can change your basic appearance with in-game gold

Geez, I can wait to pay 500 crowns for a kitbashed 10 minutes dungeon...


fuck that torture

jesus you scrub, learn motifs and don't rely on crown store to look good ya fag

>jesus you scrub, learn motifs and don't rely on crown store to look good ya fag
Have you been smoking skooma again? I have learned all motifs and I still can't shave my beard or cut my hair.

What the fuck just happened?


PC EU, disconnected and everything rolled back 15 minutes or so.

welp, I guess someone fucked around with a scroll

>trial by fire crafting station (wrothgar)
>level scaled items non-stolen
>woodworking, blacksmithing and clothing items
>bench of each in front of you
>pick up, log off, log on, repeat
>4 items off full invent, deconstruct
congrats on 3 maxed out crafting in under 2-3 hours

Oh for fuck sake better go in and check if it didn't fuck over my gold pledge.

Fucking timetraveling elves I swear.

Going by how they described it, and prior experience with post-chargen customization in MMOs, I imagine it might be like the barber/plastic surgeon shops in The Secret World. You can come on it, mess with your settings, etc, but actually enacting them requires a token from the cash shop. I expect any sort of change you want to make to cost you said token,regardless of if it's just a change of your eye color, or a change from high elf man to argonian woman or whatever.

That said, if they make some changes Crowns-only while the rest require gold, I'll be pleasantly surprised. But I'm not holding my breath.

I thought zero vale items give no experience?

you get a very small amount from zero value but some of the items have value, hell sometimes you get a green item, after a few runs you find out which ones are the ones with value.

are there any similar places in the base game?

Holy shit, I don't play ESO but I saw this on the first page. Do they have Tsaesci in the game now?

They are called Lamiae in-game. Also 99% of them are aggressive, there are however some in coldharbour you can speak with.

you can get green items with zero value

how are magblades doing these days? both pve and pvp

Still top tier jack of all trades.

Right now I have a stamblade I do PvP on, but honestly, it got boring. Will respeccing to magblade make it fun again?


I should have picked it...

Playing the game, no time to post.

Depends on your race.

If you are a Dunmer or a Nord or an Argonian, sure, but if you're a Redguard or some shit, you'll make a mediocre magblade compared to a Breton or Altmer, at least for PvP and engame stuff.

Magblades aren't necessarily more fun than stamblades, but they are better at pretty much everything except being bursty glass cannons in PvP. Remember there is more than one way to play a class, so if you don't want to respec there are always very varied builds for whatever class you're playing, one of them might be fun.

This desu, it's Engine guardian pledge, time to farm.

>Depends on your race.


Good goy

thread on life support bump

steam sale...

>Update 11
Now they get to ruin the Hist lore!

This game is SHITTTT

This isn't an offline game after daggerfall. They follow lore in these parts.

Is it worth the buy/price? Or will it go cheaper? Came here to ask if I should buy the imperial one or the regular edition

Don't get it on Steam, the launcher makes it unusable, check the OP

>barely touch cooking
>still use ever recipe I find

Are Imperials so good you need to get Imperial Edition? My friend and I want to start this but a lot of the information on Google about the value of the Imperial Edition is old.

same here

Am I going to be limited a lot if I just buy the regular edition and stay full f2p?

They have pretty good racials but I wouldn't pay much more for that

Best advice I can give is to try to understand where their racial passives fit in with the meta. Read some guides and see what the gurus say about them for their specific build.

not really, but they're probably good enough to buy for some class/stat/useage combination.

Not really. They only have increased health and stam passives and red diamond gives you 10% chance to restore a tiny amount of health

I don't think you'll be limited at all. You'll miss out on some really good content but you won't be limited at all. I think the only thing people would see as a limitation are things from the imperial city DLC.

I bought the imperial edition and I can tell you it's pretty useless. It's like, if you like imperials and want a horse then go for it.

Yes, and the gap is increasing with every update

>Steal shit in front of people
>Guards never come
Kinda loses the tension in getting caught when the worst is some faggot with 10 hp fist fights you

TESO's on sale on steam

Is the imperial edition worth it? What does it come with? Or should I stick with the regular one?

Wha'ts One tamriel?

pic unrelated


So what kind of content am I missing out on and how much is it going to cost me if I decide I want it later down the line?

Just get regular unless you love Imperial race so much

One Tamriel is an update that changes the scaling and gets rid of the alliance barriers in PVE


You can just get ESO+ 60 days off G2A or some shit for $20, more than enough time to play through that content

And you can use those crowns to buy IC so you'll always be able to go there after

Just to add to the rest that has been answered several times, Tamriel One will connect all of the factions so you can meet other factions' players in their zones. These zones will scale the same way they do right now. More info to be found on the official forums and even more has yet to be announced. Search for "MATT FIROR'S MESSAGE FROM BE3"

Nice storylines and zones with nice daily quests of Wrothgar. IC has two important dungeons in it and it is also a nice PvP zone. Apart from that, not much. I suggest you buy one month of ESO+ to go thru all the content and then decide whether you want to buy any of the DLCs or not.

Just discovered the game pad option for this. Changes the game completely imo. More satisfying than any other MMO once you plug a controller in.

So just bought the game. What class do you recommend for a new player? I'm sort of looking at Dragonknight and Nightblade right now.

>bought the game
>can't play yet because me and my gf want to play it together but she wont have a PC built until she gets her xmas bonus
So is there like a deadline to sign up after I buy it or something? Can I wait until december?

just play the game on your own and don't tell her?

>So is there like a deadline to sign up after I buy it or something?
You know there isn't

Steam's hour counter

I say you pick the class you think is the coolest looking/most fun to play. I suggest Dragonknight tho. DKs are fun to play and can be made into many fun builds.

>playing ESO through steam

what's wrong with that?

steam is retarded when it comes to handling launchers. get ready to have to re-download the game for no reason every time there's an update or not, if you're lucky

Between IC and Orsinium, which one would be an essential must have if I can only purchase one?

Which offers more useful endgame gear/content?

Is IC more pvp gear centered than Orsinium?

We should really make a general FAQ, we are getting the same questions everyday and that was even before it was back on steam sale.

baggy not me

> Now they get to ruin the Hist lore!
The Argonian lore is one of the best parts of the game you tremendous faggot.

Would you say it happens often? Ive played a few MMOs on steam and Ive never had to do that

If its common, its not too late to refund I guess. I can just buy a key on G2A for like 12 bucks. Im just gonna miss the hour counter. Unless TESO already has one

It keeps the thread alive though.

>Unless TESO already has one
It has /played like every mmo

that is true

>Which offers more useful endgame gear/content?
>Is IC more pvp gear centered than Orsinium?
Not really. IC have more end-game pvp gear but Orsinium have the best weapon for endgame PvP.

However they're pandering to completely different players. IC is tryhard PvP players who want to do some PvE on the side while Orsinium is for autistic single-player lorefags who for some reason think that orc cuisine is worth not one but several quests.

Jesus Fucking Christ, I should have waited and added a fuckhueg "DON'T BUY THE GAME ON STEAM, IT'S MORE EXPENSIVE AND HAS ISSUES" notice to OP

Yeah but all they have to do is shortcut to desktop the .exe (32 or 64 bit) and another for the luncher when updates are needed, then they never have turn on stream again.

Then why get it for more?

what weapons for magblade? I'm trying to put together something that's decent for pre-50 PvP and I'm totally lost.

Housing when?

First half of next year I think.

don't you die on me

HOLY SHIT. LVL 17 and I decided to go try the world v world or whatever it's called and hot didggity damn do I fucking love this shit. This is like someone took GW2 wvw and got it right. Siege shit flying everywhere, ambushes, pinch points, fighting over territory, Sallying out of the gates to bum rush an encamped enemy setup only to route them and scatter them if not slaughtering them all. Feels good man.

The only flaw is that everything you accomplish is undone the next day.

Wait then what does the 30day thing mean?

Your contributions are tracked, but I'm referring to the actual landscape of conflict. All the forts you captured and likely any scrolls you stole.