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Megaman Dog.

First person to make a fun turn-based racing game wins a prize.

Mighty K-9?

My game said she'd be willing to try out coroutines :)

I'll try out your coroutines.

Make it happen

But all turn based games are about racing.

*yields dick*

Nice, I'll use that for now.

Thank you for posting best girl

look up Formula D

it reminds me of this gay furry porn game

It should.


You can now actually move boxes around after switching black->white and back.

Fuck off anubisdev

Even if its furry, he's posting progress and you're not m8.

No idea what's going on.

Pretty happy with my bullet impact smoke particles as well as the decal texture. Got them from Red Eclipse.

some minigame scum progress


A game where you must exploit "glitches" and "bugs" to proceed

>shift 3D

Clean aesthetic, what game?

literally been made.
forget the name of it though.

Pony Island?

the angle of the gun and where you shot don't look right.

No it had some gimmicky "us programmers" name.
You had a usb "hacker" and had to jack in to certain things and modify the "code" to proceed.

Looking good!

This is likely because I fire the projectile straight from the player's center, not the actual gun position. I might fix this in the future, but it's not a big concern of mine.

No, I mean like, exploiting quirks in the game like NES games had. Duping items and doing weird tricks to clip through walls

hack and slash.

What makes Risk of Rain so much more successful than other /agdg/ games?

>but it's not a big concern of mine.
It really should m8.
No one wants to play that shit.

let me guess. two player puzze game that you can use both sides of floor. One player find exit other is help for cleaning area.

It's some shitty game about switching between white and black space, or space and anti space/matter/whatever.

What you make in one space gets carved into the other.

no idea that existed, i'll check if i can rip off that for some levels

it's just placeholders that are probably going to be in the final game anyway. I wanted to use toon shading but holes become literally invisible, so i'll probably just keep it for objects.

It's the closest thing.
What you're talking about is just pure autism and there's actual programming sims for that.
there it is, could have sworn it had a different name.

Being finished

Yeah I got it after rewatching the webm. Looks really cool and interesting from a coding perspective. I love Shift so I love this game as well.

thanks god. steam summer sales will slow down my rivals :^)

How'd you accomplish that deformating mesh explosion?

>What you make in one space gets carved into the other.

Don't tell me that lag spike was from deforming the mesh...why wouldn't you use a volumetric approach if you wanted to do that?

hippo got lucky with LP attention and /v/.
that's it.
The game didn't do anything new or exciting.


>The game didn't do anything new or exciting.


What would they be then?

it's just boolean operations between meshes

because i'm a shitty programmer and an hack

My guess is: Addictive gameplay, huge replay value, good music, a healthy dose of luck, all in the middle of the roguelike fad.

>all these devs that have healthy relationships with their game
pretty jealous. We haven't done any deving in weeks

The huge number of powerups that stack was pretty cool

Yiff in hell furfag

>boolean operations between meshes
I don't know what that means.

>powerups that stack was pretty cool
binding of issac says hello

CSG is super efficient with voxels + surface extraction. I'd be surprised if there wasn't a free/cheap asset for it.

it triggers me in every single FPS, and it's super easy to fix


i'll look into it.

The webm lags due to toaster + multiple programs opened + summer + doing awful things that kill performance.

>binding of isaac did it
>that means it's not exciting

What's CSG?


It's not.
Most games like that are boring once you reach end-game once. Granted his classes were a nice bonus. But I stand by my original statement.

I think that was honestly the game's main strength. That, and the time-based difficulty. It's a constant arms race: you try to stack power and upgrades faster than the world around you does. That's addictive. And there's immense satisfaction to be found when you finally achieve "unstoppable death machine" status on a victorious run.

>Most games like that are boring once you reach end-game once
>saying that of a game praised by it's replayabilty

I guess I'm biased because once I see the repetition/programming limits start to creep in PG/RG games I instantly get bored.

Head hurts,
Exam tomorrow
And all I can think of is game dev.

To be fair, most roguelikes lose a heavy amount of their charm after you finally beat them once.
Thankfully they usually last a good 20-50 hours, and remain exciting during that time.

minimalism is best ism

If you do it because you genuinely like it, yes.
If you're doing it purely for A E S it will likely show.

i'm doing it because i cannot into art
but i also think it looks good

do not make SRPGs
do not make 3D

Still a nodev because noart.

What's an SRPG?

HARUHI-ism > every other ism.

It stands for Stupid Role Playing Game.


square rpg

why hipsters obsessed with minimalism?

No, you idiot, it's sexy role playing game.

What are some good tools that Linux devs have no access to aside from huge commercial game engines ?

I'd rather have my aesthetics with lots of finely crafted detail

Strategy RPG?

It's kinda like tactics RPG but instead of 8 units you control 24. And possibly there's overworld map gameplay.

>I instantly get bored

that sounds like brain problems, rather than game problems

Strategy RPG or Tactics RPG is the term for traditionally japanese turn based strategy games involving persistent characters that level up.
It can mesh with Turn Based Tactics games in the west.



Not counting Wine?
A decent none tracker DAW.
Decent PS/general art stuff, Gimp is meh
Decent video maker.
I think that's it actually.

photoshop? basically every 3d package that isn't blender? visual studio?

remade the jumping sprite, fixed some bugs from the reflection ability And changed the short templar sprite for the bunny

>do not make SRPGs
>do not make 3D
Why not?


those clouds look delicious

It's available on Linux.

>stop disliking things I like

>beeing a weeb

Hello /v/ermin

where can i find this things more?

this is the only correct answer

it's simulation RPG, not strategy. strategy is stuff like Civilization and Europa Universalis. stuff like is a tactical simulation

seeing a tiny bit of repetition isn't a good reason to be "instantly bored" or dislike a game