Life is easy, you suck!
Do you really expect me to watch a video when someone is writing on a notepad and not talking. probably made by a 12 year old.
Also I can get rich other ways. ffffftyyy
>Do you really expect me to watch a video when someone is writing on a notepad and not talking
What video are you talking about, read the article dumbass
The way you sell your scam is too fishy, try again.
>posted from my Kali Linux machine
you what senpai
>Kashif Ali
>Implying I will trust an Indian
Fuck off, pajeet
you're nitpicking here
read the fucking article you adhd fuck
This is blatantly illegal. If you scale this enough to make it worth the effort, authorities WILL find you and send you to pound me in the ass prison.
You are a fool and deserve what's coming
>This is blatantly illegal
so is everything in life
choice is yours, remain a wagecuck or get rich or die trying
>so is everything in life
This is how I know you're some edgy idiot who WILL be put away for something retarded and for trying to defend yourself by bringing up completely irrelevant shit you happen to personally think is wrong with the world as justification for theft
There are TONS of other ways to make dosh that
Aren't blatantly illegal
Don't involve selling my labor or hourly work
Don't put a target the size of the entire US on my back
Do you think these mega rich institutions made their money by letting shits like you steal their data and margins? These companies LIVE on the margin and will do literally anything to protect it.
You keep posting about this and needing to bump your threads because everyone realizes THIS IS RETARDED
>get rich or die trying
You will die, or wish you were dead when you're trapped in a cage getting raped daily by multiple men
>Do you think these mega rich institutions made their money by letting shits like you steal their data and margins? These companies LIVE on the margin and will do literally anything to protect it.
Explain then why billions if stolen per year if they "live for the margin" or whatever the fuck?
Why can't you accept that some people are outsmarting everyone else? There have been dozens of takedowns of botnet crews who've stolen up to $100 000 000's, what makes you think there aren't just as many, if not more crews earning similar amounts, if not more?
What makes you think that there are? If you're so smart, why are you posting here instead of making fat stacks with illegal botnets?
>Article about how tons of scammers have gone to prison over the kind of scheme he's proposed
>this is evidence that this is a viable opportunity and couldn't possibly lead to the exact same fate
kys now and save the penal system a few years of incarceration before you end up doing it anyway
>The UK has been one of the biggest targets of the Dridex hackers, also known as Evil Corp, with as much as £20 million ($30 million) lost. The FBI said at least $10 million in direct loss domestically could be attributed to Dridex. Given nearly 30 countries were targeted, the likely intake of Evil Corp is beyond $50 million.
>Zeus Trojan may cost US Banks over $250m this year
>>Article about how tons of scammers have gone to prison over the kind of scheme he's proposed
>>this is evidence that this is a viable opportunity and couldn't possibly lead to the exact same fate
Missing the point retard.
1) how do you know these are ALL the people? The fact that some got arrested over this stuff in the $100's of millions suggests that this works, and it makes money. And there can quite possibly be other, unknown people in the world earning similar amounts.
2) The reason they got caught I suspect is mostly because they did it for many many years, and hit hundreds of banks and countries and made many millions.
What if they had, for example only earned about $10million dollars a piece each. Gave up on that life and started legit businesses? That's incredibly plausible and i suspect many legit businesses started that way.
and there's ways more stories, that's literally just a few from zeus years ago before all the other spinoffs and betabot and all
And considering the fact there's dozens of banking trojans they're making tons
They why are you here? Go make $10m and fuck off away from those who don't want to risk prison because they think that this type of operation doesn't take literally years if not decades of set up and experience.
t. wagecuck supreme
go enjoy your wageslave job making $80k/yr as a pleb in an office
Yet another completely baseless assumption to prove you're just grasping at straws. I haven't worked in an office, or sold my labor, for nearly five years.
You honestly see it as work a salary or hourly job or go full out criminal activities with nothing in between, don't you?
This is why education is important folks, poor kids going to end up in prison after failing for years to try to hack banks for 'only' $10m
blahblabhalbha wagecuck nice cope
people are making hundreds of millions of dollars "working" 10 hours a week in Russian while you're working like a C U C K. a C U C K . lmfao
the people who got caught have lived more of a life in 10 years than you have in 100. stay coping wagecuck
So this is just a thread where you show off your autism and envy for career criminals.
I already told you I don't earn a wage. I am location independent and personally fairly wealthy.
Want to just spam wagecuck some more, or maybe you'd like to take a stab at addressing anything I actually asked, like why you're still here if it's so easy and lucrative?
Somehow I doubt it.
this could work people... just needs to be done in some third world african shithole... liquidate to gold and move back to america. Of course... creating a viable botnet is much easier said than done... Say you "found" the gold in a gold mine or something.
Shut the fuck up wagiecuck
Go suck mr shekelballs hairy oversized cock idiot