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yea sure sounds like a nice way to practice heroes

Post your skins

>omnic crisis bastion
>white rabbit d.va
>sparrow genji
>okami hanzo
>hayseed trashmouse
>roxo lucio
>riverboat mcmemes
>classic mei
>sigrun mercy
>jackal pharah
>nevermore reaper
>stonehardt rein
>toa roadhog
>jet 76
>classic symmetra
>classic torb
>t. racer tracer
>classic widow
>safari winston
>arctic zarya
>ascendant zenny

Got everything I wanted, now saving for new shit

Matchmaking in this game is fucking dogshit.

torbjorns winrate is so high because of consoles
torb is around 55% in pc and like 70% in consoles

symmetra is >60% in both

>Someone actually picks Lucio other than me for a change
>Start running to the point
>Going awfully slow for some reason
>Lucio switched to Zenyatta at the last second

>Lucio bait and switches have happened sporadically since then

Why the fuck would you do this?

I would have played the fucking guy and not wasted anyone's time, what the fuck?

I'm starting to get really fucking tired of this "mei looks at you for half a second and you get frozen" meme

I'm starting to get really fucking tired of this "hook mei, shotgun and melee, but LOL ICEBEG FULL HEALTH TIME" meme

I''m starting to get really fucking tired of this "CHING CHONG DING DONG ZA WARUDO" meme

I'm starting to get really fucking tired of this "mei uses her ult when she's literally a sneeze away from death, but she icebergs back to full health right as you fucking shoot" meme

I'm starting to get really fucking tired of this "HELDEN STIRBT NICHT every five seconds" meme

I'm starting to get really fucking tired of this "HEROES NEVER DIE in response to HELDEN STIRBT NICHT and vice versa" meme

I'm starting to get sick of this "Symmetra's completely underrated to the point that anytime someone uses it, she has 20 turrets in every fucking corner and her gun can follow you around corners with a fuckload of damage" meme

I'm sick of this "enemy hanzo uses his ult every 10 seconds" meme

I want to have fun god fucking damn it, this game shouldn't make me so fucking frustrated



out of curiosity, how do you feel about the "git gud" meme?

What sensitivity is best to play on? I mostly play offensive heroes, Lucio, mercy, and junkrat

Mercy triggers all my primal instincts

Mercy's ult needs a cast time before it rezzes.

That or Rez people at 25% of their HP, and heal to full for the duration of the resurrection glow. If Mercy's killed before the glow completes its animation, healing is cut off immediately and players are only rezzed with however much health they regenned.

Retarded to see a Mercy get one-shot but still get the Rez off because they pressed Q .00001 nanoseconds before their death.

What do you pick to counter Zarya? I've seen good ones stomp my shit in more and more lately and I never know who to use to get rid of her. I would use Reaper but I want to stay out of range of the eraser beam as much as possible



and i was correct
2 duplicate greys and 1 duplicate blue

Yes, just to get rid of the people who don't know what a fucking objective point is.


I actually use git gud a lot because I strive to git gud in video games

>Repeatedly leaving matches early will result in a penalty

Mei mains are the fucking worst.

>enemy team is some prestiged 5 man premade
>my team is all sub 40
>two Genjis
>[You will be penalized if you leave this match.]

So regarding the Mei talk from last thread

As someone who has plays Mei a whole bunch I'd say that her biggest problem is that she doesn't have much utility compared to other heroes. She can disable supports, some offense heroes and other squishies, but you might as well pick Reaper or McCree and be more efficient at it. Also, her ice wall is only really useful in maps like Hanamura or Anubis, or MAYBE if you're attacking you might want to use it to block Torb or Bastion. It's very situational and I wouldn't say it's a bad ability to have, I really want to see people innovate on how to use it because it's the only ability in the game that can actively fuck over your teammates if you don't know what you're doing.

If they buff her, I'd want to see her being more viable as a disruptor. Maybe increase her hp a little, increase the freeze damage as well as the damage from her ult because that thing sucks, it's like a bad Zarya ult.

It really is. After a 3 game win streak and the game boots to a new one I shouldn't absolutely know I'm in for a shit stomping for the next 5 games guaranteed. How is that fun? That fact that you know what's about to happen and can only play thru the losses to get back to some wins. Why can't it just be completely random?!

okay? did you not read the part where pub winrates are meaningless?

also torb's winrate on PC is 59.8%, only 1.5% behind symmetra

which are the 3 most cancerous heroes? junkrat tracer symmetra here

It's her fucking point. She's there to make you waste time. That's her whole gimmick. She has tools to make people waste a LOT of time chasing her, grouping around her icicle and wasting precious seconds waiting to kill her.
She's here to disrupt and waste your time, just like Tracer, just with much less killing potential. 1v1 she's strong if you're caught in her range, but already 2v1 she can't do shit other than make you waste time.
Literally hang with your team. She's an anti flanker. If you try to flank and get frozen or waste your time chasing her or trying to kill her through her two lives and invulnerability you're playing her fucking game. Every second you waste chasing Mei is a second completely wasted, even if you kill her.
Mei can make you waste more time than it takes for her to respawn. If two people chase her and kill her after she played around for say, fifteen seconds, she already won. Literally made you waste three lives worth of time. She only takes 10 seconds to respawn, but she can make you waste much more than that.
Just ignore Mei and jump on her with more than two people. If someone starts getting freezed by her while you're in a group she's likely dead, unless the team has the awareness of a dead ostrich.

One of the reasons why she doesn't work in competitive is because nobody falls for the Mei bait. Chasing Mei is like chasing a zero suit D.va in some isolated place. You could kill her, but she'll likely make you waste more time than it was worth, and there's always the chance that you could die in the process.

>I cant counter pick: the post


Pls respond

Please never work in game design

Passive: whenever he gets picked every piece of music in the game gets replaced with Sleaford Mods

Fuck I didn't mean to quote that Rein gif but as long as we're talking about Mei ice walls I've gotten fucked so many times by friendly Meis popping that shit right in front of my face when I try and go Whole Hog and then when I shit on them in chat they get all defensive about it

Honestly at that point I would rather they were just trolling than have them defend their retardation

if you think an outlier as huge as 61,3% is "meaningless" especially on a character as simple as symmetra you're just straight up retarded

but yes
keep being a metaslave, only what MUH PROS play matters user

4 ingame sens, 500 dpi

It will be boring af, but at least it will get rid of cod shitters cueing in objective based matches and playing their own version of TDM.

Hey what site is this from?

>res a roadhog
>heal him back to full health
>already at like 50% ult again
>user in charge of balancing

She's situational in that her ult's usefulness is based on your spawn's distance from the objective. Far = great, near = bad. Her beam and turrets still do stupid crazy damage, and can be game swingers in heated fights when people are tunnel visioned, provided you spread them out so they're not taken out in one go. Plus, that extra 25 regenerating health is no joke, especially on a Lucio who's madly skating around contesting the point.

My friends and I like to have a Symmetra around a lot and we do pretty well, just because of the personal DPS/area denial/teleporter utility she has. But that's just me.

Nobody chases her because there is no point to. If you're chasing her you're a fucking retard because she'll just fucking mindlessly freeze you to death if you aren't fast enough to kill her.

And even if you are fast enough to kill her, she'll just selfheal and immediately repeat the process.

Then there's times where she's just sitting amidst all her team shitting all over the place with her freezing bullshit and immediately turn into the northpole when she loses 5 hp

hmm i wonder if it could be that site in the OP that is said to have statistics..

>Soot Bastion
>Scavenger D.Va
>Carbon Fiber Genji (I know I know)
>Okami Hanzo
>Fool Junkrat
>Auditiva Lucio
>Riverboat McCree
>Heliotrope Mei
>Cobalt Mercy
>Security Chief Pharah
>Blackwatch Reyes Reaper
>Bundeswehr Reinhardt
>Stitched Roadhog
>Smoke Soldier: 76
>Architect Symmetra
>Chopper Torbjorn
>Posh Tracer
>Huntress Widowmaker
>Horizon Winston
>Dawn Zarya
>Ifrit Zenyatta

I just realized I use a lot of epics, despite having legendaries on those heroes. I guess I just like fancy recolors and retextures rather than entirely new models.

Should've just gone double Lucio with a Roadhog or something. Shuts down enemy team most of the time on KOTH maps. Not meaning to sound rude, but I hope you realize double support isn't a bad thing if you've got decent team comp.

Mei isn't bad against her and a decent Tracer can be annoying.

>Mei mains are the worst
>Plays Bastion

my most played is hanzo. suck me vg

> Reinhardt, Gibraltar
> MVP, 89% of the match on fire
> 20 (gold) elims
> Gold objective time
> I'm the only blue card on the updoot screen
> Three votes

Master Overwatch.

Whatever is comfortable for you.

I prefer high sensitivity but 80% of players prefer low

How to nerf Mercy
>half a second rez time

How NOT to nerf Mercy
>whatever bullshit you retards keep suggesting

Not really questioning you but just asking why? What makes that most optimal?

maybe if you hadn't sperged in chat people would have voted for you

you can't make me give a shit about pub winrates when someone as FUCKING UTTER SHIT AS D.VA is 4th highest by winrate

do you understand how fucking incompetent the bottom 95% or so of the playerbase are? they don't play the game like it's supposed to be played, not even close. their games are completely detached from the sort of reality where you can actually gauge hero balance

>you will never try and fail to rape mercy because she gets off on it

How can you heal someone if you're dead, user?

>>half a second rez time

>thinks he's in the top 5% of players


>I'm going for the toblerone!

mfw heroes never die after all that

>Playing a character is the same as maining them


her rez is instant
making it take actual time (like Lucio) gives the other team an actual shot at interrupting her

Yeah, pretty much. She's completely useless if she can't make people play her game. If she sits in her team and just puts walls up and heals herself it's a good thing, because Mei is utter shit - save for her ultimate - in those cases. She deals less damage than most other heroes and has zero pressure, very little presence. Any other hero in her place would be a better choice in that case, so it's already an advantageous situation for the Mei-less team.

>pretty good at mccree and think he's a total cutie
>wanna buy a skin for him
>all his legionaries are shit and ruin him
Should I wait for more skins to be added or do I just buy the white rare one?

Anyone with 60% win mmr wanna group/got a group?

>start replying "???" to all "gg ez" and "rekt" guys
>they start typing walls of text while I keep replying with "???"
This is the best.

Give it a windup like Tactical Visor or Sound Barrier before it actually starts.

Thanks friendos

>Mei headshoted me with m2, she's so OP

Holy shit I'm getting angry just watching that gif

Hindsight it is pretty funny though

Fair enough. I think her turrets are also kind of situational because they have to be around corners or in areas where people aren't going to be looking for them to do the most damage and a lot of maps like King's Row open up a lot more as they get to the end making it harder to find areas like that.

I'll practice on some AI matches and then try and play her some. She seems like a lot of fun.

>leaving games will result in penalty
Make it a penalty for people who are literally level 50 and over being fucking garbage at this game

>things that never happen

don't be a pleb with shit taste and buy on the range

Is there any time a Reinhardt is NOT welcome in your team comp?

Never said that, but you might as well be up there with Hanzo and Torb for completely useless. Maybe you're a good Bastion player who knows, but in my experience there never is.

>60% win

lol fuck off shitter, play people your own skill level

>not killing mercy at sight
You could as well change your name to Pajeet, shitter

Should I aim my hooks where my enemies are going to be or directly at them as Roadhog?

Jokes on you, I was the Mercy.

60% is a bad wr?

Going to be.

Does anybody else get this stupid bug where you get kicked out queue after 5 seconds?

I think he kind of lags behind Streetswine on Lijiang Tower in particular for some reason

Maybe because there are so many entrances to the point on that map that your team kind of splits apart most of the time and there's nothing for him to defend

Y-you're right user. I'm sorry

If there's no one on your team that's taking advantage of his shield he can be a little useless. I usually switch to Winston or something at that point.

there needs to be a report button that just says "mei griefing"

she is literally the only character that can lose the game singlehandedly for her team.

i'm pretty sure i am because i've been multiple times in same games with some EU pros

i'll have concrete evidence for it after ranked is implemented so i don't have to rely on shit like that

it'll be like in /csgog/ where i shut down shitter opinions posting pics of my global elite, that's best 1% or so

>join game
>loading screen takes longer than usual
>put back to main menu
>pic related
What the fuck?

play mercy
even if we get stomped or people do more impressive shit, you will always get upvoted on your card

Yeah, if you were fighting actual opponents your own skill level it would be 50%

You might as well brag about beating easy bots

It's a bit of both, actually. Roadhog's hook is closer to a hitscan, but it takes a moment to actually activate. So aim somewhere between where they are, and where you think they're going to be when the animation finishes.


>kill Reaper with Rein


>enemy healer Mercy or Lucio on KOTH
>My team healer Zen only
>Enemy sniper Widow
>My team sniper Hanzo
Guess I lose again :^) so much fun and skill.

Lucio is objectively better

Does anyone have the picture of tracer with the text "VAPE IN MY PUSSY AND CALL ME UR MEME SLUT"?

t. Widowmaker main

I got 2 commends for 5 gold medals
both of them were from my friends who were queueing with me.

They don't matter bro

>Unlock Sharkbait for Roadhog
>Next game I kill two people by just hitting them with my hook
>The hook is a huge ass boat anchor


>mfw go to ult as lucio
>get knocked into the air
>he's just sitting there with his gun pointing at the ground waiting to hit the floor

then I won't bust your balls any further my kindred spirit

if you're getting too angry at the game when you play it then take a break watch someone better than you play it and try and absorb as much of their knowledge as you can

if Mei is ruining your day then play her yourself and inflict that same suffering to the enemy team, and pay attention to the enemies that slap your shit so you can do the same to any enemy Mei you meet in the future

try and view the game and your own gameplay as objectively as you can and learn from every loss

and remember to have fun and take it easy friendo

What if D.Va's auto attacks interrupted projectiles , similar to her defense matrix, but not as strong.

>/csgog/ where i shut down shitter opinions posting pics of my global elite
user, you don't "shut down shitter opinions", they stop replying to you because you're so retarded you think your rank in csgo = skill

New at multiplayer fps, how do I get good?
I don't want to get rekt anymore.
Feels so good when I'm doing well, I want it to be like that all the time.
I have more eliminations than deaths most of the time so I'm not terrible or anything, just average.

I have a lot of trouble with moving targets.
What do?
Just practice more or is there something else I should be doing?