Time to disappear edition.
Current patch notes:
Time to disappear edition.
Current patch notes:
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Leblanc a shit
Xth for Katarina
best girl
loveliest waifu
Imthem you play Overwatch?
>voice chat greenlighted after Lyte "left" the company
>IronStylus also "left"
>dumping the ipskin rune system
>giving away free shit with hextech
is RIot going desperate?
How do I Vladimid?
thats a really cute picture of ahri
You mean finally shedding irritating upper management?
Can't tell if people are smurfing or just good.
more like they're finally listening.
>Carry game
>Die once to the super fed enemy adc
>Allied ADC starts talking shit like no other
These people need to stop.
Why would you bite the hand trying to feed you
>Hanzo and Winston having more than a single minute of playtime
Listen man I love bows
and how can u not go ape with safari winston
fuck widowmaker bitches take the hot monkey dikc
>enemy picks blitz
>my support is squishy, has no pressure in lane
>get pushed into turret hard
>Yi afk farms
>get 3 man dived in tower
>Yi cleans up dive gets three kills
>get flamed for being bad
So much fun.
>not being a mercy main
lmaoing@ u
What champion should you play if you want to both be a slave to the meta and a total fucking jerkass that ruins for the fun for everyone else?
why would i be a mercy main
i am an old man trapped in a yung stags body
i physically identify as reinhardt
hammer down
>tfw you have to drag your team kicking and screaming to victory because they won't take objectives
Like, we have 2 inhibs down, killed one of their two nexus turrets, and you're going to go push out top Yi? Fuck you.
>tfw kass will become perma banned status again after the assassin rework
>having to deal with a fed kindred thats got a taric backing her
Beyond done with this game. I literally don't have fun playing it. It's like a draining chore that i've just become accustomed to dealing with.
They finally realized that you can't put in minimal effort and rake in the dough forever and actually have to work on a game to justify having over 1000 employees.
Hi, are you a cute girl?
xth for titty monsters.
user the assassin update is literally in the next preseason
you still have plenty of time to enjoy kassadin
>ywn board her
>ywn plunder her booty
>ywn make her walk your plank
it probably won't be kassasin because riot doesn't want a repeat of his permaban status but one assassin will for sure get something retarded on the level of F R E E banshees as a passive
>remove Mordekaiser's retarded W passive that gives conditional bonus XP
>redistribute the power to other areas of his kit like E base damage or letting both W rings overlap for partial bonus damage
>give him more fucking MS
I'm still waiting Riot.
Not anymore after Ironstylus was done with them.
>tfw no Sarah fucktoy to keep locked upped in the captain's quarters
dead gaem
dead thread
I wonder what it's like being a busty and fertile woman in a town full of unruly, savage men.
I want to be MF
>3 Key Fragments
Pray for me bros.
>tfw you got 5 keys (not fragments, keys) but no boxes.
>Viking Tryndamere
Into the trash it goes.
So is Taliyah actually a decent pick?
Best girl.
Best ears.
Best wife.
best daughteru is now viable if you play her a lot
>the mage update added absolutely nothing defining and only served to overcomplicate select champions
>already planning on an assassin update
she's basically another yasuo. if you can use her kit properly you'll be unstoppable but of course shitters will find a way to ruin it. her ult is really hit or miss, and can actually get your team mates killed if you fuck up the slightest
still doesn't change that her popularity is almost non existant. taliyah was a mistake
>still no AP assassin item/AP ghostblade equivalent
Why is it hard to get S as support?
I just need a chest
play another lane and farm a lot
but that's like asking for an ad equivalent of zhonyas
>play Karthus support
>get S+ even if you feed your ass off
real talk user if you need an S rank super badly just play Mordekaiser you can have more deaths than kills and still get one
Post your favorite lol ship anons !
I love Lissandra!
The difference between good and great is slim on supps since there's little in kills and farm. So it's hard to stand out.
I heard S rank depends on how other people who play the champ do
Is that why unpopular champs are ez S?
>First game of promos for Gold
Place yer bets ye scallywags.
Sleepy foxes.
Kill yourself you attention whore faggot fuck, piece of shit, nigger dick-loving, kike cuckold.
Yes. It's also based on role.
>lane Diana and Xin
what the hell is this garbage
>annihilating boosted girl gamers that can only play janna
is there a better feeling?
this isnt fair
Where's the Nose nose?
support TF, support volibear, random ass jungle, meme mid and things like that are easy S because you just need to not suck donkey balls to be on the upper end of the rank of those champions on that position
I want to go swimming in Lulu.
The full team ace
Skarner is OP as fuck with the new trinity.
But GL user do your best !.
it's coming user, probably next year
Taliyah lose the nose she's cute what a surprise
Guys! I need pictures! Pictures of Soraka!
I want to help you slit your fucking throat so you're finally gone from the world.
You're practically already gone since you removed yourself from the gene pool by being a beta virgin faggot.
Wtf is his skill order after E nerfs? Why did they have to rework Skarner
Why would you want pics of a disgusting goat?
Yes, you really are.
R > Q > W >E
Im not a skarner main, but i play skarner when i have to jungle, is a very safe pick i think.
Why did Storm abandon us?
Do NOT listen to this guy.
I am THE official Skarner main of lolg. If you want to TOW SOME ELO with TOW TRUCK SKARNER, then you have to take pic related as a rune page.
Then, you want to max R>E>W>Q.
Your build should be something like Blue Smite AD item > Triforce > Dead Man's Plate > other tank items.
Make sure you type VROOM VROOM in all chat every time you TOW one of their teammates in team fights and single-handedly win the game to COLLECT your FREE ELO.
So I can fap to the goat, duh!
huh, link is playing with a bunch of dota casters/ex-pros in the ti open qualifiers?
Whoops. I forgot the images.
Here you go:
Runes - b.1339.cf
Masteries - b.1339.cf
Morning /lolg/
UK prayer circle starting up, who's in?
Why would max E ? W is better, MS to NOT FAIL YOUR E. If they dodge your E (Because E is slow you dont have to be faker to dodge that shit) you´re fucked.
And why AD SMITE ? Cinderhulk is so much better than that bullshit.
>muslims fuck goats
Shitty meme. I bet you voted for Brexit too, you fucking bigot asshole with no understanding of the economy.
Jarvan supp is a ez S. Even if you die as a retard you will have tons of assist with your e.
Was my cs too shitty for a s+?
>literally have said for years that assassins suffer from "highlander" syndrome
>Riot literally 100% agrees
Not that they will know how to properly fix that.
>literally have said for years that Rengar needs to be deleted from the game as he does not belong in LoL (or at least his entire kit)
>Riot literally 100% agrees
>be one of the competent bros that sees that Azir is a blight on the game
>Reddit agrees about 95%, hopefully Riot will soon follow
Ask someone who is better at understanding LoL design at a basic level better than 1k+ riot employees anything.
Just to drop some, what are probably 100% true knowledge bombs:
1. Zhonya's active needs to freeze cooldowns, can be buffed afterwards
2. Jax should not build stacks by hitting buildings
>2. Jax should not build stacks by hitting buildings
I agree but this sets a bad precedent that will ruin Xin Zhao.
I'm already sick and fucking tired of "champion's auto attacks do X" and it works on literally everything BUT towers (bar Twitch P, which would be fucking stupid if it worked on turrets especially given his ult)