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The kike will bring the rate hike.
I honestly am hoping for a rate-hike, but I am no economist. We have low inflation, and the reason rates get raised is generally to combat the effects of inflation and temper off stock market growth.
But what if the stock market is growing and we have low inflation? Are we in the perfect economy?
There probably wont be a rate hike, unless the fed is like "Stock market going too quickly." But the stock market hasnt looked very good these last couple of days, so I bet Janet Yellen is gonna be all "See you in November, suckers!" and stocks will explode for another day.
Yes, but labor data has gotten better supposedly as well as the market inching up a bit.
The Fed has to be more proactive without sending a bad message. We cannot have low rates forever.
I think a .25% rate hike might happen sooner than we think.
At first I thought it would be closer to November, but it looks like Brexit didn't hurt as much as we thought.
Also, December hike was bad because the holiday season under performed so stocks had a large drop off.
To have a smoother hike, it should be done before the holiday season.
She's about to make me 3-4k when gold spikes like punch at a frat party.
Rate hike would make dollar value stronger.
Lower rates = weaker dollar.
When the market shits I will make a small boatload of cash
>canoe, maybe kayak
But still. Bring on the rate hike my body is ready
guess those nugt shares i got are useless then
what will i do with my 3-4k when it's worth .1% less?
Just saying how things should be.
S&P 500 will devalue and quickly recover similar to what happened during Brexit.
Low rates are actually bad for the S&P 500 anyway, BAC & Other constantly buying back their own shares and not actually investing capital has created artificial stock growth.
Honestly the Fed shouldn't even exist, so I don't put a ton of thought into what they should do and just focus on what they will do.
>the year is 2025
>interest rates have been raised to 7.5%
>government spending 90% of GDP on mere interest payments
>you just got another $400 speeding ticket for going 2 mph over the limit
>government increasing taxes and gouging citizens 10% a year to fund the police to prevent rioting
This is the future you chose
I agree. Gold Standard argument favors higher rates, so If you're Austrian Economist you should be happy about this.
Why would rates ever increase to 7.5% again?
Doesn't this just mean companies will have to save and instead will have slower but consistent growth and less negative cycles?
>government spending 90% on interest payments
What, why?
>rate hike
stocks shoot up
>rates remain
stocks shoot up
>rate hike
>stocks shoot up
He is telling the truth. Markets are rigged.
Good companies will shoot up in rate hikes. Since they're actually investing capital appropriately and developing new services & products.
>rate hike
Stocks will go up regardless, it's a bubble.
with the SP500 hitting new highs recently I'm pretty sure the market is looking for any kind of an excuse to drop it big time
>government spending 90% of GDP on mere interest payments
lol. That's at least 30 years away.
good luck on that bet
>implying I have a boypussy
They funny part is the US interest on debt is much less than most of the world. So they will burn first.
I'd be ok with this, she seems to be the best breed of keynesian who realizes you have to ease off QE and low interest eventually. If she needed to relieve stress by pounding me with a strapon I would consent.
The Janet Yellen speech is at 10 am tomorrow.
That is pretty early. Every other one seemed to be around 1 pm.
>the US interest on debt is much less than most of the world
that's going to change very quickly in the near future. Good luck not defaulting on your debt once the petrodollar gets rekt
it's the same play. everybody expects something and they disappoint when they were wrong. you'll see markets taking a short dip and bounce back with strength coming weeks. there is nothing that could currently push us stock market down other than very short periods
there isn't going to be a rate hike fyi
No way they do it until elections are over
The only question is December or March.
t. A fucking retard underperforming the market
>Since they're actually investing capital appropriately and developing new services & products.
You get that means they'll be paying more for that capital. Most companies have debt user.
You stupid fucks need to learn what monetarily "loose" and "tight" means.
Right now the equilibirum rate is .25-.5. Maybe lower with everyone cutting rates worldwide recently.
Therefore we are already monetarily neutral if not slightly tight.
If they hike the economy worldwide will slow just like Jan-Feb.
>Low rates are actually bad for the S&P 500 anyway
This is complete bullshit. Only certain financials benefit.
This. Anyone expecting it before that is stupid.
If OPEC freezes production then maybe...
But they are just talk. Look at oil since Tuesday.
Okay, right. I know that they need to be taking on loans and it will be harder under higher rates.
They're still outperform on the basis that those who relied much more heavily on low interest rate are doing more poorly after a hike.
Why wouldn't higher rates filter out companies who are just buying back shares as one of the large and few ways of increasing its stock value?
low rates have created stock price bubble, lots of shit is overvalued.
Correct me if I'm wrong, you seem to know more than me.
They won't hike.
They want hillary to win, remember.
Guaranteed no hike.
It's simply absurd to say that higher interest rates will help your generic company.
A company that betted smartly that it should take on debt before the hike, would still not benefit from the hike.
A company that did not bet smartly would most likely be affected negatively. Now it has to spend more to take on debt.
But the smart company already took on debt, and if it takes on more post-hike, it is spending just as much as the not smart company.
Of course it get far more complex than this, but in general, rate hikes of .25% lower the S&P by about 1-2%.
If the Fed hadn't hiked in December (which now in late August is shown to have been way too early), then the S&P would likely be at 2250 today.
For how long is that 1-2% down? Short and then it recovers? Or just growth per year will change with that?
There were hikes with Bush and there was huge growth then.
fueled by housing.
The world elites wealth is backed on the petroldollar. I don't think it's going away as easily as people always cry.
The entire EU is teetering, as is Japan, and the world is experimenting with negative rates that we havent seen in 5000 years of financial history. All while we have had, for the past 45 years, an unprecedented global fiat currency that is the dollar.
The financial system is much more precarious than most people believe
If Trump wins the election, expect rates to increase to 3-4% to """punish""" the white people for rising against the fed.
If Hillary wins, expect rates to drop to negative to float the economy on life support for another 8 years and further enslave people with trillions in national debt for the next three generations.
We're fucked either way.
Look how quickly the 2007 crash happened.
>The you will never get to short the mortgage market in 07 and make 1.7 billion dollars
Explain your reasoning. South America is a mess, French GDP sucks, UK has brexit, China has a bubble burst. As far as I see it the US looks much better than most of the world.
looks like the only ones who got fucked was whoever was shorting the market
No idea what she did but I saw the market maker moving and made quite the pretty penny buying low and then shorting high.
Thanks president yellen
The problem I hear with us is we aren't manufacturing enough and our Stock Exchange is over valued so it needs to crash.