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Previous thread:

>Duplicate Legendary is only 200coins

Fuck you too Blizz, at least give 500 or something.

I like to team-tank with a Roadhog when I'm Zarya actually

Roadhogs are usually very confident about taking damage because they can self-heal so they walk right into fire and charge me up

Second for Reaping

these threads are quite bad

i've browsed a lot of threads in Veeky Forums, namely /dsg/, /csgog/, /d2g/, /lolg/, /scv/, /wowg/ and i must say these are among the worst

this is basically the entire discussion here

>t. genji main
>here are my terrible balance suggestions what do you think guys
>xth for my waifu
>le low mmr meme
>seagull seagull seagull

at least 250 so you can get a highlight or an epic skin or whatever it's called.

Oh fuck yea double le...

>Get 3 different legendary skins for a character I hate to play
I'd rather take the 200 coin...


>they raise the coins of double legendaries
>people that didnt get it now rage because they dont get the drops refunded

bad idea

>anime waifu spam
>anime waifu spam
>korean waifu spam
>who even cares about wew anymore

>free 200 gold
>free slightly better than base skin
Buy loot boxes if you're unhappy.

Yeah, like said, at least 250 would be "fair" change it from 20% to 25% don't be a assholes Blizz, I know you read here Kaplan

The game was made with controllers in mind, it plays pretty well on console.


>the hero you love but can't play for shit

What's her name, /owg/?

>Top tier, pretty much must pick heroes

>Extremely strong, usually will want two to four of these in any team

>Great but situational heroes

>Mediocre heroes with very specific niches

>Heroes that are pretty much never worth picking

I hate playing with keyboard/mouse. I have all of the skins i want, I was just expecting a little more from such a good roll.

>The game was made with controllers in mind.
>Toblerone exists


Probably McRee. Everyone else steamrolls as him but I suck donkey somehow. Getting slowly better, but still.

Reposting because we have double threads apparently

I suck but team somehow sucks even harder, depressing, anyone else know this feel etc etc


For some reason my ability to left click properly has actually regressed since he got nerfed.

PSA: Health Packs heal Torbjorns Sentry.

Wow it's fucking nothing.

The only thing I can do is shit on most other roadhogs because somehow I get precedence on their hooks and they don't on mine
If you jump after a hook and shoot down towards them you'll get like 400 damage straight out of it, but if you do the same while hooking you'll miss most of the pellets

It's some weird physics at work

We've all been there, man. Just play your heart out and upboat your card for 5 gold medals at the end.

Please stop doing that.

Bad Pharah's trigger me.

>tfw mercy is so mad she awards you a title

today is a good day

I was told she was easier to play than Junkrat
While I have good accuracy and 40 hours with him - I miss all my shots with her

So why the hell has my Battlenet ID got an extra number in it? Usually they are 4, but mines is 5 (#21992)

I thought it was because I changed my name, but my friend changed his and he still only has 4 numbers.

Maybe I am just a special snowflake.

Mercy nerf when?

Suit Junkrat skin when? He cleans up nice

Playing as Mercy has really made me hate people. We just managed to hold them off at the final point of Dorado because I was stopping everyone from dying. The other team then obviously started going for me and no-one did anything to protect me.

Hero that creates Health Packs when?

>Floor is lava game mode
>Lucio, Pharah, Mercy, Winston, Junkrat and Genji and D.Va only
>Floor is instant death
>Low ability cooldowns

When, Blizz?

If Lucio manages to heal over ~30% of damage done then it means the enemy team either got FUCKIGN ROLLED or they were shitters who couldn't focus an enemy to save their fucking lives.

Lucio isn't OP because his healing is strong. He's OP because his speed boost is uniquely powerful and he's fucking impossible to kill if played well.

That sounds pretty fucking fun, so never

>white colored milk chocolate skin

Sex, but not accurate.
>only 5 or so more generations of mix breeding

Hey, I'm the same way and was wondering the same thing! (I'm #11120, which is so easy to remember.) But yeah, everyone else I know has four digits.

>tfw hooking tracer

Pro tip don't play mercy with randoms. Play the best healer lucio.

I'd take off the hero restriction; I'd like to see people get creative.

Holy shit. You're a fucking genius, that would genuinely be the greatest weekly brawl ever. My dick is fucking quivering. Imagine the fucking Tribes tier aiming that'd be required to kill anyone, almost all those heroes are projectile.

>mercy can bring people back from death
>can't even cure cancer

yeah and the other guy is useless *rolls eyes*

Mine also has 5 digits. It might be because my name is too short (3 characters), but I don't really know why.

Well, it was mostly to enforce that it doesn't just turn into Duck Hunt for Hanzos, Widowmakers and Soldiers.

1992 is my birth year, so it works out nicely, but still, the random 2 is weird.

How else is he gonna learn if he doesn't play her?

>People want to nerf Mercy

Only bad players and people who "main" dps/defense roles want this because they are simpletons. Not only do they fail to understand the difficulty in playing support but they don't know that they have to focus them in teamfights, they let the Mercy run and hide then throw a fit when she flies in to revive. In the beta her ult used to be map wide and her ult charged much slower, what this meant is that once Mercy had her ult up she literally sat in the spawn for the rest of the game because her ult is so important there was no way you'd ever risk her dying and not getting the revive off. Yeah, real fun game that was.

If they nerfed her charge rate they would once again ruin the character and force Mercy players to hide for the entire game and never actually get to do anything. Considering how frustrating it is to play Mercy as things are right now I'd probably quit playing supports entirely if they nerfed her. People don't understand how little fun the character is when you are playing against good players, you're just a punching bag with no way to protect yourself and spend the entire fucking game being the focal point of the enemy teams DPS players and flankers. Zenyatta clearly needs a buff and Mercy needs some sort of defensive ability, supports should be a lot heartier if they are to be the main target of each team in fights.

>But there is no counterplay to her ult
Her ult is the counterplay, in order to get any value out of the ult it requires at least one teammate to be dead. All you have to do to stop the revive is kill her, she has 200 hp and zero defensive abilities, alongside that you have to realize the enemy team has a Mercy and that you should account for that each time you go in for a team fight. You should be seeking her out in a fight instead of just blowing all your stuff at once like a retard.

If you think she is too strong then by all means feel free to spend the next week only picking Mercy.

Mercy is awful with randoms because she has minimal impact on the game. You require competence from your allies to win, she's a literal support. Lucio has the ability to kill motherfuckers while 'supporting' without the drawbacks of being Zen, so yeah, he's easily the best pub support. Doesn't make him the best 'healer' though.

I'm rapidly growing REALLY FUCKING TIRED of fucking Junkrat and Zarya

>can't hook on a 20 tick server

How shit can you be?

If the support on your team is calling you a bad player then it's your fault and not theirs.

My guess is you were playing a DPS hero and were ignoring the Genji that was farming your Mercy.

It was on hanamura, dude just ran around shooting sound waves and mashing that 8 sec cd on healing boost. On offense we got to b before they even respawned.

Who fucks roadhog in the dick hardest, Reaper or Zarya?

One kills you in 1.5 seconds, the other nullifies every single hook you make when she's around

You're right. Him being the most fun doesn't make him the best healer. Him doing the most healing definitely makes him the best at healing done though. If only there was a word for a hero who is the best at healing done....

I just want to show the world my peaceful ways.

pretty good bait

tf2 mge did it first

Not to mention the console-based controls for flying pyramid woman, shield german, korean le gamer, and asian bowman.

It's almost painful how obvious these characters are relying on console controls.

t. racer

He's definitely a lot of fun but the majority of the healing Lucio does is inconsequential, outside of fightclub KotH maps where he's obviously the best hero in the game.

Hello Hanzo main, welcome to the conversation.

Remember to play Tracer at least once today in honor of Brexit

Enjoying your swedish midget fiesta?

Junkrat after the game ends.

>It's a never-ending overtime on Illios well episode.


you get 50% ult gauge just by killing a roadhog

play against bots, you get the same exp for winning/losing

why am i not power leveling against bots for loot boxes, i'm retarded

>Hating on Genji for being Swedish

sounds like the enemy team GOT FUCKIN ROLELD

But seriously Hanamura and Anubis both have serious snowball problems, either the attacking caps A and B in quick succession of it's a fucking ridiculous overtime slog for them to win, there doesn't seem to be a middle ground.

Anyone got screenshots of people being upset?

I just wish there was a word or two I could put together to more easily tell the fact that lucio is the best hero in overwatch at healing done. Oh well. Maybe one day people will invent a way to share that information more easily.

the hanzo main insult isn't in vogue anymore, the hot thing is to call people genji mains now

your shitposting game needs work user

>want to play junkrat
>can't because they have a zarya

>want to play zarya
>can't because they have roadhogs instead of junkrats


No, literally all my screenshots are HUDless captures of Windomaker's ass

>tumblr skin

I just thought she looked cute

Sometimes you just have to accept you can't play that character

>enemy team completely fucking us on anubis attack
>can't even leave spawn
>in the end somehow manage to capture point A in overtime and then B right after
Is there any greater feel than such a comeback lads?


>can't play zarya because they have roadhogs

Symmetra confirmed not evil
Mercy confirmed evil

Alignment fags BTFO

>It's Winstons and a Lucio overtime on any map episode

wish this game had a mini map
sometimes hard to tell if my team is actually grouped or just leaves me to die when i try to engage for anything

To be fair, if Blizzard only implemented an option to make the floor instant death, you could already make this in Custom Games.

>Join Euro servers
>best ping I've ever had
>people communicate
>want to win so good team comps all the time
>literally no Hanzo as of yet

Why haven't you joined the glorious EU /owg/

Only downside is I have no mates to party up with ;_;

roadhog is a free kill as reaper if he hooks someone else

or if you harrass him around corners and juke his hook

Healing done isn't the best indication of the best healer. If that sounds foreign then you haven't played other Blizzard games.

can't you tell by the ^s

>can't play zarya because they have roadhogs

Are you fucking retarded?

>Had a 9:32 first round of Ilios yesterday on Well

True suffering.

>Necromancer trying to unlock the secrets of eternal youth through human experiments
>Ever not evil

I kinda like how carbon fiber genji looks

i already have nomad though, but i like to switch it up
should i?

>every koth map has death pits near or on the objective

wow blizzard y r u so clvr

>tfw just left it


Mercy's ult is a little ridiculous. It's instant and revives people through walls when you can't even heal people through walls.

Carbon Fiber is basically the default skin for Genji because of how many pubs use it.

>try my best to keep team alive
>3+ people ress during important teamfights/pushes
>still lose
Uhmm, overtards?????????????

So after 72 games with torbjorn, I'm at an 80% winrate with a 6.45 kdr. How is this little shit balanced in any way? No bullet drop off lets me shit on anyone attempting to outrange the turret, shotgun lets me rape anyone that needs to get close to kill the turret or run through reinhardt shield and shit on him like a reaper, molten core is broken as fuck and gives me retarded armor and health as well as turning me and the turret into god and I always have armor pack on me so even if anyone gets near me I can out heal them and take less dmg while shitting on them or retreating to a health kit as the turret/team kills him.

He should be like symmetra and not be able to armor himself up (like how she cant shield herself) for starters on a nerf. Turret tracking needs to be slowed. Corner peaking still gets you hit 9 times out of 10 since you have to be in range (no one is putting turret in sniper line of sight outside turret firing range). Needs range drop off as well on his dmg. Its ridiculously strong and 3 shots all but tanks, quicker with headshots/combined with turret.

Listing counters for him is just stupid as the game isnt 1v1 and im not talking a 6 stack of them or anything. Im usually the only torbjorn in the group for these wins and stats. I avg 30+ kills with a 60/40 split for turret and torbjorn kills. Molten Core stops all his counters in their tracks and his counters usually get shit on by the rest of the team comp. Im also 100% solo queue.

>losing to a zenyatta

what a shitter

The pic was from defense though. They did pretty well, we even went into overtime but two well timed sound barriers kept it together. Don't get me wrong, both teams a good job but they never really had a chance with a single support negating 65% of their damage. When it was our turn to attack they were already broken.