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Damn, what a shitty PoTG

Claiming the thread for daddy

Post your reapers

I can't handle the BM

Can a mod please ban all the LoL babbies who obsess over pointless cosmetics and waifus?

nth for p u r e l o v e

Report for harassment and laugh as overzealous mods mute them

Fuck off

The other thread isn't even past bump limit, dingus

Play nice, play Pharah.

Kill me. Make it quick. TWELVE fucking defeats in a row. This is not """"fun"""". Team just fucking sucks everytime. It's not even about "2 hanzo" or any kind of team composition issues, it's about being fucking bad. Why is it always such a fucking low-skilled faggots. Why. Why is it always fucking perfect and well made enemy team. This is not fair. This is not fun. This is not what I loved in beta.

Oddly enough, Overwatch is the only game that makes me that fucking furious.

>lost to two shitter tracers and no tank


>muh team

I want to play her, I really do, but holy fuck, controllers are the devil's work

nth for a u t i s m o l o v e




19th for how the fuck does knockback work.

64 lootboxes, 32 skins
or maybe 63, I don't remember if you start at level 0 or level 1

>winning so much that you start getting multiple new players on your team while still fighting teams full of lvl100+ opponents
Back to 50% you go.

Did every bully smitebook user to the point he doesn't want to make anymore? =(

I wanted him to do a Pharmercy one

Alright so I just played my first match and got the Die! Die! Die! trophy.
Should I worry about liking Linkin Park?

Ever play a surf map in a source game?

I don't even care about stats, I just want to have fun. I don't want to be the only one who cares about objectives.

I purposely pick Hanzo when I want to lower my MMR so I don't get paired with lvl 1s


>get tossed in an active game
>enemy cart is 95% to the finish
>defend that shit successfully for the remaining 6 minutes

Mercy can't do this shit.

>me ooga team booga
Watch out we have a MLG pro here. Just clone yourself 5 times lol.


>hollywood attack
>enemy tracer hard carries
>shit talks hard
>respond with a hand full of :^)'s
>next round with the same team on nepal
>the tracer feeds like a whore
>"Ggwp guys :^))))" - me
>"fuck you" - tracer
a wonderful feeling

odd interaction with his tumble

>Place teleporter next to a cliff
>Everyone reports me

worth it


yeah yeah I noticed you

Ok, that got a chuckle out of me

Guys I wanna make people mad when I kill them with Reaper. What's the edgiest voice line in your >opinion?

I use "Next." Simple, edgy, to the point, implies they weren't worth a pause.

>Duo queue with friend
>Same exact situation on Hollywood
>"dude, we should not have been here"

>Add mercy player
> Say "Hey wanna play?"
> they say "Yeah just give me a second"
>"Alright just tell me when you're ready"
>"Hey not to be weird or anything but do you have a picture of your cock you can send me haha"
Why can't I find a healer who isn't a faggot

Is it wrong a guy invites me over his for money to play this game, he insists I play winston or the muscle chick only

>win game
>get so pissed off during the course of it that I don't even enjoy it
I need a break

>getting mostly fucked in solo que and sometimes in friend stacks mostly playing every role
>start basically maining Zenyatta despite roommate saying he's squishy as fuck and dies to everything
>suddenly start winning games overall and somehow living from shots at 30hp and surviving after despite getting one-shotted endlessly as soldier's 200hp base or reinhart's 500

No idea what the fuck but i'm actually having fun with a support

Get a Zenyatta. They're all bro tier.

Fuck I forgot to say I picked Lucio.

If it lives.. I can KILL IT.

>Solo zenyatta healing

Dorf pick there is suspect as fuck too, but I blame Zen or stubbornness to not switch to support yourself.

>bastion keeps positioning himself into corners
>nobody bothers with him
>team wipe over and over again

jesus christ


>today on Lijiang
>play Mercy
>Q ready, my team is busy dying inside the market objective
>stay outside, wait till 4 of them are kill
>press Q
>got POTG for this
>enemy genji mainer is 20000% mad for not getting POTG (he reaped us quite hard a few times)
>next game, defend Hollywood
>I do the same shit once
>Genji mainer leaves

I don't have mercy_no_pulse.webm but I'd post that now.

I hate this feel as a roadhog. Especially on something like Gibraltar and he's above me, angle means it's hard to get a hook on him because it bounces off the wider-than-it-looks collision box of the catwalk. And it's hard to make a good, calculated shot under fire. And the distance is often JUST out of your range.

>trying to shoot a genji as pharah


I might have enought now


Fucking DO IT

There are no fuccbois on console. Do it, senpai

>complaining as a pharah

What if D.va could aim her Eject when she dies

Like you have a moment when your mech is shutting down to aim in a direction, then you shoot off in that direction a lot further away

So you arent just free ult charge after the enemy destroys your mech

>unboxed yung Hanzo
>have never played Hanzo in my 100+ hour of the game
>pick him Hanamura def
>top frag with my inability to aim and win
This character isn't hard, he's just shit. I've been wrong all along

stay there please

I thought this was the case already. I've never played D.Va though, only gotten fucking annihilated by them.

>playing on console
Also I know it's a boy because girls can cock whenever they want
This is my favorite meme.
Only wish it was Deadlock

You can't be this stupid, can you?

Use your boosters, dumbass.

>tfw potg shows me missing a triple, getting killed and having mercy revive the people I killed
how humiliating
at least we won

What if her ult didn't go through fucking walls

Her ult is blocked by the flimsiest piece of paper

That's why I said fuccboi, user.

youre playing a blizzard game bud

you certainly dont get to be elitist about it

He's just incredibly inconsistent. Corner peak meme arrows. No movement options.

Fun to play, but not a very big contributing factor.

He blocked the high noon. It was actually quite good.

did he died

You can ltierally crouch behind the steps on that nepal pit map and dodge her ult the fuck are you on lol

Reminder that 3 people on the cart makes it go faster.

What pisses me off about her ult is that it doesn't have any damage falloff. In the center or at the very edge of its range it's an instakill. I'd be fine with the range getting increased if it had damage falloff.

>Retarded Weeb Badly-animated Yuk

>when she dies
>calling other people dumbass

make it 65 and 33
Mccree's roll is fucking weird, if you end up rolling against a mobile surface or going too fast it'll fuck up momentum super badly
if you roll into a mei's wall that's coming up you'll just skyrocket into the skybox

I don't follow

He's immortal


>3 shotting a Roadhog
>melting a winston while he's still in the air

where my Zenyabro at

>tfw shit at this game
>tfw healslut main in League can't healslut properly in OW
>tfw have more fun with poo and mcdonalds

I wish I were better with Pharah and never played Widowmaker

I love cowboy space program via Chinese investors. High noon mid air is hilarious.

pick an offense hero, learn how to aim (should take a few years), and enjoy curbstomping every game you play.

i'm actually confused how people complain about getting "bad teams" when one person can change the tide of the game in OW easily.

you literally sound like the people that complain about having bad teammates in Rocket League.

>All of these memes in one post

It's really high noon

Post your "Riding the Payload alone" music

I've done the same shit as Reaper.

It's suprising how carefree enemy teams get when the Payload gets close.


What should I be doing to play mercy better?

Should I ever pop my resurrect on one player or should I always try to hold it for larger groups. My team often seems to go in 1 at a time and I end up not using it much.

If my team is making a push should I try to heal them all or hide in a corner and wait for a mass resurrect?

Are you guys watching the one and only a_seagull right now??

except it does have damage falloff
all of you are retarded

MoonMoon a best.

He my nigga.

It so fucking does not. At the extreme edge of its range it 1 shots a roadhog at full health.

I can shoot. Played A LOT of Q3 and competitive TF2 back in a day. You're absolutely wrong about the "one man army" thing, though.


you can be really liberate with your ult, it literally charge in 30 seconds. You can easily use it for 1 guy, tho you should have an idea if it's better to wait if it's clear someone else is going to die real soon

no it fucking doesnt youre autistic

>its a reinhardt stands in door of anubis on attackers side waiting for his shield to get destroyed and never pushing forward to the doors episode

fucking hate the fact they all suck so much yet think they are doing a good job because they blocked 10k+. maybe they just want the fucking achievement and stand there makign us lose every game for that.

>Spams memes that appeal to /b/

Eww, noty.

it does
source: i took 17 damage from one as mercy

How do I win on Hanamura or Anubis when attacking?
It's literally impossible if enemy picks reinhardt+torb+junkrat+mercy.
No fucking way.