>be me
>masters degree
>no Facebook
>no LinkedIn
>no Snapchat
>no nothing
Is not doing this normie shit hindering my progress in life?
Is it even worth having this fucking normie-tier social media shit?
>be me
>masters degree
>no Facebook
>no LinkedIn
>no Snapchat
>no nothing
Is not doing this normie shit hindering my progress in life?
Is it even worth having this fucking normie-tier social media shit?
>he doesn't sit at home smoking weed (lmao) all day while making massive passive income off social media
Why do autists do this?
Are you dumb? It's called networking idiot. Yes it's important. Maybe not snapchat or instagram. LinkenIn is very important
I mean, I literally have anyone worthwhile in my cell phone who I can text/call.
What the fuck do I need to follow them on LinkedIn for?
how do I do this?
all of them are uselss dont worry. just apply to 100 jobs a week you'll end up with some minimum wage shit job eventually
No. I use social media but unless you have shit to show off its useless. Big time waster and eventually you'll feel like shit. Don't succumb user.
why do you assume he doesn't have a job?
Networking is the biggest meme on the internet. Such a vague term. Unless you know people already or have family ties. You'll never get anywhere.
>lol bro just network.
Make an account on every social network there is. Then add everyone you have ever had a conversation with, or are related to.
I'm not kidding but this is the best way. When you go somewhere exciting, make sure to post it on Facebook. It's a way to make your presence known without being cringeworthy.
For example, if you go to a baseball game, post on Facebook that you are there.
I know it sounds stupid as fuck, but the idea is to expose yourself out there to as many people as you can so it looks like you're doing something in life.
Other than that, spend 20-30 minutes a day responding to people's posts on Facebook. You can get a lot of friend requests this way, because people related or that know that person may know you as well.
I'm socially retarded, and have 800+ friends on Facebook and 280 followers on Twitter.
yes, yes. but the problem is some people actually possess some self respect and are not willing to make clowns of themselves in order to get a 1 dollar above minimum wage shit job.
>posting once in a while that you are somewhere is being a clown
oh boy. now im not sure anymore if you are just kiddings me around. shame on you!
Autismo here, how would one keep the 'tism under control
Networking is just the politically correct term for cronyism
Honestly, m8, that sounds cringe as fuck. I have coworkers who show me FB posts and then say, "I can't believe she did that!" or, "Lol, my ex is so stupid!" Shit man, I just roll my eyes. Normies get off on the stupidest shit but it seems like the only way to be hip along with being a pseudo-liberal.
Yeah, really.
Why the fuck do I care that you're at a baseball game?
Honestly, does anyone else, either? Or are they just saying they do because they're playing the same social climbing game you are?
share your secrets master
Who's the babe?
>You don't recognise Zooey Deschanel
Just get LinkedIn
Fuck the rest
do not get a fucking linkedin you loser
either you have the goods on your resume and can interview like a normal human being or you dont
I feel you man, I haven't fallen into the social media shit storm. Like if I need to get a hold of you I'll just use my phone.
lol at all the differing opinions on here.
LinkedIn is unfortunately something of a necessity for many companies because their HR departments have bought into it. No amount of "lol fuck social media" is going to justify foregoing those opportunities. HR professionals DO look you up, and even though it's somewhat dumb they DO care about the quality of your profile.
Facebook is a bit different. Most people in upper echelons have their accounts made incredibly private, meaning employers can't exactly check your feed. That said, it is a pretty critical way to keep in touch with most people, be it socially or even somewhat professionally. If you want to have a normal social life, it's something of a necessity.
That said, this being Veeky Forums, there's a demographic of people on here who hate social media because normies or something.
I have too much anxiety to post anything on fb/instagram. I have friends who I hang out with irl every couple of weeks, but actually using social media makes me feel weird for some reason now. It wasn't like this in high school, but I had more of a social life then
This, it's retarded not to - the opportunities you miss out on by not having LinkedIn is pretty intense, many HR and recruiters will stalk you on it which can make or break getting to an interview stage. Additionally, it's about the long game of connections - not many people give out their numbers and no one wants a random call or text from an acquaintance, but when it comes to LinkedIn - sure, I will receive a connection or message on that platform.
Facebook should really only be for friends, family, and should be kept private generally speaking - it isn't needed to get or keep a job but if someone tells me they don't have Facebook I generally assume they are 3dg3lordz and autistic and my amount of contact with them will probably be very little. When it comes down to it, am I going to promote Chad Thundercock who I have on Facebook and go drinking with, or am I going to promote Dwayne Linux, who doesn't use facebook and keeps to himself?
It's all about cultivating who you are, what you're about, and making people think you're a decent human being and not a walking robot programmed to fail at life.
For me? Yes. I'm a hiring manager for Charter Communications, and the two things I look at immediately are LinkedIn and Facebook.
I don't bother with someone who doesn't have a fully fleshed out LinkedIn page. It's an online resume. If it ties in and matches what you have on your submitted resume, that's fine.
LinkedIn has probably gotten more applicants an interview than has cost them interviews, because (for whatever reason,) well done pages tend to be more inclusive, more detail oriented, than not.
(Also, Protip: Ignore the old "one page resume" rule. Two or three pages are acceptable now, so long as they're well formatted and follow a logical flow with no fillers.)
Facebook lets me get a glimpse of that person behind there. I've actually scratched people for their profile pics. (Another Protip: If you're applying to a company known for its diversity and minority outreach, don't have a Confederate battle flag as your profile pic and a banner pic that says "Always remember the 14 words!") Even if you have your profile on complete lockdown (which I would recommend,) simply having one shows that you are a person outside of your job.
I don't understand people who don't have their facebook on complete lockdown. I even have profile picture set to friends of friends so faggots I only briefly talk to can't find me without adding 3-5 other people with the same name and surname. Will probably change that to public when I'm out of uni though.
And most people have their wall feed on public so anyone can read and comment on them, which I can't wrap my head around. And some go so far as to discuss religion and politics so anyone can read that shit.
So what you are saying is that you are too illiterate to read a resume, and must retreat to your social media safe space and look at pictures to grasp who a person is
Fully matches my expectations for someone in HR