League of Legends General - /lolg/

old eyosongive.us

first for gutting sion

Reminder that you can find a link to lolg's cytube page on eyoson, and that's where most of the esports guys are hanging out

>Sjokz goes bra-less for EULCS
>Can see her left nipple piercing through the tight dress

Damn this bitch kinky

We need more good ships

xth for bot lane is best lane

>its another laneswap episode

why dont riot do somethign? they already force the meta so hard with their class updates and what not, why not force people to play standard lanes which is more interesting for your average viewer?


>implying ez looks anything like that
>implying taric doesnt fuck him in the ass daily
>ez fangirls are the worst things in the world
>lux belongs to Malzahard


what is NALCS' nickname?
and EULCS?


>No real support wants to duo with Vayne because she's a gabage adc
Like pottery.

Anon5 is the only one not wasting his time desu

I finally got over my anxiety and played 4 games, all wins and am feeling pretty good. But now I'm anxious that if I play another I'll botch my winning streak and be super down again.

Life is suffering.


Korea will break it anyway

No this is
Or atleast, it used to be

>wanting to gut Sion
You can't gut CC and literally any wall or counter-engage fucks him and his team.

what if there were 5 lanes, no jungle and you can't go to other lanes until the nexus is exposed

talking out the ass disregarding canon
I know they'll never be a real couple but their interactions will be cool and sexy.

Drama scene
Clown scene

>primary role "support"
>secondary role "fill"
>get a match within 0.1 seconds
it's the end times


its like watching the retards fight back in high school

Anyone have that weird comic of Lulu as a corrupt police officer?

lel. is this true?

Nah, we already have the best one.

yes and no

Nice try making a quip, friend. But dynamic queue isn't comparable to that.

Dynamic queue raped my sister and killed my parents.

Release bard was close to be complete useless

I'll rape you too, hold on.

Dynamic queue hurt my wife's son

>jungler asks if he should go kog or zac
>seriously have to convince 2 of the others that kog jungle is shit
What the fuck, lolbabs? One of them even tried the "all champs are good" argument.

Dynamic Queue threw a rock at my dog.

I love League of Legends!

I love Sona!

I love you!

but kog jungle does ridiculous damage. just get tanky elsewhere. :^)


Post champs and rate others

EU LCS was a mistake

>Fanatic versus Roccat
>Bard has done more damage than Caitlyn
Oh boy, I am laffin.

How long will I be able to spam Zyra for some freelo before she gets gutted?

I love Lissandra! she's a soft and pure qt who lactates ice cream!
Me x ice wife is a great ship

>my team sucks I can't carry

>Me x hand is a great ship

>Roccat gets a FREE double kill
>Betsy just suicide right after
There's no way this game isn't scripted.

olaf nerfs when

>kill Irelia AND Volibear in lane mid gank
>at half health
>Irelia immediately TPs back right on top of e
>kill her again

Thanks so much you guys, I think I've figured out how I'm going to deal with that bitch from now on.

Never, buckle up buddy boy.

explain the 16/5 game then

>loaf the loaf

nah eu is shit this season

This is everything wrong with shipping
yeah but one's a tyrant who inherited his power and the other is a freedom fighter who worked for everything

I got Kog jungle in my team when I was plat 2 a few weeks ago, he didn't do much early game but holy fuck did he carry the fuck out of mid and late game.
His damage with Bloodrazor + Guinsoo's is absolutely disgusting.

what keystone do you take on morde?

Why is Kayle the best champion in the game?

fuck off he just recently got buffed

i swear, Steraks + bt + gunblade should be a retarded strong build on him, maybe throw in BoRK for memes/lore jokes. That massive base AD deserves to go somewhere and he does have AD ratios.

But you cant argue with more bonus damage than even Veigar can hit without going over 75 minutes

First, what's your rank? Because Morde loses to Irelia post 4/5. And it's WQE max since your W is the sustain and your E is only damage.
Stormraider, get in and get out/chase.
>Azir is a tyrant
[Citation Needed]

You sound like a TRAITOR

it's fucking ridiculous if he manages to get past laning phase without getting invaded and murdered 5 times. Absolutely rapes shit.

Never. Fun fact, he still gets buffs, hahaaa
Unpeelable fulltank with over 300 true damage kills my carries with his 1.0 ad ratio axes with 2 second cd. And dont forget his lifesteal XD

Quality game

My macro was bad late game and I fucked up trying to assassinate their equally fed Ahri. Team was like 0/6 each but I still could have carried if I played better.

It's really fucking frustrating though if you're better than your elo but not better enough to solo carry, which I think is a lot of people in silver.

hahaha like hows olaf real just kill his ass just blink away

so? he's a dumb champion, I don't know why they force him so hard.

>abusing irelia
I mean yeah, shit is OP and she kills most champions in the game before they can react now.

>That Giants Throw

>tfw enemy Kayle ults their Olaf

Olaf is stupid, Free True damage, Free Attack Speed, Free Skill resets, Free AD, Free MS, Free Lifesteal, Free Resistances.

He is so good versus other bruisers because he can shred them with his insane damage and be 10x as tanky as them.

>All these meta sheep suddenly picking or banning my Irelia


>It's really fucking frustrating though if you're better than your elo but not better enough to solo carry
This, that's why it makes 0 sense when people talk about challenger players doing unranked to diamond in a day. They're like 50 times better than the average player, of course it's easy for them. But if you're only one tier higher in skill level and your team feeds, you can't do shit.

Stormraider's always.

You start E, because W's cooldown at level 1 is too long to be your only skill, it places you in too much danger because of its short range, and E charges your shield while being better poke and waveclear so you hit level 2 fastest. Always position yourself in a way that E will clear the wave and hit the enemy.

If you get ganked, unless it's someone who can chainCC you or someone with crazy range and mobility like Kindred, just faceroll your buttons. Morde's damage AND tankiness are backloaded and almost invisible, most ganks end up giving you a double kill because they think their safe until the third Q hits them. If the enemy has CC, but not enough CC to keep you chained for like 4+ seconds, hit W and R before it happens. I've won engages where I've been stunned but since W and R are constantly healing AND charging my shield I come out of it on top. Also, focus fire whoever you use R on, because killing the enemy and getting their ghost gives you bonus health and bonus hp, it totally turns around what looks like an imminent death.

gragas is so broken he steals baron on both streams at once

Soraka x Graves

>Olaf isn't picked or noticed for about a year
>Suddenly one tiny buff


Read this because it's an accurate depiction of what is going to happen

>spirit gets paid in euros to hit the d button

I've been playing her since way before this patch but yeah true.

>wah, my cancer champ is getting banned or picked from me

You mean was. He literally rebuild whole Shurima by his own.

t. olaf main

just fuck off

>Morde loses to Irelia post 4/5
Not if you're 3 kills, 20 CS, and 2 levels up on her bud.

>Can't be disabled
Yea, fuck off.


You fuck off. Olaf's good, suck my dick or git gud.

She is not.

Gragas seems to be a miracle champion today.

I'm an Irelia main and I have literally never lost to Mordekaiser. If the Morde player is good, I play safe til 4, stun + a few autos then disengage if you're >60% hp, kill you straight up if you're under. You're playing against shitters.

Rank please. Because That doesn't stop her from getting triforce and immediately chunking you before you can do anything.

>and I have literally never lost to Mordekaiser
All 3 times he went top in my lifetime.

Should I start dorans shield with maokai against AD-heavy top laners or should I go ring and adjust runes accordingly?

I'll throw a dog at your rock.

Still better than character's being shipped solely because they're mentioned in eachothers lore (QuinnxTalon, dafuq).

It's so fucking hot and I hate it so fucking much

I wish I would hate it hard enough so that it would push me over the edge and I could finally end it

It does if she literally only had sheen and phage while I had rylai's and protobelt by 15 minutes. By the time she got triforce I was just too far ahead of her for it to be relevant.

"This game is dead/dying"

>thinking your posts in a Veeky Forums thread have any impact on or indication of the game's well-being

"Dynamic queue has ruined this game I hate u rito"
>I'm far too terrible at the game to beat premades and I refuse to learn how to play better

when did you ever even play irelia vs morde since rework?

My nigga.

>Played as Soraka
>My adc got early fed 'cause of Sejuani supp on the other side and me healing like a freak
>Stomped them i nearly every teamfight, got a fuckton of assists
>Also map fully warded by me
>1/3/17 at the end


Who are you quoting?

buy more pinks :^)

I've laned vs rework Morde about 3 times, which I know isn't often. But every time he felt squishy and weak as fuck, and the only way he wins is if you let him constantly get three slow autos on you like a dumbass.