/padg/ - Puzzle & Dragons General

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#padg @ rizon

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>How to git gud at pazzlan

>Update PADherder without PADListener

>JP Meta
Reroll tier list
Template party lists
Endgame tier lists

6/20 - 6/26 - Fire Carnival Returns!
6/20 - 6/26 - Three Kingdoms Challenge! - Mythical / No Continues
6/20 - 7/3 - Light & Earth Metallic Star Dragons Arrive!

>One True Pairing Event
[Duration]: 6/24 (Fri) - 7/4 (Mon)

Go to puzzledragonx.com for full dungeon listings.

6/24 - 7/4: 1 free Magic Stone delivered daily (11 total)

Catch the Dowry!

6/24 - 7/4: Experience of a Lifetime

7/2 - 7/4: Gift from the Heavenly Garden

A Bouquet of Every Color

6/24 - 6/26: Red Flower Dragon

6/26 - 6/28: Blue Flower Dragon

6/28 - 6/30: Green Flower Dragon

6/30 - 7/2: Orange Flower Dragon

7/2 - 7/4: Purple Flower Dragon

6/24 - 7/4 - Hera-Ur Descended!-5x4 Board

6/27 - 7/3: Challenge Dungeons!

10x +Eggs in Descended Dungeons

TAMADRA Invades in Castle of Satan

Legendary Dungeon Bonus
Select Technical Dungeons Latent Tamadra invades and 20x +egg rates

Fusion Bonuses
3x chance for Skill Ups and 'GREAT!' and 'SUPER!!' EXP gain during the event!

Normal Dungeons +Egg and EXP Bonus
Normal Dungeons will also receive a special 2x EXP bonus at various timings.

Limited Time Dungeons Egg Drop Bonus
1.5x chance for Egg Drops in the following Limited Time Dungeons: Rare Monster Infestation!, Descended Carnival (Legend) and Evo Monster Infestation!

>Previous thread


>tfw only rolling bride for Akechi


Starting with this thread, all discussion of sub-optimal behavior, such as deliberately choosing weaker leaders because of their appearance, or insulting the SS-rank leaders for any reason, are now prohibited in /padg/.

Hail the holy trinity of RaDra, XM, and Kaede


>all discussion of sub-optimal behavior is now prohibited in /padg/

Good, now I can run Artemis as my lead and not worry about idiots hating on me for it.


Does it really bother you when people here tell you to kys?

>5 stars

Better chances to roll that guy rather than saria and heavy light tits

I play light XM and I have fun with it.

H e h


That is literally the exact opposite of what I meant

>trying Zaerog for the first time with Yuna team
>get to Predra floor, doing pretty good so far, kill one with a true damage skill
>expect to be able to burst through the defense of a Light Predra since I'm running a dark team and have Eschamali's skyfall active
>I fail to break it with 10 combos and instantly get killed from full health by just one of them
How is this fair in anyway?

Meimei is very hage

This is a long shot, but does anyone run the dacho mzeus carry here?

>not having a nuke or poison that hits all enemies

Why do non-IAPers even play this game?

Why would you play mythical+ without a true damage or poison? Just do legend+.

I come from the future. A year from now:
a) a new orb type is introduced
b) AA Luci is voted top3 in PCGF
c) NA got fully functional PAD Radar

...actually, I lied. Exactly one of the above statements is untrue. Can you guess which one?

But b and c are impossible.

AAALucifer, i already know this to be true. all hail the one true tank god. his rebirth will purge the non believers.

Yes, and then he'll still be worse than Quilt Angel.


yeah NA

nop then, the best I can do is try to help you if you lead with knot

>run Friday dungeon to get Dub-Mythlits
>get all baby Tamas
>0/4 for awakenings on ADXQX

Why does everyone hate maeda keiji he has a x27 multi

x27 is nothing.

It's enough to clear most descends and he might get an Evo later

I would really appreciate it if you guys would stop posting my ronias before I even get to the thread

fuck off reddit

possibly, but everyone "hates" maeda because he's simply underwhelming right now, x27 is not a high multiplier and nowadays only borderline okay for rows, might aswell play some constellation memes.

clearing early descends is also not a point that's worth discussing nowadays if you're talking about leaders, even fafnir can.

Clearing descends is an unbelievably low bar. 2/4/2 still "clears" everything. I'll bet 4/1/4 clears most things too.

Hated? No one ever gave a shit about him.
27x on a rainbow lead was garbage when he was released.
His active is has a niche against locked orbs but it's at best unreliable against anything else.
Awakenings are full no damage.
His stats are just plain bad.

Yuna was better overall to begin with and is now much better.

he's the meme inherit of the month, did you miss the note

Is there a way to play the game from the browser/emulator? It would be nice to have a dummy account for farming.

Maeda on Awoken Luci made +297 Zeus a joke. Definitely worth the tans since that's all he's good for these days anyway.

that and mzeus/ranking dungeon runs

sure, he's not a shit card, just a shit leader

Any BJLJs? 382,925,380

I want LJ to give me a BJ

Every thread until Awoken Oku.

>running ADQXQ over our goddess and savior Lightning

Looking for BF on JP! I'm running Killua, Netero and Ronia. ID is 238,272,348!

Start looking for some good leads to run first fuccboi.

1/27/1 for free is bad for Rank 80? Ok, retard.

Epic. Now kys yourself.

if avritra+rsonia and hathor+netero sounds good to you I sent you a request. I have a hypermax killua but almost never lead with him so you'll have to request it

Fuck off with the mp fodder

Awesome, thanks. Is Killua in one of your BF slots? I'll BF you if it is!

He is. ;-)

no, I keep shivadra on slot 2, that's why I told you about the request thing

Dios is a huge fucking asshole.

So who's going shota-cat when it comes out in NA after the stream? Im torn when it comes to the decision, for sure.

>he doesn't have at least 5 bastets
Get rolling.

When is it coming out?

>tfw know I won't get anything good from Bride but already saving stones anyway because I want Ruka
That art is so good.

>tfw I sold my dupe bastet for mp

I have one and only one, and it took me around 500 days non IAP to get her. I tried to reroll for her when I first started playing, but never could

>not keeping AT LEAST 5 of EVERY rem pull to account for any future evos or meme systems

Who's someone good to put ACeres's AS on?

Also, is there a list yet of "direct upgrade skill inherits" yet? i.e, Lightning to both Ra and DKali, Rune Enhancement to Tidus's skill, etc.

They haven't officially announced it yet, but its already in the files for the NA client, so it won't be long at all. I doubt they are waiting until the end of june bride to do it, so they will most likely announce it during today's stream.

Im more excited for something that was useless in my box turning into a 2nd free better L Kali for my sakuwaku team. Waifu stronk

Serious question, is it time to mergge with /mbgg/? This game and general are ded

school athena

No, we just need to post waifus more

So I haven't really played in a while, still have my G/D Bastet. Should I go ABastet or Shotacat? My team is Bastet/Vishnu/GValk/Parvati/Artemis, don't really have anything else for green dongs.

The armor form is outright better than A. Bastet

shota outclasses awoken under every aspect but cuteness

Look at the two forms on PADX, read their leader skills, and then come back and tell me which one you think you should go.

Wait for ace

Wake up Artemis and parv in the meantime, if you haven't already

>not selling off your green box and buying your way to victory with MP

Thanks guys.


>non IAP
found your problem poorcuck

I refuse to lead with anything that isn't a cute girl. So no, I'll be keeping bestcat in her pure form as a box cheerleader while I play my pandora team.

I refuse to use a team that isn't entirely cute. It can be a real pain at times.

>picking cute over optimal

Literally why

Because I'm not a metacuck.

>tfw the two are now one and the same

>Puzzle & Waifus general
You answered your own question.

Nobody wants to be a metacuck.

What do you do without hyperoptimal teams then

Why not both?

I enjoy the game.

Cute butt on the right is mine.

Anyone have any neat starter accounts to giveaway :^)

sent ;)

sent :)

Please return my account


Build a kaede team

Not pictured: a.parv, liu dongs (wake up or stay dongs?) Another dandi.

kys tbqh

I don't see your kaedes

do it yourself you lazy pos

Vishnu/Verdandi/Verdandi/Parvati with a bind clear inherit

did u draw this user?

File name is from Twatter.

no, but I did.

I only have one kaede

My kaede is not listed in my list of possible subs for kaede