Hearthstone general /hsg/

6 mana 10/9 edition

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>Play a fast aggro paladin to get my paladins wins daily done quicker without playing N'ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzoth
>All my wins had rage adds

What's wrong with you hearthtards?

>gvg rotates out
>aggro Paladin still wins on the back of one incredible broken card
BY the Holy light!

you should play secret pally

I don't know what's wrong with me. I'm playing renounce darkness with a winrate of not even 60%. I'm a fucking silly nigger.

I'm playing Murloc palli for fun currently but I'm trying to trim my deck in favor of some potential combos.
What's more mandatory in the mrgglgl palli, war leader or vilefin?

Why does priest suck?

>inb4 just pretending

Their minions suck and they can't apply pressure

Post dick

What deck do i climb best with?

>his Ram Wrangler summons a giant sandworm
Fun game

Fuck Rank 2

Rank 2-1 should qualify as legal torture

I'm an idiot when it comes to HS
I'd assume it's the vilefin but I'm not sure :3

I was very afraid for a second.

I got up to Rank 5 with a Hunter, then fell a while to low Rank 6. I switched to Ramp Druid and immediately lost to the deck I just swapped out.

i m a g e

where are the nudes?

I have enough gold for 10 packs but I don't know which pack to buy

Classic I could use 6 legos and 2 or 3 epics (all epics would make a set)
Old Gods 5 legos but 4-5 epics (1 epic I don't have the rest would make a set)

With priest? Straight up elise control with ALL the removals or nzoth control. Try looking up Zetalot's Mukla Priest, too. If you just want to rank up in general, just play the rock/paper/scissors of warrior/aggro shaman and zoo/midrange hunter and druid

>do nothing but jack off all game
>play yogg when he has lethal
>clear his board, get a mage secret, innervate and an armor/heal hero power, summon 10 minions, literally every time
seriously, fuck yogg.

>Yes, yes well done Aggro, well done Aggro...


Oops, hunter/druid are paper and shaman/zoo scissors

>Game has literally devolved into everyone having 14+ burst
>Despite the druid nerf
Enjoy gimping your deck for that 50% heal lmao

>Other Warrior
what cards was he playing?

>it's a minions move when put in play episode

Dragon Control

Pretty garbage, but if you have a bad start and not really a good late game either you tend to lose. Fuck Justicar, got him down to 3 and didnt draw burst

>it's also an opponent goes face with his 3/1 stealth and proceeds to lose board

shaman is hard

>3-0 in arena
>thinking of retiring because anxiety
well also the deck is shit

Classic packs are always standard meta, OG rotates in a few months
Then again you should spend that gold in arenas

Anyone try shadowverse yet? Is it worth making a hearthxit for?

Why do you think midrange hunter has always rekt renolock? Nothing's really different now

>OG rotates in a few months

Unpopular Opinion: If you don't like RNG, why play Card Games?

TLDR; If you don't want RNG in your games, don't play CCGs.

The whole concept of a "card" game rests on the idea of a randomized deck of some sort. The very proposition starts with RNG as base assumption.
Collectible card games take it a step further so that it's not just your deck that is going to be shuffled, and screw you over even if you crafted it masterfully... it's also the pool of cards from which you'll be constructing that deck that is randomized through blind-pack pulls.
Online CCGs take it even further as without being limited by physical cards and game board, they can do some things much easier, like picking three random spaces on a board.
Games where chance is a factor are exciting specifically because you can't 100% predict what will happen. It's fun that even if I memorized all the cards, combos, and all the decks in the meta, I will still face the unexpected every now and then. It's part of being a good CCG player to hedge those risks, and understand when it's appropriate to take advantage of them yourself.
While it's more complicated, "random" effect cards can still have value assigned to them, and that's what you need to take into account when playing / deckbuilding. For the same reasons, OP cards are still OP whether they do something random or not.
Ask yourself, does it really feel less bad if you get a bad draw three times in a row, than when an opponent's random effect works out better than average for them? I don't think so.

>start an account in NA
>get matched with newbs because im also a newb in there
>yetis, minion trading, effective AoE removal, having to play smartly because the decks don't have broken crap
well this is far more enjoyable

until you hit rank 20

You can play around bomb lobber, you can play around arcane missiles, you can't play around shredder dropping a 4/4

Yeah, building all-basic decks to duel friends that have just started playing really reminded me of the fonder memories I had when I first started playing this game before I started getting salty over having to face people with their broken-ass "adventure" cards. "Behold, the might of STOORMWIND!" will always be a battlecry that holds a special place in my heart.


im not even playing ranked, i suppose you dont have to get to rank 20 to see meta decks, i think r25 is already like that and theres no way a basic deck can compete even if they other people are awful

What should I fill in the rest of the slots with?

shaman cards
ladder with an all class card deck

four mana 7/7
troggs rule

jeweled scarab for more totems. brann for more totems. garrison commander for more totems. bloodlust for epic totem finish

trump made an all-shaman cards deck a couple days before wotog (with wotog cards i mean) and it actually works well, which just shows how broken shayman cards are

Mukla's champion
Justicar if you have her
Garrison commander
Lightning storm
Totem golem
Tempo prophet isn't bad
Take out totemic might it's terrible

What program? Doesn't look like deck tracker, is this a hidden feature?


This guy's penis is insane! He's countering everything I'm putting down, it's nuts

>tfw you make it to rank 5 with enough days to do meme decks

>Zetalot's Mukla Priest

What's in the box, /hsg/?

>be in arena
>win first two games by letting turn timer run down, enemies concede
>2/1 matchup
>he concedes in endgame
>he sends friend request
>I accept
>normie rage
>"you are cancer"
Meta material

How is Nzoth hunter not really good? I see lists playing 2X savahna, infested wolf, and sylvannas with no Nzoth. And what about the 4/2, it seems more than reasonable to me.

Anyone else hate this game despite playing it for so long?

I'll just leave this here then.

Hiya fellas, I have Cenarius and Al'Akir next on my to-craft list, but which one should I craft first? I want Cenarius so, that I can play Yogg token druid, and it looks like fun to play. I heard good things about Al'Akir, but I don't know how good he is, and I know he isn't required for midrange shaman. Please, help me make up my mind, guys.



>leeroy will never be removed from the game

>Dark whisper is shit
>Wisps of the old gods is OP

If I wanted to play a class/deck that dragged the game on, and I mean REALLY dragged it on (like into fatigue territory), what class would I go for?
I want to play some long games for once. Games rarely go below the final 10 cards for me I feel.
Hell, it took me 50+ wins to even discover the fatigue mechanic exists, I had simply never seen it.

As Rogue? Congratulations.

I'm almost done with Priest, only around 60 wins left.

Warrior usually. Fatigue Warrior is a thing, but regular Control Monkey Warrior also gets the job done.

Fatigue Mage is also designed for exactly this. Also Fatigue Druid, but it's the worst Fatigue class in my opinion.

Warrior of course.

If you want a challenge though, go for priest or druid. Mage used to be good but I'm not so sure it's still viable without duplicate and belcher.

I guessed it'd be warrior, that does seem to have a buttload of control and armor abilities.
I'll try and figure something out with what I've got, thanks m80s

It's hardly viable with a low amount of cards/dust. I think priest would be the most doable if you don't have Justicar / shield slams. Elise is pretty key though.

>using Uther fatigue in Arena
>troll with emotes and removal
>people concede half way through the match

This much fun should be illegal.

ah, maybe it's not a good idea just yet then.
I've got both brawls, one shield slam, both ancient shield bearers, but I'm still missing some pretty vital cards.

I'll wait till I've got more cards before I try that.

Any tips on how to play tempo mage? I recently crafted the deck but it's not performing as well as I'd want

Can you at least tell me why?

Is their such a thing as an inhouse for hearthstone?

Is it just me or is heartharena kind of shit?

Tried using it about 4 times now and it picks cards that can't even carry past 2 wins.

I have every card expect baron geddon and shield slams from most control warrior lists, what should I replace with

Use it for when you're not sure between two cards. You can generally pick the strongest card that fills out the gaps in your deck as you go, by yourself. It can pick a card, but not build a deck.

classic mode when

When Dr. Boom is balanced.

Boom went from a 10 to an 8 in power level
This sets is strong

>coin innervate teacher
>surely zoo would not keep PO in his opening hand
Sometimes you just get so angry you don't even feel anger just a sort of intense apathy

>tfw you miss boom
A 7/7 on turn 7 with two 1/1 is a hell of a lot better than a 7/7 turn 4 with a 4/3 and 3/4

Anyone in here want to prep for that tourney on the 2nd?
I have a rough set of 4 and want to see how i compare.

Not strong as in powercreep, though. (Mas Scientist, Dr. Boom, Shredder)

They're strong in there own archetype, except the cards that Blizzard intentionally made strong to push some niche classes (Shaman's 4 Mana 7/7, for example)

You almost always keep PO in hand if you have a 1-drop that's not Flame Imp. It's critical for responding to Coin and Innervate plays.

Jesus, what the fuck are those proportions?

WoW TCG proportions

pls make thistle tea the first neutral spell

I really hate that Blizzard's answer to fixing Shaman was making really powerful cards to compensate for their awful ones.

Tunnel Trogg is disgusting, it's like a slightly weaker Undertaker.

It's nothing compared to Undertaker, it's just mana wyrm that benefits off of spells that technically skip mana crystals

>emote well played at the end of the game

It wasn't gg, it was bg

Holy shit zoo has completely disappeared from ladder, what happened?


Am I the only one that has had fucking 0 success with this deck?

>emoting first well played when you win
>being that proud of yourself

People emoting well played to themselves are the scum of the earth. I just auto squelch nowadays, it feels good.

Warriors happened

Dude, not that user but "Well Played" is the closest the game has to a "gg" emote. It's politeness, not smug superiority.


>never said I won that game
it's people like you that are the scum of the earth

it's only a game user, time to get over yourself

i have 5 golden heroes

You should never netdeck from Hearthpwn, the website is complete ass

Use ManaCrystals or hearthstonetopdeck