Why is it that Marxist philosophy attracts intellectuals and much of the educated populace...

Why is it that Marxist philosophy attracts intellectuals and much of the educated populace, but not so much the working class, who would be the primary benefactor under this kind of system? Meanwhile many in academia typically do not come from working class background and often share little in common with their lifestyle. Is there a name for this kind of phenomenon?

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I do not know a name for it. But I can imagine that the working class has other things to worry about as intellectuals.

>who would be the primary benefactor under this kind of system?
How would they know? It's never been tried.

Problem of intellectuals

Because Marxism and other academic wanks are created in ivory towers detached from reality.

Because working class people don't read Karl Marx, nor do they attend lectures about him.

The philosophy on an intellectual level attracts intellectuals but in a simplistic and affective level does attract the working class, evidenced by pretty much every communist revolution in history

Distributism is better than anything Marx ever came up with.

>every communist revolution in history

Like? Russian revolution spearheaded by intellectuals? Cuban revolution that wasn't even communist until after it ended?

Because pathetic NEET fucks who are holed up in their ivory tower get to feel "enlightened" after having read it for seeing the "true world", without actually having to do anything productive in life except circlejerk with their fellow pretentious fucks.

Marxism absolutely is a religious cult, who cites their "holy scripture" Das Kapital at every opportunity. It's downright sad. At least anarchists can think for themselves.

Because the working class prefers fascism.

I don't understand the purity tests demanded by both Marxist supporters and Marxist detractors.

One of Marx's biggest ideas was the fact that capitalists have conflicting interests with workers. This seems to be a sentiment most Americans agree with since most voters from all parts of the political spectrum want big money out of politics.

Isn't that basically an implicit acknowledgement of one of Marx's central ideas, the inherent contradictions of capitalism?

>the working class, who would be the primary benefactor under this kind of system
Provided they understand that the self appointed middle class intelligencia decides what is beneficial for the working class and that the middle class are recognised as rightfully ones to bestow those benefits.

By definition, socialism means workers control the means of production


>Why is it that Marxist philosophy attracts intellectuals
True enough
>and much of the educated populace
Hahahaha. No.

The working class population get a pamphlet amount of text as to why their lives are shit from a Marxist perspective. To solicit a quick vote.

Academics favoring Marxism attempt to take any existing square pegged theory or historical account and force it into Marx's grand scheme of a round hole. Add a prefix of Neo- for good measure, and group it under an extension of Conflict Theory as a safety net.

because the working class is alienated

>Communist party members morbidly obese
>25% of population faces hunger

Sounds about right

The vulgar pride of intellectuals - Thomas Sowell.

Marxism and its offshoots were quite popular among workers. What are you talking about? They're not popular these days any more, but during the 20th century this was very different.

as mentioned marxism was very much popular among workers in the first 50 years of the 20th century.

the reason why its not popular today is a combination of red scare propaganda, the soviet union's collapse, the displacement of working class struggle from the face of politics to the identitarian struggle as the new face of politics, and the fact people simply don't know about marx anymore. they don't read him. all they know about him is that he's a bad guy. they have no real experience with his work.

the reason why fascism is so popular amongst the uneducated working class is because it provides simple answers to their life's problems. fascism is also much bigger than marxism, and people are very attracted to the stuff their friends care about, or what they perceive to be stuff society as a whole cares about. people don't care about marxism anymore. should marxism come to the fore of politics again, you can bet that many of the uneducated working class will find themselves on its side.



have you ever meet academics?

half their life is securing funds.

They want communism. So they can sit around university all day wanking off in front of students.

>le strawman cartoons
And kek who said anything about Islam in this thread?

Cultural Marxism is still marxism my neckbearded friend

So you are saying that educated people want communism so they can focus on educating students?

Is that supposed to be a bad thing?

............ Cultural Marxism doesn't exist you fucking retard, when will notice that it's just a huge meme.

*when will people notice

For the same reason that most people voting for immigrants are living in gated communities that are 90%+ white. They get detached from reality.

Not them but yes it is a bad thing. It perpetuates this culture of people that go into Uni to learn how to become Uni lecturers, they basically stay in this closed loop circle jerk and then imagine they have the knowledge to critique society when they haven't spent a in the real world.

>Is there a name for this kind of phenomenon?
"Smoked salmon socialism"

> It perpetuates this culture of people that go into Uni to learn how to become Uni lecturers
Do you know what the purpose of education is? I'll give you a hint, it's not to start in mid-management for some firm.

>they basically stay in this closed loop circle jerk and then imagine they have the knowledge to critique society when they haven't spent a in the real world.
How would this affect you in any way? If it wouldn't (which it wouldn't), then why are you so upset?

Mostly because Marx is hard as fuck to actually read. You need some background in English political economy, French utopian socialism, and Hegel/Hegelians to actually read really get him. Nobody fucking reads that much nonfiction.

But his ideas don't go anywhere unless there's a high demand for labor. If there's industrial growth in a country, you have more work than you have workers, so you better cooperate with those unions.


Maybe they know better?

yeah of course it doesn't exist lol. Us white people need to be ashamed of our past

t. Jon "Stewart" Leibowitzenbergenstein

Absolutely euphoric

>if I blame everything on boogiemen, people won't notice that I have nothing to add but identity politics and shrill, womanly whining

This sounds like a scary story conservatives tell their children when they are out "camping" in their doomsday shelter.

The whole purpose of education is to teach people what you know, to pass on knowledge so that others can then apply that knowledge, generally this means interacting with the outside world, to apply your faculties in society, not sit in a closed loop circle jerk of intellectuals and lecturers.

>The whole purpose of education is to teach people what you know, to pass on knowledge so that others can then apply that knowledge

Once again, if educated people want to pass their educated ideas to students (AKA "circle jerk"), how exactly is this a bad thing?

Do you think that uneducated people should be giving lectures instead?

Threadly reminder that marxism isn't just political marxism but was really important for our contemporary understanding of historiography. There's a lot of angst on here about marxism, which is understandable with regards to hard socialism, but people don't understand that you don't have to be a card carrying, conference going pinko to be a marxist, and in fact marxist historians often represent the more conservative old guard.

Also, the ivory tower meme is exactly that, just a meme. If you are one of the chosen few who makes it you start in a very low paid position from which advancement is uncertain but is tied to teaching performance as well as research which needs to be pumped out and some of which needs to be published by journals of renown. These low paying positions are generally city based and so have associated higher costs of living, there's no way that academics are divorced from """real world""" problems.

Most revolutions and social movements are ideologically powered by the educated/upper class. Generally the lower class simply revolt/riot/organize in order to better their own lives, they don't actually care how generally. In modern times though, information spreads faster and the masses form behind ideologies crafted by educated individuals. Working class individuals aren't involved in politics historically until they feel compelled to act.
So basically the Russian revolution, for example, involved the working class, but the working class were only fighting against the crown. When the crown was defeated, they participated as followers in the power struggles between the Bolsheviks and Mensheviks.

Pretty much, but humans think in dichotomies and also the cold war turned most Americans and the Nato/west off the whole idea Marxism. Propaganda also lumped leftist ideologies together. Nuance doesn't come off to well in public politics..

On a somewhat similar note, why do poor whites tend to vote Republican even though they would actually benefit from Democratic programs?
Is it really just from their social stances?

>"I'm a schizophrenic Hitler worshipers"
>"I'm a member of the KKK."
>"I think infants should be exterminated."
As if anyone with a brain would listen to a scizo. You want to kill infants? You're a member of the KKK? Why should I listen to your opinions of race you Hitler worshipper. And stop insisting on reintroducing slavery, thats ridiculous. Anyone who agrees with this guy is insane

No one cares much about the actual policies in politics. It's mostly a matter of "my tribe is better than your tribe" and "you're signalling to me that you belong to my tribe, so I'll support you".

Social stances? Its usually in regard to traditional American work ethic and how said demographic feels they fit into the fabric of American society (which is a romaticized joke in my opinion) and is supplemented with more extreme things like religious conservatism and resistance to race politics that are uncomfortable to them as they involve things they don't see and can't confirm to themselves

These are actually fair and helpful insights, thanks guys

Control is always had no matter the system. A class will govern and rule. At least in a capitalist republic, the control is split between a federal elite who control law and a capitalist elite that control the job market. They can attempt to balance each other, rather than there being a monopolized elite where I then begin to realize I don't know a thing about this decide to fantasize about fat bottom hoes. Color of skin is irrelevant.

My last single-authored book, Class Struggles (London: Pearson Longman, 2007) develops and extends themes elaborated in Cultural Marxism in Postwar Britain: History, the New Left, and the Origins of Cultural Studies (Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 1997). The earlier book is a history of an unorthodox intellectual tradition that is both specific to Britain and part of a more general twentieth-century European development--Western Marxism. British cultural Marxism has been responsible for launching the interdisciplinary field of cultural studies, whose impact on the social sciences and the humanities has been felt internationally, and it has been pivotal to the development of peoples’ history or “history from below” and the “new social history.”


So when will the cultural marxism never existed meme die?

What it means in theory and how it is applied in practice are not quite the same thing.

>Why is it that Marxist philosophy attracts intellectuals and much of the educated populace

I've never seen a smart person above 25 years of age supporting Marxism.

Also in my university, marxists and communists are usually the worst students.

>the working class, who would be the primary benefactor under this kind of system?
Please tell me you're joking.

This post is worse than anything Marx ever came up with.


Because ivory tower intellectuals are just that, over educated and underexpereinced who have the luxury of spouting bullshit all day. You get losers like Bernie Sanders who didn't have a fulltime job until he was 40 and went got into office

Denying that Cultural Marxism doesn't exist only fuether proves its existence, leftypol shill

>the working class benefit from marxism

hello peter mandelson

>Why is it that Marxist philosophy attracts intellectuals and much of the educated populace, but not so much the working class, who would be the primary benefactor under this kind of system?
NOBODY benefits from a Transition to Marxism.


ITT: Libtard commies circlejerking about the obvious benefits of communism. This board is cancer.

In the 1960s Cultural Marxist literature started to take root in American universities. Branches of social science like "Anthropology" and "Sociology" started to come about and the thought spread like wild fire. If one understands what Cultural Marxism is, it's very evident to see how embedded it is in our universities and colleges. Even here in Australia.
In regards to the phenomenon, In my own "harsh" opinion these people are just practising elitism. Snobs if you will. Look at the rise of Donald Trump. The man has garnered a lot of working class support. It's observable just how arrogant liberals are, because the replies to this are:
>They didn't go to my fancy university
>We know what's best for them
>I know what they need because I'm educated
(Obviously paraphrasing, but you get the point)
Who said class warfare is dead haha?

You got no idea boy lol

Liberals are capitalists

Sincerely, a communist

Boy that revolutionary propaganda is mighty scary user

>One of Marx's biggest ideas was the fact that capitalists have conflicting interests with workers.

Yeah, but you see that's really not saying anything substantive because most people have conflicting interests with each other regardless of what socioeconomic strata they are a part of.

The fundamental distinction of class as some sort of ant community where everyone shares the same interests is puerile and facile.

champagne socialism

nice strawmen

>killing infants
oooh the children fallacy

>Why is it that Marxist philosophy attracts intellectuals and much of the educated populace

As a man of the working class, I would appreciate if the middle class pussies and their fancy college "education" would stop telling me what is best for myself, stop attempting to speak on my behalf and kindly fuck off back to their Ivory Tower

Here is an idea. Drop your sociology major or whatever stupid shit you were going to get tens of thousands of dollars in debt for and instead get into medicine or engineering or something worth doing.

I went from working class to upper class and have always been conservative

the middle class have always been degenerate trash

How does Marx' philosophy fare after Nietzsche's overhaul of the tradition? He said many words on socialists, do those cover Marx well enough?

>I went from working class to upper class and have always been conservative
It's not even so much an issue of conservative or liberal, it's that I have no desire nor interest in these sheltered Idealists saying they represent me when I never appointed them to such a position. I have no desire for them to attempt to 'improve' my standard of living by meddling with highly intricate government and economic systems and trying to change things they have absolutely no understanding of. I further have no desire to weather to the fallout brought by the unintended consequences of their naive ideological crusade

>the middle class have always been degenerate trash
Working Class Pride!

Good meme

Marx was one of the first philosophers to inspire such widespread political and social change since Socrates or Jesus. It wouldn't be a surprise that intellectuals would want to read, study, and be a part of his philosophy.

The upper class have never liked the middle class either

Only the middle class like the middle class

You know...if Marx meant the middle class when he spoke of the Bourgeoisie and literally everybody else when he spoke of the Proletariat, perhaps his ideology was much more solid than I originally gave him credit for


Except they hated monarchy, aristocracy and upper-classes

They're called 'Champagne Socialists' in the UK

"Leftist" ideologies is what the western educational framework sells. The idea that "intellectuals" are inherently drawn to such ideas is nonsense at best.


>Is there a name for this kind of phenomenon?
bored suburbans americans who want to get back at daddy
here the people who actually studied marx are not marxists, while marxists are confined to irrelevance

It's pretty accurate.

t. Russian

Despite being a part of it. Upper class I mean.

There's something about burbs that turns people into absolute retards, the biggest anti-racists and muslim lovers always live in the suburbs without any muslims or niggers around.

Lets just forget the labor unions of the 19th and 20th century that took partial control of the means of production and insured workers' rights.

Just because communist ideology is marginalized today, doesn't mean it always was.

Have you ever tried actually reading Marx? He is the most dry and boring writer I've ever had the displeasure to struggle through.
Lenin's better, but still not something the working class is going to read.
Same for pretty much every Marxist, with the possible, partial, exception of Piketty.

Aside from that, workers want practical solutions and practical thought, not something highly theoretical that'd take an eternity to implement properly.

Note: Am very much opposed to all the Reds. May be biased.