/vhg/ - VA-11 HALL-A General

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Previous thread: >What's VA11 HALL-A?

A cyberpunk visual novel game where you are a bartender, slinging drinks to waifus.

OST: garoad.bandcamp.com/album/va-11-hall-a-second-round

Official site: waifubartending.com/
Official Devblog: blog.waifubartending.com/
Official Discord: discord.gg/AjMvbyS
Demo: kiririn51.itch.io/valhalla-bar
Steam: store.steampowered.com/app/447530/

Other urls found in this thread:


>not /dangeru/


I want /dangeru/ to leave

dangeru are for gals

We're all girls here.

who /dangeru/ here?



>previous thread at 700 posts
>starting a new one

What day is Dana's old friend suppose to show up when you give the girls the weird drink?



We were born one single lifetime too early to have our brains digitized and live for as long as we could provide ourselves with electricity. We might catch some AI waifus and augmentations at the tail end of it, but unless we're lucky enough to live into our 70s-100s without developing a degenerative brain disease linked to old age, then we're dead. We're so close to living forever, but not close enough for most of the people in this general to ever live see that day.

For those of you youngsters here, please live a healthy life so you can live to see what I can't




There's a shmup?

You need to get the PC-9X from Denton's.

I'm 20, but I feel like 60 or so years isn't going to put a Glitch City with Lilums and nanomachines on the map.

It would be interesting to be an 80 year old man and pay two Lilums to pretend to be your daughter and granddaughter to ease the pain of having wasted a lifetime of wonder.


>you will never be a qt gynoid whore
life is horrible

>>pay two Lilums to pretend to be your daughter and granddaughter to ease the pain of having wasted a lifetime of wonder
>There was a cemetery in the captcha


>still not naming it /dangeru/

Why are OP creators such fucking retards?

something tells me the guy sniped the thread just so it wouldn't be /dangeru/

the absolute madman

>mfw Dorothy dares Alma to say System Override in a sultry voice


>You will never have a drink in Valhalla


>tfw you'll never be in a comfy bar like va-11 hall-a drinking your sorrows away

bars from my experience are not really too comfy unless they have the late evening lighting and odd smell of bread.

>Shut-in neets who don't dare step outside whine about there not being a real Va-11 Hall-A.

As if you would even remotely think of going there if it was real.

I did it!

Not either of those anons but I would definitely go there to ask out that cute bartender

>neets wanting to ask out bartenders

No man she really likes me, she even said welcome when i came in.

She's a bartender. As friendly as they are you are still just a customer.


The last time I got this comfy in a game was playing Vampire The Masquerade, cool music, everything happens at night, good interaction with characters.

>tfw your average pecker will never compare to her dildos, cucumbers and "shoulder massager"


Which script file has the dialogue for Alma getting drunk and saying she would be fine with fucking Jill?

Reminder that Arma is secretly dating Fuckboy.

Aw man....

ysbyrd games is doing a poor job of bribing reviewers

Who is flatter, Jill or Big Boss?

How do I get Stella's end?

>the main bartending mechanic is tedious

I wonder if he knows the keybinds, I feel like it makes it less tedious

I'm pretty sure Stella and Sei's ends are the Fedorable Curry end.

Is there some sort of save editor out, I can't seem to get CE to work.
I just want all the money

>"Is this the most interesting part of the protagonist's life? If not, why aren't you showing it?"

Why didn't the VA-11-HALL-A's writer adhere to the #1 rule of storytelling?

Because Jill doesn't do fuck all except go to work, and be terminally lonely. This is the most interesting part.

You guys think Deal likes Betty? He is hetero and can't leave her alone and all.

Jill's life is insanely boring.

Also, read Oblomov, you cuny.

Didn't spot the new thread. So crossposting.


It is the most interesting part of her life unfortunately.

Granted the premise of this is a boring job/person in a staggeringly more vibrant and interesting environment. The juxtaposition was funny for a while, but most people are disappointed regardless because the focus was on an incredibly mundane part of the world.

Which song is playing when Jill and Boss are hanging out on the balcony?

Is Jill a Lilim?

Wait, how long to I mix for? I can't make dick

Post you're jukebox list

Normal shaking = regular mix
Rapid shaking = blend

All you need is to hit the button for a second to mix, after several seconds it'll blend.

Glad to know I'm not the only one who thought this.

I want to marry my boss!

I really want some more Kira Mika tunes.

All I need to do to get good with her and go to her concert is give her tea on both events right?

Fuck you.

I'm here to start the biggest shitposting war /dangeru/ will ever see:

Chanel 6 is best channel, all others are shit.

calm down sis

>not channel 2

anime is for nerds

bring back /cyg/

But that's not channel 1

What's the Veeky Forums equivalent of danger/u/?

Who the fuck is Anna? Who are those two girls who come into the bar that one time and mention her, and then never appear again?

/v/, though there's one thread that's pretty /k/.

I thought it was the whole site.

>What other boards, idiot?


I didn't get far in that route - I did see that there's a lot of talk about lilim acting weird around the time those people show up. I assumed Anna had something to do with it before they showed up, but I don't know how.

Do you guys remember the cutscene with the moon and then Jill sitting in the chair with her cat?

What song was playing at that scene?

Danger/u/ is a mix of /a/, /v/, and maybe a little bit of /jp/.

Would you a lilim?

transition II iirc

How is that even a question, who WOULDN'T a lilim?


Would you live in Kanyeland? Keep in mind that Kanye has a waifu robot army.

>Who the fuck is Anna?
Dorothy's guardian's real daughter who died. She had that nanomachine rejection thing which caused her to lose her arm, but was one of the

Is there even a single reason NOT to a lilim?

>and it's probably safe to assume that the only reason the lilim could see Anna was because she had fourth wall breaking video game powers by virtue of being a reference to another real life game
The stuff on Augmented Eye about liliim acting strangely was leading me to believe it was just part of the weirdness going on with them in general.

>Vibrating prehensile tongue
>Ultra flexible joints
>God knows what other upgrades exist

I'm not at my computer right now, but I just want to say that the only correct answer for slot 1 at the start of each day is Neon District.

>Implying Kanye would let people into Kanyeland

Because the entire point of the game was making the NPCs the main characters of a different story while you're just some cunt in a bar while that's all going on.

I guess this makes sense. Buffalo wings are something you'd normally serve with beer

No, why would anyone think she is?

you can, but you need to accept Kanye as your only and true savior and dispose nanomachines

>accept Kanye
>Not Yesus

i make changes every new day

>The stuff on Augmented Eye about liliim acting strangely was leading me to believe it was just part of the weirdness going on with them in general

What if Anna is a Lilim virus? Not a malicious one, but like a personified bug or something?

How do I get the idol girl drunk? I gave her the tea on both days she visited but I still can't attend the concert.

So out of curiosity I've tried emulating PC-98 version of Policenauts. Naturally there's no translation for this version but the game is hooking fairly well with ITH so you can look up runes you don't know. Or just use machine translation on the fly with Translation Aggregator (pic related).
But there are no subtitles for voiced stuff, so without moonspeak you're fucked anyway.

But yeah, can confirm it looks gorgeous compared to console ports. Time to hit books I guess.

if anyone is interested modified version of neko project emulator for texthooking (like 80% of all PC-98 VNs can be easily hooked with this and ITH):


Policenauts iso:

If you don't know what's up, don't bother. DOS knowledge is mandatory. Configuring CD-ROM games is especially bad. If you wanna get into this I'd recommend emulating some FDD/preinstalled stuff. There's plenty of cyberpunk eroge.

>No translation
Well, there's this:


It's the PSX one though, I think?

Yeah, that's PSX only. It's fine but PC-98 one looks better, has longer script, etc.

More info: