/dbdg/ - Dead by Daylight General #17

Previous Hook Trapper? Who's that? Edition

>What is Dead by Daylight?
Asymmetrical Online multiplayer. 4 survivors scramble to fix 5 generators, while 1 killer wants to sacrifice all of them

>Sounds like evolve
It's not. Survivors have to avoid the killer at all costs, whereas the killer has to hunt for them. Everyone has their own objective.

>General info
Pastebin with most questions asked: pastebin.com/DDddy4uE
Pastebin with peek at what's in the full release in terms of levels: pastebin.com/FE58REXD
Pastebin with all of the values (perks/items/whatnot): pastebin.com/vCh6gxR6

>Official site

>Video of the thread

>Latest Patch Notes (June 17 / v1.0.1)

>Update from the devs (June 21)

>Report hackers

First for M1 spam is being used incorrectly.

>All the survivor """"mains"""" on the steam forums crying about their infinite juke points getting removed

So bought the game and played a few turns.
The fucking chainsaw man makes me want to shit myself every time.

This is some fun shit right here

Jesus fucking christ nothing makes me immediately give up the idea of saving a hooked survivor faster when he starts trying to unhook himself

>Some fucking level 20 dwight with slippery meat trying to throw himself off the hook when the killer is still right fucking there

What are YOU supposed to do when meany boo beeny catches you. 20 dwight here.

>Start heading towards someone to see if I can save them
>It's pretty far away but I take my time since he has tons of bleedout time left and I don't want the killer to see me
>He fucking starts struggling
>Time cut in half
>get there just in time to see him die

>All the faggots on the steam forums begging for survive with friends and pretending it won't be OP as fuck.

I could take a team of the most retarded Dwight cunts and lead them to victory with voip. It's that fucking easy.

>rarely get caught in a trap
>even when not using small game
>when I do I can't free myself with less than 10 attempts

the fuck

Shhh, you'll summon the autismos trying to argue it won't be imbalanced from the thread before last

sit there and don't do anything
if the killer camps you spam m1 and immediately release to warn people to get on with the generators because coming after you is a one way ticket to stabsville
basically your job is to waste as much of the killer's time as possible, make him sit through your last moments to the very end because every second he's staring at you waiting for his points is a second he's not using to hunt the other players
and if he doesn't hang around then you should take as much time as possible anyway to maximise your rescue chances.

But if I sit there I get spider stabbed really fast. Am I missing something?

There's literally no argument defending it. Every fucking match will be 5 95% complete gens getting chained and if you want a kill you will HAVE to hook camp if you're the killer and manage to get anyone because the second you leave he'll report it.

It's fucking laughable how cruise the game is with any sort of communication.

this is some low rank Dwight shit right here

So playing against a wraith and he just stood in front of the hook on this player so we couldn't get him down. Now he is doing it to me, going in and out of invisibility.

This will be fixed, right? So dumb.

I doubt it. The devs will say it's fine since if the Wraith is doing that he is going to lose.

They'll probably make it so cloaking rapidly infront of a hooked person doesn't give points, however.

>if the killer camps you spam m1 and immediately release to warn people to get on with the generators

Stop spreading this fucking retardation. You can safely assume the killer is camping most of the time. Spamming M1 should be for when the killer is gone so you know to come pick him up and can be used to tell nearby survivors when is the chance to run in. Using it the way you suggests severely limits its uses

Didn't even think about the points.
What a joke.

Buff the Killer based on how many friends are queued

Point flashlight at him when he's cloaked/decloaking. Cackle as you gain an assload of points and he gets stunned for 10 years.

your hook timer is split into two halves, struggle and resist

struggle is the first half, where you can self-free by holding m1. Do not do this; every struggle makes the spider show up quicker, and you get at most 3 attempts to self-free before you lose too much health and it goes to resist. sit there and contemplate your existence, and if the killer is watching you then flip him the bird while you wait

resist is the second half; when the spider is fully formed it'll try to stab you, mash spacebar to make that not happen as quickly. you'll still die if nobody helps you, but if the killer is camping you then it's an extra 10-15 seconds he has to stare at you before he gets his tryhard points

Some perks just aren't worth getting.

How do I self free if the killer leaves me alone? Pray to RNG?

>the killer is a lagger
>your team mates dont get any generators


If you get them they never spawn again. Better to get it than ruin 2 bloodwebs with the same exact shit

Finally met GoodGuyWraith. He's a good guy.

Only try it if no one is rescuing you and you're about to enter the resist stage. Your team can use the time to get gens and possibly lure the killer away before coming for you.

Maybe they can change it so progress slowly drains from the generator.

If you skip a perk it just shows up again. Might as well get rid of the stupid thing so you can hope for something better.

your self free chance is like 5% at base, less if the killer has the perk that makes the basement hooks more powerful
if you're not good at math: the odds are shit, and if the killer is nearby he'll literally just pick your ass back up and set you back on the rack

being helped by another survivor is a 100% chance of success (unless the killer gets the drop on them, which he really, REALLY shouldn't)

You should only attempt to struggle on the hook when there's only one other person alive AND the killer is chasing them and/or they're injured which means if they try to rescue you they'll get smacked and downed straight away.

every other scenario you should wait.

You aren't gonna like the answer.

Just fucking wait.

Because, while you get no points for this and lord knows I wish you did, you distract him for a ludicrously long time if he's deciding to REALLY aggressively camp you.

Your team can start up a dickload of generators while he twiddles his thumbs and makes no goddamn effort to do anything. It's a huge shitter trap but there are so many people who just stare at the fucking hook.

It fucking sucks for you because you're almost impossible and maybe just outright not worth saving the vast majority of the time but you ARE helping.

now that's a retarded statement as others already said, it will just spawn again

not taking it will NOT increase the chance of a better one appearing on the next level
it will do the opposite

I fucking hate these people.

I lead the killer on a map wide chase and the only other fucker alive does not manage to start the ONE, SINGULAR LAST GENERATOR WE NEED. Meanwhile I get back to the generator I repaired to 80% after running the fuck away, fix it, and get out using the exit that this other dickloaf was probably just sitting at the entire time. I'm glad you didn't get a pip you piece of shit, that was the only thing you did for me.

>at the Cornfields as Hillbilly
>sacrificed dwight and ivory momento mori'ed a high rank and high level jake
>the suspiciously high level low rank jake is camping the big stone semicircle juke area but at least he isnt teabagging, unlike the faggot self healing claude I finally nailed after minutes of juke bullshit
>go back to jake who is still camping at the stone circle
>its right by the bigger juke shack, and in between them is the open hatch
>go back and fourth around this area with jake the juker for at least five minutes
>finally get him after he crept off in another direction to try and go around me
>he took down almost all my hooks, only one left is right by the hatch
>sweating and praying my iron grasp 3 is enough to hold him for this long haul across the map
>sacrifice him
>check his profile on steam since he really pissed me off, and of course he's a twitch fag
>he even adds me as a friend afterward
>"fucking faggot camping killer piece of shit"
>is what I expected him to say
>he actually apologized for having to cheese so much, which I understood since we were both caught in a shitty position
>had a nice little chat about that round before going our separate ways

can't say I've ever had that happen to me before

>Get downed
>Killer picks me up
>Just stands there, can't wiggle, he's not moving at all
So... this is a glitch right?

being camped on the hook should get you Distraction points under Altruism. Soften the blow for being taken completely out of the game for 45 seconds at a time for the benefit of people who will in no way thank you (partially because they literally can't).

once survivors get nerfed and they can't dc anymore without losing pip or some other stupid shit then survivor player amount will plummet and killers will abuse lag and most people will be playing killer instead
and everyone will complain - again
showing pings will not help either since they can just start downloading something once the match has already started

Yep, I had it happen to me twice as I scooped them up out of the hatch.


.. seriously?

>face off agaisnt 2 rank 1 claudettes with self heal
>other 2 are rank 19 megs with sprint
>im trapper

>i'm the best killer

if you had have said I'm Wraith or Hillbilly i would understand.

I've gone by it too long man I can't change now

I've played Trapper to about level 14, Hillbilly to 17. Never once have I had this happen on either of them.

I've played Wraith to level 4. I've had it happen SIX times on him.

Also, it's never once happened in private games with all friends.

Don't bother with Wraith for now. Report the bug and play someone else. It really sucks because Wraith is my favorite.


That shit happened to me so often on the Wraith that I just stopped playing him altogether.

For a game that's all about spooking, trapping, and outsmarting, the ranking system has really made this game pretty god damn predictable. What is even the point of reaching 1 at this point?

what does that change

they would have an even harder time

Nth for bullying wraiths

One of those windows is a great juke point against wraith. He can't round the door before you can jump through it again and if he tries it himself you can loop around before he can catch you.

what a visceral video game experience

Does it get ANY better if I go up in rank? Because I want to bother saving people but when the guy in 2nd point basically has 3600 points why even bother

>trapper is good

this meme needs to stop

dude if you see some shitter who's doing nothing and just waiting to get gated or for the hatch, fuck that guy

otherwise yea, be a good noodle

Trapper is by far the best unless the survivor(s) have Small Game+Saboteur, in which case Hillbilly is the best by default because Wraith is awful.

Ship has sailed, time to get over it.

>wraith is awful

this meme needs to stop

>win game by surviving
>get a pip, I think
>win next game by surviving
>the thing I thought was a pip is gone


Do all the best players play as Claudette?

Wraith has no mechanics to deal with fleeing survivors at a time where the survivors can outrun and out-vault the Killer infinitely

>the other guys blows the skill check
>start to walk away
>the killer has come straight for me

Fuck him. He was playing Dwight. Typical.

>needing crutches when you can outrun your prey

I can juke hillbillies and trappers all day because all the same and when the trapper goes get another trap I sabotage the previous one and he probably had no more traps left at that point anyway

>Finally make it to rank 1 survivor
>Literally every killer dodges when I enter their lobby

What was the point

>fixing a generator
>see a gray silhouette of a fellow survivor off in the distance
>close behind him is the silhouette of the hillbilly with his chainsaw held high
>they keep going back and fourth like some scooby doo chase for as long as it takes me to fix the generator

Can someone please explain how the pips work.
How do you gain and lose them as survivor?

Wraith is simply a gimped hillbilly/trapper in a chase so i don't see what that has to do with anything.

and i literally just said trapper is worse than billy if he's up against Saboteur/Small game

Get 10,000 points, you get a pip.

Don't get 10,000 points, you lose a pip.

The game's a score attack. So if you fix three generators, open a door and also either sabotage a bunch of hooks or stun the killer a bunch of times, you max out Boldness and Objectives. This will get you a pip.

If you have a perk like no one left behind and you suicide to save someone you can get like an easy 3000+ points which will still level you up as long as you were doing shit.

The killer has the same system, but the way he gets points are incredibly fucking goofy and stupid compared to the survivors. You can get a pip with one kill as long as the game was scooby-doo clown fiesta or you can sacrifice three people and not rank up.

>chasing as wraith
>not outjuking survivors or just leaving if they start doing some shit

>spectating this game
>all three of them are blowing skill checks left and right

Jesus H Christ.
The skill checks are so easy.

Thought you got pips for, you know, winning?

Dwight is played by complete retards. Generator blowers and people who block the juke points and generally sabotage the team.

Jake is played by mostly competent people, but nothing special.

Meg players are the best at getting generators and completing the objectives.

Claudette is the best at helping people and evading the killer.

pips are hearthstone stars
if you get enough points to be the equivalent of 2 full point breakdown circles, 1 pip
if you get enough points to fill all four breakdown circles, 2 pips
get enough pips to rank up

ranking up does literally nothing except stigmatize you, because higher ranked players are more likely to ragequit when things don't go perfectly to plan because m-muh rank
but it's basically a measure of consistent quality; even if you lose, if you do a good job, you get pips for your effort
now if only rank actually meant anything other than an on sight 'chance to be a salty disconnect baby' indicator

>survivor reaches infinite juke spot
>leave to find someone else
>previous survivor starts fixing a generator and whoever you find wanders over to their local juke spot as you take 8 years to uncloak.

m8 i can wipe survivors as wraith but playing against shitters means nothing, against self heal and/or sprint bursters the wraith can find people but he can't catch them. At least at this stage basically no one is taking Small Game and many people have leveled up Meg and Claudette up over Jake so Trapper is currently safe.

Fuck no.

Winning HELPS you get pips because it's an automatic 5000 for escaping. But a combination of fixing generators / helping people / fucking with the killer will give you pips as well, even if you GET LEFT TO DIE AFTER YOU WORK SO FUCKING HARD FUCK YOU DWIGHT

It just takes more effort.

>Sneaky cheeki breeki into basement closet
>Killer hooks someone down there
>They proceed to stand in the basement the entire fucking time while I sit in the closet

just take no one escapes death and get them when they bm you at the end
also you dont need to kill to win

>run from killer
>he's right on your ass
>slam a pallet in front of his gay face
>he has teleported on your side unstunned


Should I just ignore survivors who have a really good unbeatable vault spot instead of chasing them like a fool?

>Exploiting wraithfags
Get cancer please.

if it's the end of the game with the last survivor you can farm points by chasing

otherwise you should just leave

Always the other way around for me. I stand still on one side and throw it down, not even hoping for a stun really, just wanting a slight setback for the killer, and my character goes to the other side for no reason.

So it's impossible to actually get both pips in a game right?

This is seriously dumb how they can just run around and vault over everything.

What the fuck, balance this shit pls

It's possible but it probably won't happen unless it's a very long game and you do a lot of everything. Run from the killer for several minutes, help people off hooks and heal them, do several generators/doors and survive.

mfw we get a Wraith that leaves us on the ground to farm points/let us farm points from the revives/downs and only hooks one guy right at the end while everyone else escapes

you'll always be the winner in my heart, senpai

>Lose a pip just because some faggot d/c.
So fucking annoying. Either the person who d/c should lose a pip or fucking everyone else still in the game is awarded 1500 points because that person was a faggot, or both.
No. You need atleast 5k in each category

I got really close earlier, maxed everything but objectives, I had to bail because the only other person alive was on his shoulder, I was at the gate and he was chasing me.

You basically need to get lucky and get a killer who doesn't camp hooks super hard so you can save/heal/co-op with people, escape without dying and lead the killer on a long ass chase/stun him a few times/sabotage shit while also fixing minimum three-four generators and opening a door.

Basically be Jake and have a map so you get points for scouting, and get lucky. Only real shot.

Maybe I'm missing something but is it literally impossible to win as Killer sometimes?

I am doing kinda of good, get a kill, then meet this Claudette.
Chase her and stab the fuck out of her, she vaults out a window and runs around after I follow her.
She vaults through again and this time I dont chase and she camps this fucking vault.

It's fucking ridiculous the level design in this game sometimes, man.

Do not even get me started on the hatches.
If you do well enough to get 3 of the 4, they shouldn't have a chance to insta-win and ruin it.

The worst thing about the hatches is that I don't think they spawn randomly, there are set potential spawn points on each map.

So anyone savvy (or if they just looked at the guides) can basically run laps around the points once the hatch is ready.

I've been doing it pretty consistently, just had two in a row.

Map with red twine+black silk and saboteur is a guaranteed 23,000, then you just need to get an unhook and some healing in and you're golden.

The game is horribly imbalanced in favour of survivors. If they know what they are doing they will win, period.

>No. You need atleast 5k in each category

No, that's not enough, you need at least 26k.

Yeah, and the sad truth is, that claud who's just jumping over everything and self healing every time you slightly hit her, will probably just rage quit if you down her.

>fuck up infinijuke spot for some reason

not going to be a good day today
though the first time another survivor was there but fuck me that spot seemed somehow off that time, I've infinijuked there before just fine but the placing this time on the farm was gay with clutter near it

>Dwight is shit guys
>team perks in a team game?
>good luck with working with randoms

guess ill just enjoy being able to see teammates from 36 meters away and fixing generators in under 10 seconds with someone who was already on it, but hey i guess meg gets to run kinda fast so shes absolutely stellar. queen niggra is broken as fuck tho and only downy babies play her

i dont approve of jake players, but they arent total fucking monkeys

>team game

teamplay is optional, the main goal is to survive

>5000 points directed to helping teammates
>thinks doing 5 gennies on his own to get out of the fun zone for the other 5000 is the main goal
im laffin

>Guy takes you off a hook
>Body blocks you straight into a trap, because as the full health person, he needs the path of least resistance to safety
This game is filled to the 9's with retards.

>Ending up with players who facilitate the need for you to do 5 generators

I don't think they would have managed even if Dwight's perks were twice as strong