League of Legends General - /lolg/

Remember, PUNCH is the best outplay.

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Ask an autistic Jax main with 800k points anything

Rate and hate

Gold 3 from Gold 5 in 2 days.

>paranautical activity
didnt that game get taken off of steam because the dev threatened to kill gabe newell?

Best Jax skin?
How do you deal with Jax late game?

xth for lamias are the best

Do you comprehend how logical flow in a discussion works?

>Playing Mid
>Enemy Sol is being obnxious and is pushed right underneath my tower just AAing me shit
>My Nidalee never comes and just shits on the kid

Jesus christ, I don't even like blaming the jungler but come on man.

Xth for KAtarina
best girl

As long as we're still on cass/lamia's, anyone know a good lamia artist?
>implying you're good canastus

>implying you'll find ANYONE else willing to even draw her
good luck with that, cuck

Search Miia.

I only got 200k Jax points.

Do you prefer BorK over Gunblade? I pref Gunblade but I've seen Challenger Jax players and LCS pros go BorK

placem! :0


her sister is better


There's some much shit miia fan art though. Guess I'll just sift through it all manually. Thanks anyway.


PAX is top tier but I don't have it

Don't get baited out by his E, Jax excels in extended teamfights so blow him up ASAP as long as they don't have any other fed carries

It honestly depends on your build

I like bork trinity full tank but gunblade is better with a more damage focused build (the 15% obviously heals more if you deal more damage). Honestly it doesn't matter too much but I prefer bork for the extra AS.

Am I the only one whose favorite is cloud drake?

streaming one more game


let me make this game gay again.

What's up with Yasuo top?

>three games in a row some shitter lane that isn't mine feeds so hard the enemy just solo carries

Because of the adc meta my dude

Yes, it's near universally considered shit.

What do you hope for out of the Yorick, Warwick and Rammus reworks?

I like it when I play Janna.

Vayne can't aim a crossbow when she's furiously orgasming because of blood magic.

I think that Warwick should be reworked into a adc

Why are so certain about it? Maybe she was praticing it

All crash and burn. Everything continues to go down hill till riot makes all the champions and runes free to try and get the players back.

>Mfw yurifags got BTFO today

Kenkou Cross
Kanemaki Thomas
Camel If you like vore

It's not my favorite but I love it, going fast is great. Earth Drake is my favorite.

Zawa See above

>get back to lane faster
>splitpush side lanes faster
>run around to flank faster
maybe its just because I play tanks

I fucked up that post but whatever.

Vayne is shit

with 1 cloud drake you get back to mid lane from base .9 seconds faster its really good!

15 movementspeed out of combat really ain't shit. You can get the explorer mastery in utility tree at second tier and you get just as much movementspeed in the river. That's how bad it is.

>cloud drake
>movespeed mastery
>on janna


>mfw CertainlyT is put on Morde's update A SECOND TIME

I want Trundle to beat me up with the club between his legs!

I never said it was superb, just that its nice having. I would let my support die for it is all I'm saying.

why do riot keep putting rings on everything

>tfw you accidentally posted in the old bread

Wanted, a fun champion.
Points if it can flex, since earning IP as a new player is a bitch.
>casually play top, jungle, mid

That's actually some good insight, I typically go Trinity+Gunblade into full tank with maybe a Sterak's, only going for more greedy damage items if I'm fed. I'll try going BorK more often when I go tankier builds. Thanks senpai

what you guys think about cloud drake being
>25/50/75 MS out of combat?
is it too broken?

they're cool

Holy crap, if this was ever made, I'd main Jax so fast.

so you can hang up your weapon on a hook or tie things to it you silly

kayle in every slot is only 450ip
karma/lulu are flexed in 3 lanes as well

ekko and fizz can go top mid and jungle
diana can go mid and jungle
lissandra can go mid and top

its still shit, because movement speed has a soft cap

riot is retarded


is tank ekko still decent for my level of play? unranked but I assume I'm bronze-silver since that's what I get paired against in normals

a lot of times my teams don't have tanks

someone frickin' make a vg vs vg on na please

it's still his highest win rate build for top lane

post mains and rate others

Your support has more gold value than 15 movementspeed objectively speaking. Level 1 boots cost 300 gold and give 25 movementspeed in and out of combat.

if it was 15 movementspeed inside and outside of combat, then it would be worth 180 gold. But now it's only out of combat, making it worth even less.

Mobi boots give 90 out of combat movement speed for 600 gold. (not counting the level 1 boots movementspeed or gold value) if you are to go off that, 15 movementspeed out of combat is worth 100 gold.

>kill Dawngate
>slowly steal its aesthetic

Gangplank can be played at top or mid with same levels of success cause of his global ulti.
He's one of the more difficult champs but fun and rewarding.

post more sneks in here

>Kill dawngate
>hire 40k writers

Too bad that players thinking something is shit doesn't actually mean it is good.
>it only saves 2 seconds when running between lanes
Almost every game has at least one objective contest that is decided by someone arriving 2 seconds too late. I'd say it happens just about as often as a fight being decided by 4-6% damage in a team fight as opposed to the much more common situation of someone getting out of position or getting hit by a skillshot that just nukes their hp bar with 20% overkill.

Riot should just bring back mobility from S5

Can you explain the soft cap?
I've always thought that movement speed is the best stat in league, have I just been wrong this whole time?

Draaaaaaaaaaven! (is best guy)

EA killed dawngate because it didnt murder league while still in its infancy.

It's less than half a second between lanes, assuming you start out of combat when you leave the lane (i.e. weren't clearing minions or fighting)

it has diminishing returns
after 415 ms every increase is only 80% effective
then after 490 every increase is 50% effective

But how do you practice for an orgasm this intense while looking at a man like this?

Past X amount of movespeed any more additional movespeed is reduced by 20%

So if you have, I think it's 400, and you gain 25 movespeed, you actually only gain 20.

I want to fuck his brother in front of him

Make the movespeed bonus a permanent bonus, unaffected by battle or the like. Maybe then people will finally start considering it worth their time to secure cloud drake.

it is still a great stat, the first soft cap doesn't do too much and while the second soft cap is pretty beefy, it only occurs at truly absurd ms levels and even then more movespeed is always really good. At those levels of movespeed it's basically impossible for you to be hit with skillshots and your global presence feels like you have tp.

xth for Cute Vi

Punch Edition

nice try user

Quinn can go literally anywhere but support

I try to take every single Dragon on principle. A dragon we have is a Dragon that the enemy doesn't.

Can you explain the soft cap?
I've always thought that movement speed is the best stat in league, have I just been wrong this whole time?

For what purpose?


riot said they wanted to keep it in the game because it encourages rotations and group pushes, so why not have
5/10/15 ms for each nearby allied champion?

>Quinn can go literally anywhere but support
>high base damages
>the q blind
>her w stops channels
quinn support is FREELO

To get him riled up and jealous of course.


That's a little mean, why do you think he would get jealous of you?


>Teemo has Blind
>Decent base damages
>Shrooms can control objectives and prevent ganks, as well as provide vision
Holy shit...Teemo support is LITERALLY freelo

they where listening to beyonce when making the champs.

>If you like it then you should've [put a ring on it



>Taliyah on my team dies 18 times
You expect that kind of crap out of they Yis and Yasuos only.

I love Lissandra!

Get this

Fizz is deleted
Singed gets Fizz passive

>Fluffy ears

You don't love Lissandra.

You don't love Lissandra at all.

Lee sin can go top and mid

deep terror thresh is GOAT

a good heimer is scary

>look up to LoL lewds
>its all rape, ntr bullshit, no pure love between two champions


Yes I do

LAS is best server!!!

Lack of bruisers but you have Fizz

2/10 see me after class.

havent played lel in a few years

how dead are we

How you make these

Hello newfriend.

Go to eyesongive.us and click Wallpaper generator