>Buy mmo gold from chinese website with stolen cc
>Re-sell slightly cheaper for BTC
Voila. Free $1000/day
>Buy mmo gold from chinese website with stolen cc
>Re-sell slightly cheaper for BTC
Voila. Free $1000/day
i have access to cc info which can't be traced back to me
So does everyone
xD good meme my friend
where can i up vote this thread
Bump why isn't everyone doing this
Bad flipping rates, little business and dirty work. Dont bother with this if you live in a first world country.
>fake and gay
Wut there's tons
It's risk free and unironically isn't bad at all
theres always risk when doing illegal shit user, dont think like a nigger.
Doing criminal shit seems like a good idea, until you're spending 5 years in prison, your stolen goods confiscated, unable to earn money, so you come out at a net loss.
Not to mention prison sucks
Why do people keep posting this? Is it just the same guy who just went on babby's first dw trip?
Your question is the same as the other ones. Buy bitcoin with cc, by mmo currency with cc, buy shit from amazon with cc, etc.
You are the millionth person to post this, just go try it and report back so we can all learn from your buttpounding.
What risk? What possible risk is there?
If you're using a vpn how could anything POSSIBLY happen? There's simply no open hole where you can get caught stop being a paranoid autist
Elaborate. Give me a scenario of how you get caught
Stop being a risk averse pussy and actually think through it, I don't do this because I'm not a nigger but there is really nothing that could happen
This literally never happens stop talking out of your ass
>VPN provider giving you up
>Who/however you sell your bitcoins gives you up
>Why is user making all these 5k deposits at his bank when he has no job?
And so many more.
You think VPNs are bulletproof? Please go fucking do this. Come back and post here using your VPN to boast about your illegitimate riches.
If it wasn't obvious from how you think the chinese/bitcoin sellers/etc. Aren't prepared for this, at least now we have official confirmation of what an underage rper you are by how safe you think you'll be.
Go fucking do it and prove us wrong, post results. No excuses faggot.
kek, you'll never get anywhere if you can't see how this will go wrong
Anons arent the ones talking out of their ass if you think the process of flipping mmo gold is even remotly worth the amount of scammers and shit you wade through. Unless you are from a third world country.
Now let me repeat, i don't do this. But let's say hypothetically.
>>VPN provider giving you up
My VPN provider is located in Germany, speaks broken English and only accepts BTC. he has no info on me other than the IP address (if he even records it) I used to register my account and what I paid.
Which, I used another VPN when i was making the account. and that VPN I signed up to using a public wifi network at mcdonalds.
>>Who/however you sell your bitcoins gives you up
Let's say I HYPOTHETICALLY, exchanged certain services to obtain those bitcoins (as in no link to me physically), and the others i bought via localbitcoins wearing a hat and sunglasses in generic clothing in a part of the city where I have never been to before/ever go to.
>>Why is user making all these 5k deposits at his bank when he has no job?
What if I HYPOTHETICALLY, had a job, and had a couple side projects that brought in money but I could easily forge the books on them.
What if, I hypothetically instead of transferring that BTC to a bank account I converted it to gift cards which I used to purchase general needs items?
>You think VPNs are bulletproof?
Explain how they're not.
>not having an education
>not being a wealthy, successful individual
Life being a degenerate sounds nice, your hands will be cut off on the new Clinton regime, theif.
>kek, you'll never get anywhere if you can't see how this will go wrong
Because you people can't explain.
Explain how you could get caught doing this, I don't do this because I'm not a nigger and I make money legally that I can be proud of but I was just reading through the thread and you guys are spewing shit. And I just think it's completely stupid. Yes OP or anyone else who does this may be a piece of shit, but he's not about to get 'buttfucked in prison' for this.
>being this tech illerterite
You don't even deserve to have someone explain that to you. The fact that you think you are safe using a proprietary VPN gave me joy. You're 100% getting caught, idiot.
>this is the intelligence of a person who shitposts about how he doesn't need an education
>Proprietary vpn
What? OpenVPN is completely opensource. You can host your own vpn if you wanted to, it isn't hard
go ahead, explain it
Here you go
Oh wait, you're using a commercial vpn on a public wifi network, on an "anonymous" website, on YOUR personal computing device.
There's NO way that can be traced to you.
:^) oh boy, I hope you get caught
Reminder that the FBI has successfully hacked many Tor hidden services and caught many pedos that visit them.
And Tor is about 10x more secure than a VPN.
>you're using a commercial vpn
What the fuck does that even mean? You know openvpn is opensource right?
>And Tor is about 10x more secure than a VPN.
Not the exit nodes
>is opensource xDDD
Wow the other anons are right, you are fucking retarded
Enjoy Federal Prison you nigger
what is retarded about it? What is your image suppose to be proving exactly?
it's completely opensource and you can run your own vpn. i don't see what that image is suppose to be showing me
>Not the exit nodes
You can see the traffic that passes through exit nodes, but you can also see the traffic that passes through a VPN.
You can't see where the traffic is coming from with Tor from the exit but you can see where the traffic is coming from with a VPN.
=> VPNs suck compared to Tor
>but you can also see the traffic that passes through a VPN
How could you? It's encrypted until it gets to its destination, the VPN Provider can't intercept the packets mid-stream
But they can see the traffic as it exits the VPN server and heads towards the web/game/whatever server.
The same as with an exit relay.
How could they see it if it's already at the destination? Provide source pls because I don't think that's how it works.
Also what if you were to chain it a proxy?
Here, I drew you a picture.
There is always an end point that can see your traffic.
I don't believe that's the case if the data is encrypted with HTTPS
if it's unencrypted then sure they could I suppose, but just install HTTPS everywhere and that isn't a problem
Exactly the same with Tor.
Also HTTPS everywhere doesn't make every site use HTTPS, just some that it's preprogrammed to.
It cannot make sites that don't have HTTPS enabled enable HTTPS.
>Also HTTPS everywhere doesn't make every site use HTTPS, just some that it's preprogrammed to
Yeah I know.
But SSL certs are free nowadays and almost every website worth going to has it. I don't even go to sites that don't use SSL unless they're like a blog that doesn't need it
free SSL certs
Are you using vpn now, while admitting your crimes?
>mfw user goes from flipping WoW gold to getting flipped over in prison
>not going off grid and living in a van
>not using tails on 4 different laptops
>not traveling from city to city committing grand credit card fraud at different wifi hotspots
>not, not getting caught by covering your face and withdrawing as much as possible from your bitcoin credit card that you stole the identity to maintain in a different city every day.
Do you not want to retire in taiwan with 3 million dollars at 23?
tips fedora
very clever, too bad no one does this
wow dude. there's no more anonymity on the internet unless you are very well-versed in data networking and network security.
>I use a vpn so I'm completely anonymous
come on bros this is just sad.
None that you know of.. think about it, all it takes is a plasti wrapped van with a couple stolen and replaced license plates, change out each state and ride a bike to each atm with the van parked out of cam range. Hold, 10 different cards and flood inconsisten amounts into each. Empty atm's across the city, out of range, then move on and repeat after a couple weeks of waiting.
The plates idea is fuckin stupid dog.
Hope you like getting dicked by the feds, op
Oddly, in Australia, if you declare your gains on your tax return yearly and pay the tax on those gains there would be no questions regarding the deposits.
The Australian taxation system allows you to declare your occupation as Hitman, Prostitue, Drug Dealer and a few other nefarius vocational choices. Even going as far as to provide help on deductibles for those occupations in the government provided software for lodging the return.
Australia - The more you know...
You're kidding, right?
Sounds like a trap
Privacy laws prevent government departments from sharing. They have been challenged in the past and anything discovered via the ATO has been thrown out.
That said, if you don't pay your taxes, the ATO is pushed to take the maximum penalty for each offense. $10,000+ and 12 years in prison for each year. You may be a professional Hitman, but you'll do time for tax evasion.
I'll add that it gets a bit weird when it gets in to organised crime.
Drug dealers for example there is a provision where any income above 10,000 needs to be registered for GST. GST makes provisions for the same 'cottage industries' but you would not be able to run a company. Your 'employees' would have to be sub contractors, that may or may not be GST registered. In the event that they are not you would retain 25% of their payments. But in doing so you would be compliant.
>there is a provision where any income above 10,000 needs to be registered for GST
it's like 70k
True. I missed a 0.