League of Legends General /lolg/

Giantess Nami Soon Edition

Old Thread eyosongive.us

xth for Sarah, best girl.

TSM was a misclick away from losing that series. They were getting out scaled hard.

Xth for Sarah, Tahm's Girl

>all this professionalism and production value for such a shitty esport

I don't know how you idiots do it. This is worse than HotS to watch.

>Outscaling a Swain and Azir

>only plays Lucian
Seriously, they need to just ban Lucian and everyone will see how shit he really is.


Hello again Niels.

nothing is worse than watching hots

even when i was playing hots for months straight the esports was so unwatchable

>nrg vs P1 on nalcs2
oh boy! I can't wait to watch the two retards fight in the schoolyard!

Echo fox deserved to lose the third game.

>Hard gets a quadra on reksai
>Builds the anti-crit armor item vs armorpen build lucian as the only AD damage
>Builds fucking spirit visage when your support is zyra and you're vs 4 AP
>Tunnels back into his death and throws the game

The only reason echo fox had a chance this series was because froggen and kfo were trying to 2v5


>ganking rumble

are you le serious

go away giraffes

>Has a world class adc
>It's do or die time
>Decides to keep on using the sub who was useless last game

I don't know how much longer I can support this fucking team

Huni getting babysat like always.

Else he plays like a Bronzie.

Are you sure it's not just because you're familiar with LoL players and teams?

I played ~500 LoL games from 2011-2013 with friends so I'm not completely unfamiliar with this game but I don't know anything about the personalities. This game is a bore.

I know ">opinions" but as an outsider this is one of the worst games to spectate. It's CSing for 15 mintues and then a team fight or two to determine who will inevitably win the game with the same champions that Riot chose to cycle this month as the top tier champions. It feels like there's no actual strategy or variation at all to this game.

At least HotS has some action.



>That misclick by Hard

Holy fuck that's up there with the Ryu/Faker 1v1. This is what he's always going to be remembered for.

piglet is even worse, dont kid yourself gook dick sucker

i actually dont have a favorite team and i only care about maybe 3 players. And I say that from watching lol esports sense end of s3

>Wanting kids
Fuck that. Also Miss Fortune is going to be eaten by Tahm eventually.

why did they give nami massive breasts?

fish/mermaid dont need them. does riot think their designs through?



Swain was getting dicked by Irelia in the 1v1 once he finished Wits End and Cass scales just as hard as Azir does with far better pick potential.

TSM got out drafted this series straight up


Have you tried getting into Dota just as a spectator? If you're looking for entertainment it far surpasses LoL.

I'd tell her to fuck off with the waifu shit, too. Not that I care to make a name for my autistic ass, but please, do fuck off, I played her first.

Not that guy, but I learned a lot about DOTA to be able to watch it, but tp scrolls piss me off. Map location basically doesn't matter half the time.

>mfw I report any player that says "ez" in chat
>tfw at least a dozen have been banned or muted

toxic players are too damn easy

>Implying Dota doesn't look like Picasso had Parkinson no matter what

>Fuck that. Also Miss Fortune is going to be eaten by Tahm eventually.
Literally 0 lore supports this. Hell even Tahm's dialogue, which is a fucking novel, only has an antagonistic quip about her hat and an offer she'd never take.

Right here, brah.
>not wanting kids
Don't you want to pass on your genetic material that was handed to you from countless eons ago? Don't you want to continue your family name and leave behind a legacy?

I do too but have only gotten a single person to face any sort of punishment.

You're actually the first person I've seen that complains about TP scrolls haha

I know it looks like bullshit but it's far more difficult and nuanced than it appears. It's hard to understand this if you haven't played the game.

You're just unfamiliar with the game. Every MOBA looks bad if you don't know anything about it.

If he kills them in the first place, what's the point in trying to internet them to death?

>Not wanting kids

Look at him, look at him and laugh.

>Fenix will never ward either of the mid lane bushes

ive tuned into the finals/some games here and there, ill have to do it more. Need something other than lol and csgo

>Don't you want to pass on your genetic material that was handed to you from countless eons ago? Don't you want to continue your family name and leave behind a legacy?
God no, why would I want that?

There actually is an implication that she may have made a deal with him for her to be able to overthrow Gangplank and take over Bilgewater with her kissing the statue of him before the Harrowing fights take off.

>Every MOBA looks bad if you don't know anything about it
Whatever lets you sleep at night

Xth for an actual good and interesting ship.

>tfw no Vlad today

>talicuck avatar poster admits his inferior genetic seed doesn't deserve to be passed on
Thanks god.

LoL feels like golf after you're able to enjoy spectating Dota 2.

>Actually arguing that LoL looks better than Dota 2

Please stop

>implying there's anything wrong with that


What the fuck happened to CLG? They keep going on and on about
but they suck now. They were the king last season with strong map control and a devastating top/jungler. But this season their top looks like shit and they get outplayed all around the map.

What went wrong?

right here! XD

Post one champion you'd:

1. Get drunk with.
2. Have as a one-night-stand.
3. Have a long-term relationship with.
4. Have a friendly fistfight with.
5. Straight-up punch in the face.
6. Show how to play League and make them play their own character.

(INB4: Waifu in all the positive ones. Try no to do that.)

But my main mids are Annie and Morgana

The fantasy of knocking a bitch up is great. Actually having to be bothered with kids not so much.

>Thinks Dota 2 actually looks good
I never knew so much autism existed. Hopefully you don't pass on your memer genes.

who the fuck cares about which champion you play like holy shit fuck off

>rivals without any mentions in lore whatsoever
>good and interesting

Swain is still the bigger presence in teamfights since Irelia can't do anything unless she flanks.

But yeah TSM just outplayed them at the end through raw skill.

reddit is that way my friend

1. Azir
2. Vi
3. Quinn
4. Graves
5. Lebalanced
6. Zed

I would marry Lux and make her a happy woman.

Huhi's shttiness can no longer be contained.

Stixxay was simply overperforming and has shown zero ability to reliably carry when called upon.

Darshan and Aphro are playing at the god status they were to cover up the latter two.

That combined with the fact NA is stupid competitive this split and you've got this result

everyone else got better

Wait, what happened to Piglet?
Did he get benched?

>Delusions of a Self-Absorbed Narcissist: The Post

Basically the old lore started something about Vayne getting involved in the Black Rose and it was a major cockblock when they discontinued and retconned it.

Hopefully the new lore will continue the line, needless to say anything involving Black rose is top notch.

Fabbbyyy is literary a one trick pony who can only Ashe arrow. I liked him last week, but it's clear now that he has no champion diversity in the LCS and no mechanical skill to rival other adcs in the LCS.

Is that why Riot decided to copy Dota 2's art style with themap change?



i've been telling people to collect freelo because he's overbuffed

and now you're seeing it in pro play

Thing is TSM couldn't start a teamfight with the fucking absurd amount of disengage EF's comp brought in Cass/Zyra/Jhin. They've let some disgusting comps through the past couple of series that they've managed to win by sheer outmacro which is nice but what happens when they rematch C9/IMT again?

Loco wants to give Fabbbyyy more LCS experience, but thinks that should come at the cost of the team.
I could understand putting Fabbbyyy for the first game, but not putting him after the loss is just dumb.

>Stixxay was simply overperforming and has shown zero ability to reliably carry when called upon.
Hi Doublelift.

no matter how many times tristana gets picked
/lolg/ would rather trust in memes and call her shit

>Get drunk with
Braum seems like the coolest mother fucker to hang with.

Assuming it's not lethal, Ahri. She's pretty much the most sexually experienced girl in the game (excluding possibly Evelynn but I'm not a masochist), so I'd get more bang for my buck if you catch my drift.

Caitlyn is probably the only correct answer for this. Human, mentally stable, has a stable job, well liked by community, no major nemesis (aside from Jinx who is mostly an annoyance), etc. etc.

>Punch in the face
Aurelion Sol, just so I can add "punched a celestial space dragon" to my resume.

>Show how to play League with
Riven would probably be the most amusing.

>that image
Am I wrong to assume that the first statement is false?
>see something in pro play
>OMG GUYS OP/OVERBUFFED/'other reason'
Yorick and Shaco was picked in proplay once, does that mean they're feelo and overbuffed?

I agree with you though. TSM's drafts have been poor lately and they have been relying on pure skill to win their games, although I don't think they'll have a problem with c9. It's a worrying trend.

fabbbyyy is a manlet

>Implying old games shouldn't upgrade their graphics
>Implying Dota2's map is as complex as LoL's
>Implying anyone would want to copy Dota 2's game and art style

You can jerk off your Dota 2 superiority in your shitty threads. If you want to stay here kys

>6.Morgana ?

Why is braum so braindead and overloaded

Miss Fortune

>1. Get drunk with.
Sorry, not a degenerate who derives pleasure in debauchery.
>2. Have as a one-night-stand.
Again, not a degenerate. Sexual relations should be reserved for the marriage bed.
>3. Have a long-term relationship with.
>4. Have a friendly fistfight with.
>5. Straight-up punch in the face.
No one.
>6. Show how to play League and make them play their own character.

jax or nasus
i have no idea, maybe braum?
no idea

>stormraiders viktor
is this a thing

uh no

but when rumble got buffed literally 4 times in a row

and then when all his core items got buffed

then you can say a champion got overbuffed. remember how they gutted his ult cooldown a while back? now with all the ambient CDR you get, it actually has a lower cooldown than ever in most cases. his winrate has been trending upward for patches now.

why are you so mad i'm telling you about freelo?

>throwing punches, even playful ones, at a pure maiden

Exactly what I was trying to avoid :^)
At least it was worth a shot mentioning it.

>Not wanting kids is narcissism
I don't like children and do not believe that I would be fit to be any child's parent. That's not narcissism, that's being reasonable. One of the problems in the world particularly among Black people is that people that are clearly unprepared or otherwise unfit to be parents are allowed to have children anyway.

Braum is not overloaded in any way, shape, or form.

He's not wrong. But he's also only half right.

Stixxay got way too much credit for things his team did for him. (CLG sending top, mid, and jungle to gank for him and Aphro during spring finals comes to mind)

But at the same time, Stixxay is really good at using the resources given to him to it's maximum efficiency. But now him and Aphro get shit on (Sneaky and Smoothie most notably) when they have to fend for themselves in standard lanes.

Yeah, synergy only goes so far in making up for CLG's inferior mechanical skill. What did people think would happen when other teams started to develop that synergy? TSM being the most notable example.

>punching a women


I really hope they gut Jhin soon.

>>Implying Dota2's map is as complex as LoL's

too obvious

She isn't shit, but I really don't think she has any reason to be picked over other adcs in pro play besides taking towers early. I wish they buffed her attack speed per level a bit.

No fuck you deal with it.

her q and e will never reset each other again :^(

Im a ADC main and I've never thought Braum to be a burden.

Haha. Funny

Explain the bullshit passive, if you get hit by a Q or an auto, youre 90% dead if the adc isnt retarded to auto.

Explain me his bullshit shield were he can soak so much damage with 0 manacosts.

Explain me the bullshit mobility

I'm an ADC main and how the fuck do you think this.

Stixxay is competent - that is all I will say about him.

When he 'carries' it's always when CLG is doing well and have a strong frontline so he can stay back with safe picks like Cait and poke all day or that he's been fed a bazillion kills and can outduel anyone.

I have never actually seen him making plays or flashy 1v1s / 1v2s. He's never stepped up in the same way Biofrost has as a rookie.

Because im not shit.

>particularly among Black people
Found the sheltered white boy.

>Get wasted with
Ekko would probably know a good time onces he's had a few.

>One night stand
Miss Fortune, she's pretty much all sex appeal anyways.

>Long term relationship
Ashe, easy question desu

>Friendly fistfight
Someone female, probably Caitlyn

>Punch in the face
Creating Fizz was a mistake

>Show how to play League
Yasuo, mainly cause I'm bad at Yasuo.